US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 pounds

The Quadruple Bypass Burger and Flatline Fries sound tasty :tongue:

Heart Attack Grill: Where customers get free food – if they weigh over 25st (350 pounds)


The Heart Attack Grill in Arizona is offering free food for anyone who weighs over 25 stone

The Heart Attack Grill in Arizona has launched a new offer where anyone who weighs over 350 pounds (159kg) can dine for free at the famous eatery.

The restaurant employs waitresses dressed as nurses, with food such as the Quadruple Bypass Burger and Flatline Fries on the menu.

To front the new promotion, the fast food restaurant has also hired 45-stone Blair Rivers to star in an advertising campaign.

Mr Blairs features in a video promising diners steady weight gain if they stick to the ‘Heart Attack Grill Diet’.

The advert and the restaurant’s owner Jon Basso have been heavily criticised in the US for the advert which features a voice-over warning of the side-effects of the sticking to the ‘diet'.

The ad claims dining at the restaurant could result in ‘repeated increase of wardrobe size, back pain, male breast growth, loss of sexual partners, lung cancer, tooth decay and liver sclerosis stroke. In some cases mild death may occur’.

According to the Center For Disease Control in the US more than 1.3 million Americans suffer heart attacks each year, with $316.4 billion spent every year to fight heart disease.

Watch the controversial advert below:

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Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

I see it as a form of population control.


Was King of the Board for a Day
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

I first heard about that place from this news report when it ran some odd years ago.

My thought is, that if somebody really wants to eat there for free and weigh that much at the same time, let them, it's not hurting you at all. People know what to expect when eating there, one controversial advertisement isn't going to do anything more than what's already been done. If people really want to eat there, regardless if they're eligible for free food, I'm sure that it's their Constitutional right or something to be as unhealthy as they want, or is that something the US is also trying to cheat we the people out of?

I have no intention of ever going there though.

Additional comment: Anybody who claims that they don't know that that food isn't good for them (a la' the McDonald's people) deserves to be either shot or forcefed until they explode.
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

They'd better offer the food to all those anorexic girls of 15 thinking that the less flesh they have on their bones, the more beautiful they are...

Free food to every customer weighting less than 70ibs, that would be better.
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

They're plumping them up to cook them. I bet their meat has nice marbling.
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

They'd better offer the food to all those anorexic girls of 15 thinking that the less flesh they have on their bones, the more beautiful they are...

Free food to every customer weighting less than 70ibs, that would be better.

Problem is these anorexic girls wouldn't even go here (mentally they view food as an enemy) but obese people would travel for miles to come
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

Isn't that the same place where the waitresses are dressed up as scantily-clad sexy nurses?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

A subtle way to kill those fat bastards.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

Only in America is being a worthless fat fuck celebrated.
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

Isn't this like 4 years old?


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

Finally, a reason for going to Arizona.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

Instead of salt and pepper shakers they have defibulator paddles at each booth.


Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

Next time I take a trip across the US, I'm gonna try to stop off here. Looks worth the drive.. Right?
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

America . . . fuck yeah . . . comin' to save the motherfuckin' day yeah.

Uhm... yeah.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

Next time I take a trip across the US, I'm gonna try to stop off here. Looks worth the drive.. Right?

yep. ever since they shut down Sexpresso in Vegas this is probably the next best thing
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

There is a fine-print subtext at the bottom of every page of the menu:

Note: these foods are designed to induce heart stoppage. There is no one medically trained here, and no one will attempt to save you. Because you're such a fat fuck, you won't be able to get out of your chair and try to find someone who will help you. By ordering anything on this menu, you agree to these terms. We're helping the overall healthiness of the nation by killing you, and we'll make soap from your blubber.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: US Restaurant criticised for offering free food to customers weighing over 350 po

The ad claims dining at the restaurant could result in ‘repeated increase of wardrobe size, back pain, male breast growth, loss of sexual partners, lung cancer, tooth decay and liver sclerosis stroke. In some cases mild death may occur’.

What the heck is mild death?! It's still DEATH, right??