U.S. Flunks on Tobacco Control Report Card


Hiliary 2020
According to the American Lung Association's State of Tobacco Control 2008, the federal government as well as most states failed to enact critical policy measures, such as higher taxes on cigarettes and to adequately regulate tobacco products.


Higher taxes on cigs? yeah thats the answer.
How much is a pack today? 7.00? 5.50 being taxes?

Is it the GOV's responsability to dissuade humans from smoking?
If so, is making 5.00 + on each pack the answer, or just another sneaky form of revenue for our own good ?

The way I see it is either make tobacco totally illegal or just leave smokers alone.

Will E Worm


Smoke 'em if You Got 'em. :pimpdaddy
I don't know how many times I have to say things like this, but...

It shouldn't be the government’s job to protect people from themselves.
So, basically, people are too dumb to take care of themselves and have to rely on the government to take care of them, right? :bs:
I smoke because I have an oral fixations.

I mean, my current and past places of employment wouldn't exactly condone me giving head on my breaks...so I smoke.



Closed Account
I smoke because I have an oral fixations.

I mean, my current and past places of employment wouldn't exactly condone me giving head on my breaks...so I smoke.


Would you like a job? I can hire someone starting Tuesday. flylicker

Also, I smoke because I want to. I smoke because I like it.

Will E Worm

I smoke because I have an oral fixations.

I mean, my current and past places of employment wouldn't exactly condone me giving head on my breaks...so I smoke.


The images. :D :blowjob:

Now the only question left to ask is....where are the pictures? :tongue:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
According to the American Lung Association's State of Tobacco Control 2008, the federal government as well as most states failed to enact critical policy measures, such as higher taxes on cigarettes and to adequately regulate tobacco products.


Higher taxes on cigs? yeah thats the answer.
How much is a pack today? 7.00? 5.50 being taxes?

Is it the GOV's responsability to dissuade humans from smoking?
If so, is making 5.00 + on each pack the answer, or just another sneaky form of revenue for our own good ?

The way I see it is either make tobacco totally illegal or just leave smokers alone.

They wont ban it because it's entirely profitable on either side. Whether taxes from the pack/carton or taxing the court decisions that give millions or billions to black-lunged early adopters of tobacco... government is taking benefits in large amounts from big tobacco.


what the fuck you lookin at?
As a former smoker I call :bs: on higher taxes. Smokes were right at 4 bucks a pack when I quit. I tell you I didn't quit to save money thats for damn sure. They could be 20 bucks a pack and people would still buy em.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Its near 10.00 in Canada, almost 8.00 being taxes.

And we are stuck in the same nonsense regarding smokes as USA :rolleyes:

whats that? You can't smoke anywhere?

Main reason I quit. I got tired of being told "you can't smoke here" when I'm standing out fucking side!!!!
That's the argument that gave us social security.

The argument could be made that it's not that all people don't know how but for too many it's impossible for them to do it in a practical manner that is stable without social security. Retirement isn't a frivolous luxury like smoking and only stupid people would think the market would always be strong enough to support it on it's own which history has shown too often it isn't. For some it never is. Economic Libertarians might not like it but there really are some things that are so large, complex, and important to society that only the governmental has a hope of handling it properly and fairly. There are also a hug number of people that live paycheck to paycheck and saving for them is extremely hard. You can't go by a system that assumes everybody makes 50+ grand a year most of their working days so it's there own fault if they run out of money latter in life. I also wouldn't totally trust my money to one of the only things more corrupt and unethical than government, the corporations.
The argument could be made that it's not that all people don't know how but for too many it's impossible for them to do it in a practical manner that is stable without social security. Retirement isn't a frivolous luxury like smoking and only stupid people would think the market would always be strong enough to support it on it's own which history has shown too often it isn't. For some it never is. Economic Libertarians might not like it but there really are some things that are so large, complex, and important to society that only the governmental has a hope of handling it properly and fairly. There are also a hug number of people that live paycheck to paycheck and saving for them is extremely hard. You can't go by a system that assumes everybody makes 50+ grand a year most of their working days so it's there own fault if they run out of money latter in life. I also wouldn't totally trust my money to one of the only things more corrupt and unethical than government, the corporations.

The New Deal put in motion a number of things that wouldn't start to come home to roost for years. Social Security is one excellent example. It was designed as a "feel good" political present. When SS was built the average male life span was 63 years. They figured that almost no one would ever collect and the government would get to hold a giant surplus. It was designed to be a big government scam. None of the FDR Whiz Kids ever thought that the day would come when people would routinely collect well into their 90's. In the long run, they didn't care. But many of those programs developed the same track record putting our 21st century budgets into ruin.