U.S. Congressman Eric Swalwell is gonna take our guns because nukes

Democrats: Lying to Americans since 1865.

He says as he creates a thread based entirely on lies....

Here's what happened:

Swalwell: I think we should discuss a system in which citizens voluntarily give up their unnecessary assault style weapons and the government offers compensation in the form of a fair market price, commonly known as a buy back.

MAGA inbreds: Fuck you! You can't have our guns! We'll go to fucking war with the government, because we hate the USA, did you see our confederate flags???

Swalwell: That would be a very short war, since the US government has, y'know, nukes and all. How about we try to find some common ground instead?

If the Feds was to knock on my door right now I'd give up every registered gun I own. I swear on my life I would. It's the unregistered ones I want to keep ;)

He says as he creates a thread based entirely on lies....

Here's what happened:

Swalwell: I think we should discuss a system in which citizens voluntarily give up their unnecessary assault style weapons and the government offers compensation in the form of a fair market price, commonly known as a buy back.

MAGA inbreds: Fuck you! You can't have our guns! We'll go to fucking war with the government, because we hate the USA, did you see our confederate flags???

Swalwell: That would be a very short war, since the US government has, y'know, nukes and all. How about we try to find some common ground instead?


You just defended the idiot. The AR-15 and other firearms are not unnecessary. Only to loons like you.
He is being ridiculed over his nukes comment, no one took him seriously. Only you.
Speaking of inbred, you come from a country where people have no chins and goiters the size of grapefruits.
He also threatened Trump last week with numerous investigations. This is the idiot that Milano stole her sig line from as if she said it. ( She likes to send messages to me through her sig lines) lol


But libs like pool hustler insist Democrats don’t want our guns.

Democrats: Lying to Americans since 1865.

No, he's not coming for your guns. He would like to bvut he's not. And he certainly won't, ever. Because even if some democrat think like him, there wil lalways be some who will refuse to vote a law to seize people's guns. And so will Republicans. So such a law would never pass.

And I love how Fox says he wants a wart o seize people's guns. He never said so. He said that if such a war would start, the government would win, 'cause they have nukes (which is deeply stupid)

I also love how the same conservatives who say they're waiting Civil war 2.0 to kill liberals are suddenly outraged because a Democrat said these guys would lose such a war.
Fuck him. Anyone in government who talks too tough about gun control ends up becoming Firearms & Ammunition Salesman Of The Year. Barack Obama's face sold guns like Uncle Ben's sold rice.

Yet your boy trump is the only one who ever advocated taking guns away without due process. It's not the democrats who sell guns, it's right wing fear and paranoia.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Guns & Abortion, Guns & Abortion.
Where would the Grand Old Party be without these two pet issues?
Both of which are red herrings.

Constitutional Amendments Are Beyond Contestation
Landmark Supreme Court Cases Do Not Get Overturned

If either are the impetus for deciding your vote

:sheep: bahhhhh bahhhhh :sheep:
We don't want your guns (or mine either).

But I've come to realize this paranoia is somehow very sustaining to righties. Gotta keep that fear and loathing going at all costs. Goodness knows what the right would do without their several catastrophic fantasies to keep them warm.

Barack Obama's face sold guns like Uncle Ben's sold rice.

And it being black greatly heightened the frenzy.
We don't want your guns (or mine either).

But I've come to realize this paranoia is somehow very sustaining to righties. Gotta keep that fear and loathing going at all costs. Goodness knows what the right would do without their several catastrophic fantasies to keep them warm.

And it being black greatly heightened the frenzy.

He said he wants my AR-15. A weapon owned by thousands if not millions of Americans that will never harm anyone.
He said it, it’s not paranoia. Your tired old argument that somehow O-Zero’s skin color was the reason he is not liked by conservatives is laughable.
Using your logic, Ben Carson, Candace Owens, Clarence Thomas would have never been able to overcome the impediment of skin color since that is all conservatives care about.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. You used to post on this board like you were some reasoned liberal and you fooled a lot of people with the act. The truth is, it was easy for you to be above the fray because you had things the way that you wanted them. An extremist president and another one in Hillary Clinton on the way. Once that all unraveled on you, you showed what a petty partisan you really are.
Yes, you want our guns, and you are simply lying when you say that you don’t.