To All My London Peep!!!!!!


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Remember to get innoculated against all those 3rd world diseases carried by the rats and politicians in London.


Want me to show you around?

No, didn't think so. I wasn't going to anyway.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Make sure you give them the ride of their lifetime...

Oh, and:

Photos or it didn't happen :)
London's a great place unless you live here. If you punch/kick/spit on someone here they'll apologise to you, we're that friendly!


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
What's wrong with fish and chips :tongue:

Funny story when I first got there I was like I wanna try fish and chip. SO some one took me to a place and I asked for the way that they normally do it with the vinager on it and I ate it. The next day I was suffering from food posioning.


LOL. some of you guys are so funny. I've been to London twice before and it was nice but I will be honest the food there I don't like so much...
Every type of food from every nation on the fucking planet is available in London. There is no pleasing some people....
Funny story when I first got there I was like I wanna try fish and chip. SO some one took me to a place and I asked for the way that they normally do it with the vinager on it and I ate it. The next day I was suffering from food posioning.

Most likely the fish, one of the main reasons I eat little meat or fish, I'm scared of getting food poisoning :pukey:


Is somewhere outhere.
Funny story when I first got there I was like I wanna try fish and chip. SO some one took me to a place and I asked for the way that they normally do it with the vinager on it and I ate it. The next day I was suffering from food posioning.

You want get yourself up to Scotland for some decent Fish and Chips.Who
knows you might get a few battered sausages as well :D


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
When your down and your luck and you ain't got a buck in London you're a goner.