When I first saw a Little Lupe clip I was expecting Stone Phillips from Dateline to break into my place and take me away. She's one hot lil' bitch though!!
Edit** Actually I mean Kitty, the dark haired Philipeneanese girl- so actually Lupe = Kitty
Similar experience here. For the hell of it, I clicked on some random lowlife porn thumbsite - out of the ones that are typically listed at the bottom of the page, numbered list usually. In general, I've found that the ones numbered 1X's/20's/30's or higher have a bunch of embedded garbage like hidden links and viruses as well as some of the raunchiest content out there.
So on this one site, I see this giant thumb of that Lupe girl; it was one of the first images that loaded. It was the one picture where she is lying on her back and it appears that someone is about the change her diaper, powder her bum, or the like. I shit a brick, delete everything off of IE, run spybot & everything else I could think of short of ripping open the tower and smashing shit up. Thought the FBI was on the way.
I'm relieved to see she is linked here and of age. Won't look though - feels very wrong.