Things you would never say.

for Gods sake, No I dont want your hot freind in our threesome


Center of the fothermucking universe
"I'm voting for Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich or Rudy Giulani in the 2008 Presidential election!"
I'll NEVER EVER say that!



I hate freeones and everyone here is stupid and annoying :D :D :D :D :D


Closed Account
Can I stick your gun up your ass?

Let me clarify that there was a guy here going crazy that posted, "stick that up my ass" and then "yes, you can borrow my gun" so I answered the above. :D I didn't think of that on my own.



Let me clarify that there was a guy here going crazy that posted, "stick that up my ass" and then "yes, you can borrow my gun" so I answered the above. :D I didn't think of that on my own.


sure! I'll just pretend that I believe you:rolleyes:


I have a witness, ask Philbert. The guy tried to hit on him. :tongue:


I actually saw, him, but I don't really pay much attention to anything that goes on around here:cool:


Center of the fothermucking universe
LadyLove you're talking about foxe right?

Now another thing I'll never say: "The United Nations is the greatest organization that's ever existed in all of human history."

^So many things wrong with that sentence and the organization is about that I will never say that! Never will I even say that it is a good organization.

A waste of prime real estate on Turtle Bay!
