US congress awards another $205 million to Israel


House votes 210-4

"Why shouldn't we give them money?", you say. "They're our best allies in the middle east after all!"

Let's take a look at America's closest ally in the middle east and the details of the relationship-

-First is the financial cost of Israel to U.S. taxpayers. Between 1949 and 1998, the U.S. gave to Israel, with a self-declared population of 5.8 million people, more foreign aid than it gave to all of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, all of the countries of Latin America, and all of the countries of the Caribbean combined - with a total population of 1,054,000,000 people.

In the 1997 fiscal year, for example, Israel received $3 billion from the foreign aid budget, at least $525 million from other U.S. budgets, and $2 billion in federal loan guarantees. So the 1997 total of U.S. grants and loan guarantees to Israel was $5.5 billion. That's $15,068,493 per day, 365 days a year.

If you add its foreign aid grants and loans, plus the approximate totals of grants to Israel from other parts of the U.S. federal budget, Israel has received since 1949 a grand total of $84.8 billion, excluding the $10 billion in U.S. government loan guarantees it has drawn to date.

And if you calculate what the U.S. has had to pay in interest to borrow this money to give to Israel, the cost of Israel to U.S. taxpayers rises to $134.8 billion, not adjusted for inflation.

-Next is the cost of Israel to the American domestic political system.n December 1997, Fortune magazine asked professional lobbyists to select the most powerful special interest group in the United States. They chose the American Association of Retired Persons, which lobbies on behalf of all Americans over 60.

In second place, however, was the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Israel's official Washington, D.C. lobby, with a $15 million budget - the sources of which AIPAC refuses to disclose - and 150 employees. AIPAC, in turn, can draw upon the resources of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, a roof group set up to coordinate the efforts on behalf of Israel of some 52 national Jewish organizations.

Both AIPAC and the ADL maintain secret "opposition research" departments which compile files on politicians, journalists, academics and organizations, and circulate this information through local Jewish community councils to pro-Israel groups and activists in order to damage the reputations of those who dare to speak out and thus have been blackballed as "enemies of Israel." In the case of ADL, police raids on the organization's Los Angeles and San Francisco offices established that much of the information they had compiled was erroneous, and thus slanderous, and some also was illegally obtained.

-Finally, there is the cost of Israel in American lives. References to the attack by Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats on the USS Liberty in which 34 Americans were killed and 171 wounded on the fourth day of the Six-Day War of June 1967 often are met by disbelief. Very few Americans seem to have heard of the attack on the ship operated by the U.S. Navy for the National Security Agency to monitor Israel and Arab military communications during the fighting.

-Claims that there are positive aspects of the U.S.-Israeli relationship seldom stand up to scrutiny....Apologists for Israel also describe the U.S.-Israeli cooperation in weapons development. The fact is that the one or two successful joint weapons programs have been largely U.S. financed, while for their part the Israelis have repeatedly sold to rogue nations U.S. weapons turned over at no cost to Israel.

It is a sad but proven fact that the Israeli government also has obtained secret U.S. military technology which Israel has sold to other countries. For example, after the U.S. sent Patriot missile defense batteries on an emergency basis to help defend Israel during the Gulf War, the Israelis seem to have sold the Patriot missile technology to China, according to the U.S. State Department's inspector general. As a result, the U.S. has been forced to develop a whole new generation of missile technology able to penetrate the defenses China has developed as a result of the Israeli treachery.

-Perhaps the most hypocritical rationalization offered by friends of Israel is that U.S. special treatment is justified because Israel is "the Middle East's only working democracy" and that Israel and the U.S. have many basic institutions in common.

NB- US State Department study finds that Israel is not a tolerant nation

-Further, Israeli citizenship is not available to the Muslim and Christian Palestinians driven from their homes in Israel in 1948, nor to their descendants. But a Jew, born anywhere in the world, can have Israeli citizenship for the asking.

