Burberry, soveriegn jewellery, STD's and pregnancy really aren't my sort of thing.
A chav is a kind of wanker that is rapidly becoming the new dickhead stereotype for the true English fucker, overthrowing the previous bowler-and-brolly archetype we all secretly wish were true. A "chav" is a primitive life form somewhere between vermin and parasite that earns its living by signing up for the social (British unemployment benefits), stealing things from its local supermarket, or in most cases combining the two. A few of the moar enterprising chavs eke out a living selling low-grade cannabis and heavily adulterated amphetamines to school children. Note that while Chavs are essentially wiggers, they hate for anyone to call them that. Their wiggotry is quite apparent in the way they walk: legs as wide apart as Dorian Thorn's, arms like coathangers after the typical chav training regimen of holding basketballs under the armpits.
The word "chav" is widely believed to stand for "council housed and violent" due to their lack of funds and aggressive nature, or possibly "Chalton average". It might also come from charivari. Other variations of the word "chav" include "charver" and "fucknugget", terms that may well have been introduced by mice fornicating in Burberry hats, given their Liverpudlian origin. Scottish people fondly refer to their equivalents as "Neds", or non-educated delinquents. Calling this hypocritical is a major understatement
We've had these kind of people for years in America. They mostly don't do much bother now that they lost all their seats in the white house.
We've had these kind of people for years in America.
A chav is a kind of wanker that is rapidly becoming the new dickhead stereotype for the true English fucker, overthrowing the previous bowler-and-brolly archetype we all secretly wish were true. A "chav" is a primitive life form somewhere between vermin and parasite that earns its living by signing up for the social (British unemployment benefits), stealing things from its local supermarket, or in most cases combining the two. A few of the moar enterprising chavs eke out a living selling low-grade cannabis and heavily adulterated amphetamines to school children. Note that while Chavs are essentially wiggers, they hate for anyone to call them that. Their wiggotry is quite apparent in the way they walk: legs as wide apart as Dorian Thorn's, arms like coathangers after the typical chav training regimen of holding basketballs under the armpits.
The word "chav" is widely believed to stand for "council housed and violent" due to their lack of funds and aggressive nature, or possibly "Chalton average". It might also come from charivari. Other variations of the word "chav" include "charver" and "fucknugget", terms that may well have been introduced by mice fornicating in Burberry hats, given their Liverpudlian origin. Scottish people fondly refer to their equivalents as "Neds", or non-educated delinquents. Calling this hypocritical is a major understatement