Vacation time.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
How much do you need? How much have you earned. How do you use your vacation time? Do you have enough? Let's discuss. Some of it is mandated. Sometimes you can work vacation hours and earn time and a half. I love working time and a half for the holidays and spend that time when I want. Make my own holiday.
This is obviously a thread making fun of people that stereotypically are known for taking a lot of time off from work to golf or fish etc..
Bob I don't know what's gotten into you lately but you seem to have a problem with me lately. Just come on out with it instead of all these artsy fartsy cryptic messages.. m'kay? Thanks


Official Checked Star Member
How much do you need?
ANY vacation time will do at this point.

How much have you earned.
Ha! Hahaha! (Read: Being self-employed, you don't earn vacation time. You don't work, you don't get paid.)

How do you use your vacation time?
WTF is vacation time? We haven't had a vacation in more than 2 years. The last time we took a vacation, our business slowed and it has taken the past two years to catch up. True story.

Do you have enough?

I can live with not getting a vacation every now and then. My "getaway" is going out and eating at a nice restaurant, or having a friend or two over. Oooh, or a concert! I saw Toad the Wet Sprocket a month or so ago - fun times.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Well, I get 2 weeks a year, but after 9 years at the company, I feel I should have 3, and be more then half way to earning 4, with the feeling that 5 is the cap, and achieved at the 20 year mark. I take the week of the 4th of July off, and try to take a couple of long rides, although this year it rained and I only got out 1 day. I take the second week between Christmas, and New Years, because I hate driving in the Holiday traffic, and we're really slow, so it's just easier. Plus, depending how I do it, I have gotten up to 12 days off, for 1 weeks worth of time, and gotten paid for all but 2 or 3 days. If it falls right, I'll only use 3 or 4 days around one of the Holiday's, and take a day here and there. It also works out to be, 6 months of shitheads and assholes, then a week off, six months, then a week...evens out the stress.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
This is obviously a thread making fun of people that stereotypically are known for taking a lot of time off from work to golf or fish etc..
Bob I don't know what's gotten into you lately but you seem to have a problem with me lately. Just come on out with it instead of all these artsy fartsy cryptic messages.. m'kay? Thanks

...and so I will. Am I correct in assuming you are a lawyer? I would fuck the smelliest pussy, suck big herpied dicks, and give you my pin number before I would ever make a friend with a lawyer. They should have special seating in movie theaters for them. Give them their own drinking fountains so they won't drink from mine. If you are not a lawyer then you are cool by me.

...and about the golfing thing, this coming weekend is with my Brother with his wife away. This is a first for me and I'll ask him if I could chip a few on his property. He golfs and I would like to see what he does on his lawns. It's a nice place. He has acres. A bitching pool and deck that I helped him build.

I like my sudden opportunities to run away. If you own a business then you are married to it. Sole Proprietor is a burden that I could never hack unless I have someone that I could toss the keys to. When I left management it was for good. Today I might get back in if they would put up with some of my shit AND they pay me.

2 weeks to travel to Europe? I'll pass. I see disaster. If I can't get back home by car then I don't want to go there. Passport, language, $15 for an egg breakfast, fuck that. We have diners here to walk to. Sure I won't have my picture taken next to The Eiffel Tower but sure as shit there are plenty of them out there.

What's happened to Bob? Nothing at all.
Although we could never become great friends Bob. You are still one of my favorite posters. lol
Oooh, or a concert!

There is where you and I differ. For you, a concert is recreation. For me, a concert is a day of work. Usually a long day of work. ;)

I saw Toad the Wet Sprocket a month or so ago

I'm so sorry for you! :tongue:

I had no idea they were still around. I thought they had gone away with the 90's. Was Hooter and the Blowjob the opening act? :D
"...and so I will. Am I correct in assuming you are a lawyer? I would fuck the smelliest pussy, suck big herpied dicks, and give you my pin number before I would ever make a friend with a lawyer"

LOL! Funniest line of the day, and I feel the same way :)