Username Changing?

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Would it be possible for users to perhaps change their usernames? or they could even pay in reputation points to do it.
I think this software does allow people to have their usernames altered, but there would have to be good reasons I imagine - I get confused easily enough as it is without everyone swapping names!! :D
I was on a board where people could change their usernames after they made a certain number of posts (I think it was over 100). The constant username changes (as well as the sig and avatar changes) get very confusing. It's like a different board whenever you log in. I feel boards need continuity with details. :2 cents:
Yeah, maybe if someone REALLY detests their name they could opt to change it ONCE at say 1000 posts or something, and for a month or two it displays their old name below it.


Member, you member...
Hey, choose a name, stick with it - we're not porn actors. lol
If it's something someone wants really really really bad, he/she can PM me and I will think it over. But it's not something we do normally!
Marie said:
If it's something someone wants really really really bad, he/she can PM me and I will think it over. But it's not something we do normally!

What about people who misbehave - can we nominate them for a name change? :D


Don't think anyone should change their username - far too confusing. Also pretty pointless, unless you've given yourself a name you really detest.

Confusing enough with some people having multiple accounts anyway, if we all started changing our usernames it'd be a nightmare.

Unless you're a newbie, and you've made a horrible mistake with your name, stick with the username you chose.

Can only think of one valid reason to change a username, and that's if that user is suffering undue/unwarranted harassment from other members.
That said, if people feel that strongly they'll just set up another account anyway.
If you really hate it...why did you think of it in the first place?...besides i think all the best usernames have already been taken
why change? I'm happy the way my username am..:D

change your sig or ava everytime you log in might be forgiven but user name.....


Retired Moderator
If you're serious about a name change PM a Super-Mod with a good reason why,

but be fore warned...

It is not something we allow to occurr often.
Re: username

I don't think you can .... I tried... and it was like starting over..
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