This will be a challenging one, lesbian seduces straight friend, models or video

Okay so I know this one will be hard because I don't have a picture, so I am going to rant about all the details I remember. Ever had one of those days when you're intoxicated or high, so you're just enthusiastically clicking shit? That was this day so I missed the name and it turned out that I want the name because good lord. So here we go.

I remember it was a lesbian blonde, seducing a woman who looked to be Asian, black, or both. Probably both tbh. They were both in a bed, other girl was reading something. Blonde asks her something like I know you're straight but kiss me once, it can't hurt. She takes the girls book, throws it aside, says you won't need that or something and tries to kiss her. Now here's the part that will stick out most... the blonde trying to kiss her goes on for a while, like a long while as the other woman keeps turning her head when she tries. This goes on for about 5 minutes, if not longer. Tries to kiss her, turns her head, over and over for a while.

I know this doesn't help a lot and totally no judgement if no one knows. If I do stumble on it again, I will share just for the FYI / recommendation.