Trial in infant death, 'Faith Healing'

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Trial in infant death, 'Faith Healing'

Ava Worthington died surrounded by loved ones who believed their prayers would heal the young child.

As the 15-month-old girl struggled to breathe, church members anointed her with oil and pleaded with God to provide a cure. But Ava died March 2, 2008, of bronchial pneumonia and a blood infection. Antibiotics could have saved her life, the state medical examiner's office said.

Her death was more than a tragedy, according to Clackamas County prosecutors, it was a crime. Ava's parents, Carl and Raylene Worthington, are scheduled for trial beginning Tuesday on charges of manslaughter and criminal mistreatment.

The article was from a couple days ago, as it says the trial begins today.

So, I wonder if these people will be stupid enough to keep their faith, seeing as how their god obviously has forsaken them. Healing with faith? Yeah fucking right... Should have got that medicine, you knuckle dragging idiots.
No opinions on this one? I'm not trying to start shit with anyone of any view in life, we're all entitled to what we believe, but does this NOT seem too extreme to anyone?!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
No opinions on this one? I'm not trying to start shit with anyone of any view in life, we're all entitled to what we believe, but does this NOT seem too extreme to anyone?!

This is just further proof that religion is not only stupid and dangerous, but it also shows that there is physical and visible proof that stupid people are breeding. That child should've been in the hospital at the first sign of trouble, but leave it to stupid people to put their child's life into the hands of an invisible man and hope that he catches her. Unfortunately, their God wasn't there. If there is a God, and he cared, that child would've been saved. Now if those parents would've gone to the hospital, their child, in all likelihood, would've been saved. I'd rather go to the hospital and put my life into the hands of a person who knows how to save lives. Sure he's "playing God", but at least there's a physical person standing there and I trust his knowledge. People like that child's parents should be locked up forever, just for being stupid. And do you know what the even scarier part is? They're expecting ANOTHER kid!!!!
Rep to you, good sir. You wrote how I feel alot better than I possibly could have. Thank you :)
This reminds me. Where has Will E. Worm been? I haven't seen him in a while. The board hasn't been quite as ridiculous with him not posting.
Not the first time I have heard of crazy things like this being done to kids/innocents........fiath healing is ridiculous, but I also want to be careful here, as just because I have little to none, faith, I kind of respect those who obviously do......BUT......someone died, when they could have been saved......when it comes to a life or death situation, common sense and basic medical knowledge must come into play.

The adults in this story should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. :2 cents:
Why won't these idiots realise that God, for want of a better term, can be seen as having given us medicine? If they're creationists, then He created these things to be discovered for our benefits. If they're not, then it could still be argued that medicine isn't just a coincidence. Yet, rather than rationalising these things cleverly, they stick to hocus-pocus. I'm a religious guy, but if I need medicine to live, you're damn sure I'm going to the hospital.
Faith healing?

Why is it only terminal diseases that "God" cures? I mean if someone is really religious, prays everyday, goes to church on sundays but loses a leg. Why cant God - if this person prays hard enough - see it within his power to grow that leg back? You'll never get an answer to that question because there isnt one, "God" can supposedly save a person with Cancer - although I'm sure with the treatment that person may or maynot be recieving from their doctor goes a long way to helping that problem. And to thank god for this "blessing" is quite a slap in the face to those doctors afterwards, but why cant he grow a leg back?

The reason why is because there is no God there to heal these diseases, sometimes a person is just lucky and has a good medical team behind them thats all, and the reason a lost limb can never be "given back" as it were is because there is no physical or medical way to do so, God has nothing to do with it, faith healing is utter crap. Unless those people who lose limbs are somewhat unworthy of this so called infinate love, which would be pretty cold of God. I mean, it was his plan in the first place to take this poor persons limb at least he could do if that person prays hard enough and is a good christian/muslim/scientologist is give it back to him/her.

But he wont, because there is no he up there to do so. You have a problem, seek medical attention it is your best option. Any other treatment especially for serious diseases is just moronic and dangerous.


I hope these people are found guilty because it is there fault their child is dead and no one elses. All those involved should be charged as well as the church in question. They lead them astray, they are partly responsible.
There are a set of you tube videos and a website dedicated to the question of why does got hate amputees. It stats off kind crass but it goes on to ask some quite serious questions. Question s that I love asking to people of faith.


what the fuck you lookin at?
seriously? The child was dying and all they did was pray...are you fucking serious??? They should be locked up for life over that shit. they all stood around and watched her die without even trying to save her.