Not to get into the dim past (maybe hazy would be more correct?

) , but...there are endless ways to ingest Delta9THC that are easy, smoking or smokeless, and very efficient and fun too!
Vaporising is the same method Opium and Crack can be and are smoked...heat "vaporizes" the material, not flame, and a piece of foil works with Hash oil as well as a glass bowl pipe does. Or Opium, or anything that can burn and get you high.
I have smoked through a carrot, apples, even a few potatos; extreme bottle-neck chillums and delicate wooden and clay Indian Chillums (b'aum Shankar!), and endless homemade Afghan-style hookahs and bongs made from whatever.
Anyone ever done Moroccan Kief? The pipes are an art form of sorts, and many "small long wooden stem with tiny clay bowl pipes" are and have been used in Europe...not hard to make or get.
Many years have passed with my non-ingesting of intoxicants lifestyle prevailing; however, for those who know, a relative gave me something like those pictures one sees in HighTimes...and I made an exception for a few weeks!
I have a long history of living a pro-reefer/anti-intoxication juggling angry Hamsters and a sharp Buck knife while hitting on some good looking chick.
(BTW...I no longer talk like that!):rofl: