Tough times in the porn industry

The business centered in the San Fernando Valley is being undercut by a growing abundance of free content on the Internet.

August 10, 2009|Ben Fritz

On a recent Saturday night, Savannah Stern earned $300 to hang out for seven hours at a party in Santa Monica wearing nothing but a feather boa.

The veteran of more than 350 hard-core pornography productions took the job to earn extra cash and to network. But the word at the 35th anniversary party for Hustler magazine was not heartening, especially among the roughly 75 other women working there.

"At least five girls I haven't seen in a while came up to me and said, 'Savannah, are you working?' " said Stern, who started in the industry four years ago and, like most adult performers, uses a stage name. "I had to say, 'No, not really,' and they all said, 'Yeah, I'm not either.' "

The adult entertainment business, centered in the San Fernando Valley, has weathered several recessions since it took off with the advent of home video in the 1980s. But this time the industry is not dealing with just a weakened economy. A growing abundance of free content on the Internet is undercutting consumers' willingness to pay for porn, and with it the ability of many workers to earn a living in the business.

For Stern, 23, the rapid decline of job opportunities in the porn business over the last year has been dramatic. She has gone from working four or five days a week to one and now has employers pressuring her to do male-female sex scenes for $700, a 30% discount from the $1,000 fee that used to be the industry standard.

Less than two years ago, Stern earned close to $150,000 annually, sometimes turned down work and drove a Mercedes-Benz CLK 350. Now she's aggressively reaching out for jobs and making closer to $50,000 a year.

As for that Mercedes? She's replacing it with a used Chevy Trailblazer -- from her parents.

"The opportunities in this industry really are disappearing," Stern said. "It's extremely stressful."

Industry insiders estimate that since 2007, revenue for most adult production and distribution companies has declined 30% to 50% and the number of new films made has fallen sharply.

"We've gone through recessions before, but we've never been hit from every side like this," said Mark Spiegler, head of the Spiegler Girls talent agency, who has worked in porn since 1995.

"It's the free stuff that's killing us, and that's not going away," said Dion Jurasso, owner of porn production company Combat Zone, which has seen its business fall about 50% in the last three years.

Rest of the article here


Prince of the Rotten Milk
it's like the discography industry... a lot of free mp3 out there... waiting to be downloaded without paying a dime...

but singers and bands figure out that the money isn't in the album sales, but in the concert tours.

so... pornstars should do more "tours", maybe ?
it's like the discography industry... a lot of free mp3 out there... waiting to be downloaded without paying a dime...

but singers and bands figure out that the money isn't in the album sales, but in the concert tours.

so... pornstars should do more "tours", maybe ?

Good solution!
so... pornstars should do more "tours", maybe ?

Many of the top porn stars are out on tour all the time. One of the top complaints of porn stars is the amount of travel they do. They spend more time in airports than just about anyone.

Beyond that... porn stars make money from those tours, but not the porn production companies. The porn stars get paid when they fuck but the porn companies don't unless people buy product. Less people are buying product, so now less porn is being made. Now the porn stars aren't making as much.
When the economy comes around, people will go back to spending discretionary money on porn.

An established name like Savannah Stern should have no problem making money shooting content for the companies, making money on her own content for her own site, and dancing at clubs whenever she wants to.

She may have to work more and still get less, but she's not managing her career if she can't get $80k--$120k a year.

She's probably got 2 or 3 years left before she needs to do something else with her life anyway....:dunno:

The freesites are a threat to the porn producers but not he ladies, right? The ladies don't get residual money off of DVD sales or PPV buys correct?

The simple solution for the porn producers is to lower their monthly fee to $5 a month and don't offer download of any of their more DVD sales.
The freesites are a threat to the porn producers but not he ladies, right? The ladies don't get residual money off of DVD sales or PPV buys correct?

Correct. Unless they have their own website and the content is stolen from there as well. This happens.

The simple solution for the porn producers is to lower their monthly fee to $5 a month and don't offer download of any of their more DVD sales.

If it were that simple porn wouldn't be in trouble. Customers of such an arrangement would expect a minimum of one new scene per day (such as is done by Brazzers, Naughty America, Bang Bros, Reality Kings). These scenes cost $5,000-$15,000 and up to produce. I believe Nina Mercedez said one movie cost her $100,000 to produce on her own. Now look how many subscribers that would require and realize there are dozens of porn companies.
She still makes more than me. I started to feel bad about downloading tons of free porn when I first started reading this, but once I got to the part about the Mercedes that feeling quickly dissipated.