Perhaps most shocking is the little-known fact that by now 90 percent of the land in Israel proper is held under restrictive covenants barring non-Jews, even those with Israeli citizenship, from owning the land or from earning a living on it. Unfortunately, the land held under such covenants is increasing, not decreasing. It would be difficult, therefore, to find two countries more profoundly different in their approaches to basic questions of citizenship and civil and human rights as are the United States and Israel.


a few more disturbing facts about contemporary Israeli society

In 2009, a poll by the Israel Democracy Institute found that 53 percent of Jewish Israelis (and 77 percent of recent immigrants from the former USSR) support encouraging Arabs to leave the country. Attitudes are worst among Israel’s young. When Israeli high schools held mock elections last year, Lieberman won. This March, a poll found that 56 percent of Jewish Israeli high school students—and more than 80 percent of religious Jewish high school students—would deny Israeli Arabs the right to be elected to the Knesset. An education ministry official called the survey “a huge warning signal in light of the strengthening trends of extremist views among the youth.”

and the PR shill sent by Israel to influence US college students-’s worth considering the case of Effi Eitam. Eitam, a charismatic ex–cabinet minister and war hero, has proposed ethnically cleansing Palestinians from the West Bank. “We’ll have to expel the overwhelming majority of West Bank Arabs from here and remove Israeli Arabs from [the] political system,” he declared in 2006. In 2008, Eitam merged his small Ahi Party into Netanyahu’s Likud. And for the 2009–2010 academic year, he is Netanyahu’s special emissary for overseas “campus engagement.” In that capacity, he visited a dozen American high schools and colleges last fall on the Israeli government’s behalf. The group that organized his tour was called “Caravan for Democracy.”


And all of this time I thought that the joos were the money people (?) :confused: :dunno:

Errr . . . ummm . . . yeah!

How many strategic defence missiles are you gonna buy for a measly
200m? Chump change!

In 2008, while Bush was still president, we doled out 26 billion in foreign aid to more than 150 countries.
Of that total Israel received a bit less than 10%
the rest of the top ten were
2. Egypt $1.7 billion
3. Pakistan $798 million
4. Jordan $688 million
5. Kenya $586 million
6. South Africa $574 million
7. Mexico $551 million
8. Colombia $541 million
9. Nigeria $491 million
10. Sudan $479 million

Cheers for pointing that out, bodie!

If you dissect the countries on that list, you understand the hidden agenda.

Egypt - secular authoritarian regime; a forefront against radical Islam (in free elections the Muslim Brotherhood would take Egypt in a landslide)
Pakistan - secular authoritarian regime; a forefront against radical Islam
Jordan - secular authoritarian regime; a forefront against radical Islam
Kenya - Christian authoritarian regime; radical Islam is gaining an increasing share amongst the population
South Africa - Christian authoritarian regime; radical Islamic militias make themselves popular by acting as vigilante groups against rampant street crime
Mexico - illegal immigration, drug trafficking
Colombia - see Mexico (at least, we've sent them meesterperfect in return)
Nigeria - see Kenya - Christian authoritarian regime; radical Islam is gaining an increasing share amongst the population
Sudan - radical Islam governs the country, but before the Chinese lure them into their camp, it's better that they are OUR bastards.


In 2008, while Bush was still president, we doled out 26 billion in foreign aid to more than 150 countries.
Of that total Israel received a bit less than 10%
the rest of the top ten were
2. Egypt $1.7 billion
3. Pakistan $798 million
4. Jordan $688 million
5. Kenya $586 million
6. South Africa $574 million
7. Mexico $551 million
8. Colombia $541 million
9. Nigeria $491 million
10. Sudan $479 million

Excellent post! :hatsoff:

I'd like the be the envoy (broker) for these ''deals'' . . . ''Let's see, it says here
$700 million, but what we forgot to tell you was . . there are earmarks attached of course and that reduces our contribution down to $400m net, You aren't gonna complain about $400m now, are you?"

:pockets $300m for self and cronies: :p

You KNOW it happens with these political hacks, both right and left! :hatsoff:
I have absolutely no problem financially supporting Israel AS LONG AS WE get the frak out of the Middle East. No more American boots on the ground.

I believe American meddling is the root cause for the lack of progress of peace between the Palestinian people and the Israelis.


In 2008, while Bush was still president, we doled out 26 billion in foreign aid to more than 150 countries.
Of that total Israel received a bit less than 10%

What is the point you are making?

Any attempt to dismiss the money Israel receives as negligably small seems like smoke and mirrors- Israel is still the top recipient of US foreign aid and given it's size and population, recieves a disproportionate share.

Sure, the amount they receive it's comparitaly small next to the total amount of foreign aid given out each year, but so what? 300 houses getting knocked over in a storm isn't so bad compared to 3000 houses getting knocked over. Doesn't mean that it's good.

