this is a great forum - Trident, I've got the perfect woman for you


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
She ain't taking 9 minutes of my life, I refuse to push play!


Lord Dipstick
She also says "you whites don't realize..." at one point. What does she think she is? :dunno:

Yes, she does. Forgot to mention that one.

Christian? :dunno:


So, the gist of it is,....and I'm just taking a stab at this.....I could be gettin' this all wrong y'know.......I mean, it's not like I'm an expert or anything.....and even if I was an expert, I wouldn't go around shoving peoples faces in it.......but I'm not an expert, so OK......but if I'm homing in on this correctly......and I am leaving the door open that I'm not.....but if I am.....I'm guessing we won't be seeing this broad in the latest installment of "White Chicks, Black Dicks" anytime soon.


Hiliary 2020
4:05, she's still right so far.

really? in california you MUST write an essay about homosexuals?
No way!

sorry people, but this woman is 100% correct.
In fact she hit it all right on the head.
Yeaa definitely not gonna watch all of that but when trident does become old enough to date even this crazy bitch will be too sane for him.
She's ugly and she hates Jews. Uh Ragin' why would you think I'd dig this chick?
change the thread title to 'meesterperfect'

Awww, you get so bent out of shape if someone says political correctness is a sham. Thin skinned libby. Why aren't you over taking cheap shots at all the people who got crushed by that Indiana stage?

And for the record I listened maybe a minute. I could really give a shit less, but if it's political correctness is a double standard than that is obvious.