$700 a week and she only has to work one day? I work 5 days a week and make less money.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I also don't feel as much empathy. Even $300 for seven hours? That's $42.86 an hour. Just for hanging around a party. Sure she's naked, but I don't think it is as degrading after staring in over 350 porn films.

I also wonder how much of this is due to the free content and how much of it is coming from the amateur websites out there, which are also putting out high quality stuff. The internet has seriously leveled the playing field in terms of production quality and distribution.

I think before the industry starts pointing fingers at the downloaders they should look at their own industry and how the field has changed.


Closed Account
Maybe she'd get more work if she didn't look like a cross-eyed dude!

Savannah Stern is really quite beautiful. She is a Taurus, so she would have somewhat more square features.

If I had $150 000 in my bank account, I would be in seventh heaven. There would be almost no limit to what I could do. Of that you can be certain. I had a small business before which went from 2 500 a month to 25 000 a month within four years. That was just working a little bit of the day.

She must have had at least $450 000 pass through her account. I never get how people can have so much money, then be out of work only to find work as a waiter or something to make ends meet. The last thing she should be doing is hanging out all day for $300. (Working a day with basic pay, by the way, in Oregon, pays one the handsome sum of $64. $8.40 an hour, excluding lunch break of half an hour. This can even be back breaking (literally) work in a factory, while fretting all the time if today is going to be your last day. This is much less in other states).

With $450 000 I could have a degree. Study teaching.

Question: if porn does not pay, how is it the millions of sites are able to survive?

I also wonder how it is that in my entire lifetime I have never met one person who actually watches porn, except a couple of ex-girlfriends? How many people do you guys know who have bought porn DVD's or magazines? It is not considered proper, right? I always wondered how the industry actually turned over an income of for example $13 billion.

Sure there may have been a few guys here and there who sneaked a Playboy or Hustler into their homes, but seldom something in great volume. There are those who go to shops from time to time, but they seem to move in a different circle to me.

Savannah even had a Mercedes. What are the chances of many ordinary folk having one of those? What happened to it? Did it evaporate when the news headlines screamed 'recession'?

In any case I have to consider the issue of karma. Someone like Sandra Shine still has work. Not only that, but she finds work for others, too. She employs a small entourage. Many of the porn performers seem like really wonderful people, when they are not pulling each others hair. It is the ones who treat them like cattle maybe who are having the hard times.

$100 000 for a porn production? Sheesh, I can think of so much better ways to invest that much money.
There are many issues within this industry.

No. 1 The promoters used the girls to start hundreds of thousands of internet sites and charged recurrent monthly fee. This causes a lot of complaints from the customers to the credit card companies and actually cancelled the credit cards. It is called "SCAM". The industry bought it to itself.

2. With no enforcement of copyright, anyone can sell illegal copies of new movies in DVD format. So it does not make sense to have a studio and make a film.

3. Internet indeed provides free access but only clips and many are of poor qualities. (There are some full features but old films)
Also there is really no updates of new stuff in those paid websites. It is a scam. Making millions of websites is useless and self-defeating !

4. This industry is self-defeating with no brand names and brand actresses to promote the products and protect its copyrights.

It is finished !
Honestly, this whole issue is really more of an indictment of the business model of porn than anything else. Porn companies have done nothing about free content/copyrighted material online until the past couple of years. They've literally just stuck their collective heads in the sand and ignored it. Granted, they didn't make the dumb move the music industry made and try to stop it, but my question from day one is, why not embrace it?

There are literally hundreds of sites that feature content that pre-2005 would have cost a subscription fee etc... but now are free to access and use. Those sites are also profitable, simply through the use of page advertising. Pandora for music, the Wallstreet Journal Online, they've both figured it out, and have made molded a successful business model as a result. It's shocking to me that porn companies don't take a similar step, as the vast majority of the Internets most profitable sites are free to access.
Maybe I'm old-fashioned...or stupid..or both, but here's my overview:

1. I agree with everyone else, it must be Hell to get paid $50K to look good and have sex.

2. I have a very hard time feeling sorry for someone who was earning $150K annually and didn't plan and save their money, instead of using it for a Mercedes-Benz among other things.

3. If she is so worried about taking a cut working for somebody else, why doesn't she work independently?