Besides, it wouldn't matter if Israel got 10% of that total you mentioned or all of it, the real question is- why would you give a single a dime, let alone 200 million, to a country whose politicians advocate ethnic cleansing, that spies on you, sells your military secrets, has killed your sailors and earns you the hatred of every muslim on the planet? Why would any American want an increased threat to his or safety, let alone pay for it?
i think we should cut another 10% from education budget and send it to israel so they can bomb some other schools in middle east
and actually makes sense %10 budget cut. 10% bombing schools
we will have more dumb kids :):):):)


Sigh...if emceeemcee didn't exist God would have to create him for us, just to shine as an example of what fanaticism can do to a personality...eewww. Nasty and sad, but somehow amusing in a wild-eyed crazy guy on the corner ranting kinda way!:D
I'll keep this handy to repost as needed...for those who might have forgotten how much alike we and Israel are, both idealogically and philosophically, as well as being real friends in this crazy world we all live in.

Since 1967, Israel has given to the Pentagon Soviet military equipment captured in conflicts with Soviet-supported Arab countries, providing important data. Israel gave the US a full squadron of MiG-21s which was called the “Top Gun” squadron and used by the U.S. Air Force and Navy for training purposes.

In 1970, Israel forced the withdrawal of the Syrian army from US-ally Jordan while the U.S. was involved militarily in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, helping to prevent the collapse of a pro-American government and the installation of a pro-Soviet regime.

In the 1973 War, Israel defeated Soviet-trained and equipped Egyptian and Syrian armies. Israel shared captured Soviet equipment with the US. Israel emerged the one reliable ally where U.S. troops could land, where U.S. equipment can be pre-positioned and where the U.S. has friendly port facilities, saving the US billions of dollars.

In 1982, Israel destroyed Soviet anti-aircraft systems in Lebanon that were considered impenetrable by American weapons. Israel shared with the US insights from the conflict, estimated to be worth billions of dollars.

Senator Daniel Inouye has stated that Israeli data on the Soviet military has saved the U.S. billions of dollars and that the contribution made by Israeli intelligence to America exceeds information provided by all NATO countries combined.

In 1981, Israel bombed the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osirak, stalling Saddam Hussein’s nuclear capabilities and allowing the U.S. to engage in conventional warfare with Iraq in 1991 and 2003.

Israel has provided critical analysis of the F16 to General Dynamics that resulted in 600 improvements, including structural enhancements, software changes, increased capability landing gear, radio improvements and avionic modifications.

In the Gulf War, Israel provided the US with key intelligence, air cover for military cargo and had IDF stationed in the Iraqi desert to rescue downed American pilots.

The IDF was the sole military force in the region that could successfully challenge the Iraqi army. That fact, which Saddam Hussein understood, was a deterrent to further Iraqi aggression.

The US military benefited from the use of Israeli-made Have Nap air-launched missiles on its B-52 bombers. The Navy used Israeli Pioneer pilotless drones for reconnaissance in the Gulf.

Israel provided mine plows that were used to clear paths for Allied forces through Iraqi minefields.

Mobile bridges flown directly from Israel to Saudi Arabia were used by the U.S. Marine Corps

Israel Aircraft Industries developed conformal fuel tanks that enhanced the range of F15 aircraft used in the Gulf War.

An Israeli-produced targeting system was used to increase the Cobra helicopter's night-fighting capabilities.

Israel manufactured the canister for the highly successful Tomahawk missile.

Night-vision goggles used by U.S. forces were supplied by Israel.

A low-altitude warning system produced and developed in Israel was utilized on Blackhawk helicopters.

Other Israeli equipment provided to U.S. forces included flack vests, gas masks and sandbags.

Israel offered the United States the use of military and hospital facilities. U.S. ships utilized Haifa port shipyard maintenance and support on their way to the Gulf.

General George Keegan, former head of U.S. Air Force Intelligence, has stated that “Israel is worth five CIA’s.” He said that between 1974 and
1990, Israel received $18.3 billion in U.S. military grants, but, that in the same timeframe Israel provided the U.S. with $50-$80 billion in intelligence, research and development savings and Soviet weapons systems given to the U.S.

Israel shares with the US important experience in homeland defense and warfare against suicide bombers and car bombs.

In preparation for the Iraq War, American soldiers trained in IDF facilities and Israeli drones flew above the Sunni Triangle and in Afghanistan providing U.S. Marines with critical intelligence.

In Iraq, Israeli advisers have trained US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.

The IDF sent urban warfare specialists to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of US special forces, and Israeli military consultants have also visited Iraq.

