Tounge Piercing reasons

Is there NO other reason people pierce their tounges besides increasing felacio during oral sex? Is that the one and only reason?

dick van cock

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Wrong! The only reason for the pointless piercing pandemic is that teenagers do everything they've been told to appear "cool".

Peer pressure rulez!
I think that is far from a prime reason, that is just a bonus.

The main reasons I suspect, would be like any other piercing and or tattoo on the body - decoration, fashion accessory, social group interests (being part of a gang) or simply people just like them.
It's all about looking cool I think. When I've gotten blowjobs from chicks with tongue studs, it really didn't feel any better or worse than a normal blowjob. But of course, I'm a shitty person to ask because I don't even like blowjobs that much.

Kissing, though, I find to be more fun when the girl has a tongue stud. I like to play with it with my tongue.
When I've gotten blowjobs from chicks with tongue studs, it really didn't feel any better or worse than a normal blowjob. But of course, I'm a shitty person to ask because I don't even like blowjobs that much.

Really? That's a shame. Maybe you just haven't received the right kind of BJ yet. ;)


Hiliary 2020
I prefer a soft wet female tongue than a piece of metal or plastic.
The reason to have one? Herd instinct of course, with a few exceptions
I never had the urge to do that. My g/f has one and while she was giving me a BJ she, for some unknown reason, decided to stick the end of the stud into the end of my prick. It fuckin hurt! I jumped and she never did that crap again. I feel nothing extra from it during oral. Kissing is obviously a little different though.
I imagine that's very pleasurable. I mean, how much more pleasure could you want than a hard metal rod on your Johnson? :rolleyes:
Really? That's a shame. Maybe you just haven't received the right kind of BJ yet. ;)

Well, I've received many different kinds, but you might be right. I get off more on the idea of it and watching the girl than on the actual sensation. It usually takes me a long time to cum from a bj alone. Like a half hour. Compared to about 5-10 mins if I'm in the ass or pussy.
Three words.

Vibrating tongue bar.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I think it's sexy for a girl to have her tongue pierced!! it just looks sexy!! :nanner:
I heard they were bad for your teeth. For something that is hardly seen I don't know why anybody would get them either. Trying too hard to be cool can often have the opposite effect.