U.S. Headed Towards An Oligopoly

Will E Worm

Japanese CEO Warns U.S. Headed Towards An Oligopoly, Greenspan Culprit Behind Crisis.

This clip aired 10/16/08 on Bloomberg. Japanese CEO Ohmae discusses bailout passing will leave the U.S. with 3 banks in control. Oligopoly is the rule of law now. Also a guest mentions Greenspan being the culprit behind the global crisis we are facing now.


That doesn't sound good. Who's going to stop this? :dunno:


Closed Account
Not me, that's for sure!


what the fuck you lookin at?
WTF is an oligopoly?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'd stop it, but I have no idea what oligopoly is... Is it some wierd type of Monopoly?

Will E Worm

No one has a dictionary? :dunno:

Oligopoly: The market condition that exists when there are few sellers, as a result of which they can greatly influence price and other market factors. Compare duopoly, monopoly

A market in which control over the supply of a commodity is in the hands of a small number of producers and each one can influence prices and affect competitors.

From the article, bailout passing will leave the U.S. with 3 banks in control.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
^ So what, to save America we need to make another bank?

The bank of FreeOnes? Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it...?


what the fuck you lookin at?
No one has a dictionary? :dunno:

Oligopoly: The market condition that exists when there are few sellers, as a result of which they can greatly influence price and other market factors. Compare duopoly, monopoly

A market in which control over the supply of a commodity is in the hands of a small number of producers and each one can influence prices and affect competitors.

From the article, bailout passing will leave the U.S. with 3 banks in control.

Yea I looked it up in a dictionary. I still don't see where they get "sellers" and "banks" are the banks the sellers? Fuck thats confusing. Well, whatever. Nothing I can do about it...so...fuck it! :hatsoff:

Come what may...I'll be broke regardless so I really don't care. Surprise!


Postal Paranoiac
The oil companies tested the waters. To see how far they could take it. Now come the banks.
use a fuckin' credit union. If your financial standing is worthy of lending you money, there's credit unions everywhere that will do business with you.

We already live in a socialist country, where the federal government takes money from its citizens and then gives it poorly run mega corporations who can't survive on their own, mostly as a result of their own stupidity augmented by years of Greenspan's practices of printing money to support the house of cards formerly known as the US Financial System. That is the definition of socialism.

Start an LLC, write everything off, vacation in Costa Rica, and exercise your waning freedom while you still have a chance.
I thought that universal healthcare and free college was the definition of socialism. We pay taxes, don't get shit back, and people complain that America is the most socialist nation on earth? shit, I guess I need to move to Cuba then.

PS. the US and all of capitalism for that matter has always been an "oligopoly", ever hear of the fortune 500? the world economy is controlled by 500 companies. it's never been anything fucking democratic where each person has an equal share in the economy (isn't that the bogeyman socialism and communism again?) Who ever thought that it was?
Yeah, we're headed for an oligopoly and worse. IMO, this country will be unrecognizable in about 8 years.

As for who will stop it, that depends. If there are people with the fortitude of the Founding Fathers in this day and age, there's a slight chance. Things will probably have to get much worse before enough of them wake up though.

But hell, I'm at FreeOnes because the porn helps me escape all that! :)
Oliogopoly is due to market recession in which weaker competitors decided to fold.

For example, UPS, FedEx and DHL compete against each others and due to the recession, DHL sees no chances to win and decides to close all US operation and closes the Wilmington, Ohio plant and lay off 15,000 employees. It actually will not affect the market at all. FedEx and UPS will continue to operate but UPS will pick up what DHL has left.

GM, Ford and Chrysler are in the same situation as FedEx, UPS and DHL, except they want more money in their pocket for greed. Chrysler will fold within 12-24 months and being absorbed into GM.

That left with FedEx and UPS to fight that out in the courier business and GM and Ford to fight in the auto sector.

The banking industry is the same. The Government decides which one they will save and the weaker ones to fold.

I am saddened America declines much faster than the British empire. If Obama can not reverse this within 18 months. America is finished ! Gone ! Done !

What will be next? We will be in Dark Age for a while.:rolleyes:

What can Obama do ? Massive Government contract, work to be done by you and me not through companies and increase employment, spending and America can then be revivied again. By giving money to BIG THREE is a mistake, let GM and Chrysler die and millions people lose their jobs then America will wake up. Otherwise Detroit is just like the Detroit Lion goes 0-16 and never wake up !
Oligopoly is the only way for USA to get rid of the crisis. US corporations in the same sectors must act together. Actually, rather than oligopoly, USA need their own super-Zaibatsus that are formed by only US corporations.