The US Army also travelled to Israel to glean lessons learned from their counterterrorist operations in urban areas. The IDF regularly shared its experience in the West Bank and Gaza with the US armed forces. The Pentagon regularly asked the IDF to debrief on operations similar to those engaged in by US military forces.

An American liaison team had been responsible for coordinating efforts and intelligence between the Pentagon, the IDF, and American forces. Major General Charles Simpson, the chief liaison officer for the U.S. Army, met repeatedly with IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon on this joint project.

Joint air force exercises, such as the Juniper Cobra, had taken place between Israeli and the American Patriot artillery in the Negev and radar units from the U.S. Sixth Fleet. Noble Dina, an anti-submarine warfare exercise, were executed with the combined efforts of the Israel Navy and the Sixth Fleet.

American soldiers were in Israel prior to the Iraq war to work with anti-missile defenses, both the U.S.-made Patriot and the Arrow, developed by both Israel and the U.S.

The U.S. sailed an aircraft carrier, the Harry Truman, into the Mediterranean Sea. The aircraft allowed U.S. planes to reach Iraqi targets by flying over Israeli and Jordanian territory. Israel has permitted the use of its air zones.

Israel has been sharing with the US its experience in combating Palestinian terrorism, which has been helpful in the US's war in Afghanistan. The US military benefits from Israel’s tactics against suicide bombers, car bombs and improvised explosive devices.

Most of the US military aid to Israel must be spent in the United States, which benefits US military contractors.

In contrast to US commitments to Korea, Japan, Germany and numerous other countries in which the US has over 100 military bases, the US has no military bases in Israel.

Former Secretary of State and NATO forces Commander Alexander Haig has said that he is pro-Israeli because Israel is "the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security".

I know who I trust in an all out war...and who has devoted enormous time and energy into killing Americans.
And who has a viable world-wide slave trade going as we speak...etc. etc...


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
i think we should cut another 10% from education budget and send it to israel so they can bomb some other schools in middle east
and actually makes sense %10 budget cut. 10% bombing schools
we will have more dumb kids :):):):)

This guy should be President.
Hey USA! Keep your global wallet closed until you're back on your feet. The you should probably keep it closed after that!


Postal Paranoiac
Israel always picks the correct numbers in the U.S. lottery I reckon.
Its the US and Israel against the world, fighting an epic battle of good vs. evil. Everyone else is crazy, insane, inbred, nazi, terrorists. The US and Israel are on a mission from God, God speaks to them both directly, if you oppose them, you oppose God himself, and you will die by torture. Unless you lay down at the feet of the US and Israel and lick the boots of these two God countries you will be genocided on the orders of God, resistance is futile.


Hiliary 2020

Cheers for pointing that out, bodie!

If you dissect the countries on that list, you understand the hidden agenda.

Egypt - secular authoritarian regime; a forefront against radical Islam (in free elections the Muslim Brotherhood would take Egypt in a landslide)
Pakistan - secular authoritarian regime; a forefront against radical Islam
Jordan - secular authoritarian regime; a forefront against radical Islam
Kenya - Christian authoritarian regime; radical Islam is gaining an increasing share amongst the population
South Africa - Christian authoritarian regime; radical Islamic militias make themselves popular by acting as vigilante groups against rampant street crime
Mexico - illegal immigration, drug trafficking
Colombia - see Mexico (at least, we've sent them meesterperfect in return)
Nigeria - see Kenya - Christian authoritarian regime; radical Islam is gaining an increasing share amongst the population
Sudan - radical Islam governs the country, but before the Chinese lure them into their camp, it's better that they are OUR bastards.

hahaha .......ha.
nothing like a good natured ribbing.
I just hope I can live up to my part of the bargain.
Its the US and Israel against the world, fighting an epic battle of good vs. evil. Everyone else is crazy, insane, inbred, nazi, terrorists. The US and Israel are on a mission from God, God speaks to them both directly, if you oppose them, you oppose God himself, and you will die by torture. Unless you lay down at the feet of the US and Israel and lick the boots of these two God countries you will be genocided on the orders of God, resistance is futile.

mmhh, ... I think it´s no mistake to fight against EXTREMISTS like nazi´s + terrorism .

But otherwise you´re not wrong : The PRIMARY thing to do for EVERY govnmt. should be to keep safe their OWN citizens...Looks to me like the US is like we Germans are : We got money for every azzhole ( if we don´t have it, we print it ) , but our own ppl. are suffering.