Wow...this is truly sad. You guys STILL don't get it. Thread after thread, time after time it's explained to you, but you just refuse to understand.
#1) A gun in the hands of a LAW ABIDING citizen, is NOT A THREAT, to anyone except the CRIMINAL that tries to harm him.
#2) If you restrict the right of the law abiding people to carry guns and defend themselves, the only people that will carry them, are the criminals.
#3) The right to defend yourself IS GUARANTEED under the Second Amendment to the Constitution, the right to police protection, IS NOT.
#4) If you restrict the right to carry, you create zones that alert criminals that there are in fact, defenseless victims, ripe for the picking.
#5) Several shootings have occurred in churches. ALL OF THEM were gun free zones...but apparently, not criminal free zones.
I personally did not read the article...this very well may be a repeat of the same story, in witch a Pastor, who is anti gun, urged his parishioners to bring guns to church, for the purposes of anti gun propaganda...As I said, I didn't read it, mainly because I get very sick, and very tired , of reading all of the nonsensical bullshit that gets spewed by people that refuse to see the clear, and obvious data, that has proved continually over the span of decades, that gun control, and gun restrictions do nothing more, that create more criminals, and higher crime rates.
For Christ sakes, every time an anti, or pro gun thread is started, the anti gun crew spews the same B.S., and the pro gun crowd clearly explains their position, and asks for nothing more then THEIR GUARANTEED RIGHTS not be infringed upon, then SHOWS PROOF to support their beliefs, and the anti gun crew dismisses it as not acceptable, even though their data comes from anti gun sites, and pro gun stats come from Government sources.
This is getting old. The American public has CLEARLY demonstrated, it wants the right to bear arms, it wants the right to carry concealed, WE want the right to defend ourselves, and our families...and we will not accept ANYTHING LESS. It's time for the criminals to pay the price for crime, not the law abiding.