[SCENE REQUEST] This is a long shot, but here goes!

For the past 4-5 years or so, I have been in search of a video that I had seen almost 10 years ago (Around 2007) and have so far not been able to find. It is very possible that I might never find it again at this rate and that asking here would be more beneficial than trying to track it down on my own.

The only thing I have to go on is my memory of the video.

-It was set indoors. Like a place being renovated.
-During the day
-From what I remember, the room was mostly white, with a big window off to the side
-Sort of island/counter/bench thing in the middle of the room that they fuck on

The Girl
-White girl with long blonde hair
-I remember her wearing either a yellow or orange hard hat, with a white tank top and jean booty shorts.
-Bit curvy, nice size tits with a big booty (Could really work it in Cowgirl)

I know it isn't much to go on, but unfortunately it's all that I can remember! Hopefully someone can help!

Thanks in advance!


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
:suspicious: :dunno: Here's a guess ... I don't know if this has any relevance. :dunno: :suspicious:

Kelly Madison did a photo shoot and a video with her husband Ryan Madison in May 2003 ... called "Surprise by Design"

Was really hoping to have something at this point. Come on people!! Guaranteed some other pervert has seen this video hah