The Boothbabe persona that is. I invented her back in 2009 I think but she never existed (obviously). Some of you believed me and some of you didn't. Those of you who believed me, well, thank you for playing along
The Boothbabe persona that is. I invented her back in 2009 I think but she never existed (obviously). Some of you believed me and some of you didn't. Those of you who believed me, well, thank you for playing along
The long time masquerade, of some guy, that insisted he was a real woman, in a lesbian relationship. Never once was he out of character, or excuses. I don't know if anyone ever really believed him, because lets face it, the only chicks around here have pink titles, or are Petra, and I think Regina is real
The Boothbabe persona that is. I invented her back in 2009 I think but she never existed (obviously). Some of you believed me and some of you didn't. Those of you who believed me, well, thank you for playing along
Strangely enough, you both started in 2009, so he must have stayed outta your main playground... or crazy thought, maybe imagionary Boothbabes are not his type.