love ya, man
I'm sure this chick is in your region, too (based on her accent)
you're welcome, man:goodpost:
I'm sure this chick is in your region, too (based on her accent)
you're welcome, man:goodpost:
She ain't taking 9 minutes of my life, I refuse to push play!
She probably hates homos and lesbians too.
She ain't taking 9 minutes of my life, I refuse to push play!
She also says "you whites don't realize..." at one point. What does she think she is? :dunno:
Yes, she does. Forgot to mention that one.
Christian? :dunno:
love ya, man
I'm sure this chick is in your region, too (based on her accent)
you're welcome, man:goodpost:
I've been drinking so much today, I was following along right with her.
She's got that Bachman look thing going on
Really? I don't feel like watching it again, but I thought she seemed nuts.Finished.
sorry people, but this woman is 100% correct.
In fact she hit it all right on the head.
4:05, she's still right so far.
really? in california you MUST write an essay about homosexuals?
No way!
sorry people, but this woman is 100% correct.
In fact she hit it all right on the head.
She's ugly and she hates Jews. Uh Ragin' why would you think I'd dig this chick?
change the thread title to 'meesterperfect'