But Mr P, the invasion of Iraq split the American people in two like a meat cleaver.
And we've remained that divided ever since.
That didn't and that doesn't change anything.
The media portrays republicans a the bad guy. Its part of the show
So thats the biggest reason why many people were against the Iraq invasion.
However nothing at all changed under Barry, in fact it got more aggressive and more barbaric.
But where did all those anti war people go come 2009?
They werent propagandized to be anti war anymore.
Now after 8 years of brainwashing they are fighting for the very same government they opposed 8 years earlier.
Americans are the most brainwashed and out of touch with reality people that probably ever existed.
No matter what I say youre gonna pull down the shutters.
You were raised the same as me. Greatest Country in the World, always on the side of right.
Superman even fought for us.
Think of the USA as your child. You raised it, you did everything right. It was a beautiful smart child with so much potential.
But as it got older it turned into a lying, theiving , alcoholic junkie.
Everybody can see it but you because you still see that beautiful child thats long gone.
Sorry to get so deep here. In short your government has been taken over by criminals.
Thats what Trump meant by the need to Drain the Swamp, but I don't think he had any idea how deep the swamp is.
The real story of what was done to Libya proves everything I've been saying. From the main reason being the Bank of Africa to the undeniable truth that the USA controls, funds, and arms the Muslim Brotherhood and all their mercenary offshoots along with Saudi Arabia. The same enemy they are supposedly fighting against in the phony war on terror.
Also Africom. The US African Command of Africa.
This is the US controlling all of Africa to use as a command base against war with China.
They had to destroy Libya in the most violent brutal way to show other Brown people countries what will happen to them if they resist.
US soldiers would not have done such things so they used the bearded mercenaries.
And Benghazi never had a US embassy. That was in Tripoli. It was a safe house.
Stevens was in charge of running weapons from Libya to Syria for the terrorists to use against the Syrian government.
But the US was getting serious heat from many countries around Libya over this and Stevens was trying to get back some of the weapons. He couldn't.
He fucked up his job. He had to go.
He was dead before the bearded mercenaries ever got there. They just grabbed his body and abused it for the cameras.
It was all planned and set up by the US GOV.