it seems like these are his personal favourite moments, and not the best moments in the history of the console.
I dont like the castlevania, out of this world and TMNT: Turtles in Time listings, personally.
My memories of the SNES? Started off with horrible, awful fighting games.
Had some memorable and unique games. Actraiser, any given flight sim, the heart of the final fantasy series.. (ff4 thru ff6) and plenty of gaming goodness that ANYONE could enjoy. The last sports game I actually liked was the arcadey NBA-midway series type games. Unrealistic, sure.. but fun. Who the hell wants to simulate 100 season games and trade players? I barely knew what players were on what teams BEFORE the big trade years ago. Now I dunno who plays on what team, who is decent.. where is white chocolate? Can shaq sink a fucking free throw, yet? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY OLD ROSTERS?!