Victim Ordered to Pay Child Support to Aggressor

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Everyone is going nuts about the other huge news story going on right now but:

A 15-year-old boy who was raped by a 34-year-old woman now faces child support in Nebraska.

This is the case for now 19-year-old Jeremy Steen, of Lincoln, Nebraska. In 2008, Steen was seduced and raped repeatedly by his 34-year-old baby sitter Linda Kazinsky. Sources testified that the sexual abuse took place weekly for nearly 3 years. After police were alerted, Ms. Kazinsky was arrested and charged with statutory rape and false imprisonment.

Kazinsky was employed as a babysitter for the Steens for nearly 3 years.

After Kazinsky’s release from Nebraska’s state prison system in 2012 she was able to regain custody of her child. The child had been a ward of the state for the first 13 months until Debra Kazinsky, Linda’s sister, was able to gain custody. After being reunited with her child, Kazinsky promptly filed for Aid and Government assistance which in turn landed Jeremy with a subpena for child support.

Jeremy had his day in court and was ordered to pay $475 a month in child support to Linda Kazinsky as well as a whopping $23,000 in back Child Support payments.


I'm really enjoying the comments at the bottom of the article.


Everyone is going nuts about the other huge news story going on right now but:


I'm really enjoying the comments at the bottom of the article.

This would be a good situation, assuming that the statute of limitations hasn't run out, to sue her for civil rights violations and years of mental anguish for the rape.
Also his likely inability to ever have a normal relationship with a woman, etc. Be sure to sue her for more than the projected years of support payments.


Hiliary 2020
thats how it works.
if a mother goes and gets welfare, foodstamps, rental assistence, and possibly disability............they go after the father of her child/children for the money they give her, even if he already pays child support.
and even if shes living with some loser guy and even has kids with him or multiple others too.

thats what the GOV does. they reward lazy parasites who contribute nothing and fuck over responsible people who contribute.
And thats why the country is fucked.

sad that simply being a responsible father makes you a criminal in this country.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yet another indication of how broken our system is, and how socially engineered politics and laws can make a perpetrator a "victim", and a victim an even bigger victim.

Just based on the number and types of apologist replies I've seen (mostly from boorish, simple-minded males) on this board and elsewhere, when there is a story like this where the perpetrator is a female, I continue to believe that cases like this will increase in the future, not decrease. I don't see any doubt that taking advantage of people who are (legally) too young to know the consequences of their actions is wrong. And I don't care if the victim is male, female or somewhere in between. My belief is that "one rule for everyone" is the best way to protect all of those who are unable to protect themselves from predators. Those who want conditional laws are part of the problem, IMO.

BTW, had the victim been a female, to the best of my knowledge, it would have been illegal to publish her name in the press.


You must lust after Judge Jeanine for her mind...she would give minimums on each count and a count for each occasion...male or female. 3 years x 5...maybe 10 years with some mercy thrown in.
And she has bodacious tatas!
You must lust after Judge Jeanine for her mind...she would give minimums on each count and a count for each occasion...male or female. 3 years x 5...maybe 10 years with some mercy thrown in.
And she has bodacious tatas!
You should enter politics; "Our new senator has some innovative ideas on combining environmental and economic growth, but mostly I like her bodacious tatas."
Female vote guaranteed :thumbsup: