Do you read the What pisses you off? thread and see things that you do or like? Are you just a piece of shit and piss everybody off at all times? Tell us about it. I'll start you scumbags off.
I don't vote. Ever. I don't care. I don't complain. I refuse to pick the shit that stinks less. That's what politics is to me. Go fuck yourself if you don't like it.
I over tip everywhere I go, even bad service and I have to listen to friends and family lecture me about me earning that money and giving it away, or that server wasn't any good. "Why are you tipping them so much??" Shut up mom! It's my money. That girl makes $9 an hour for fuck sakes.
I sleep in. Everyday. You wanna wake up at 7am and get your day started? Awesome. I don't, so fuck you.
I don't vote. Ever. I don't care. I don't complain. I refuse to pick the shit that stinks less. That's what politics is to me. Go fuck yourself if you don't like it.
I over tip everywhere I go, even bad service and I have to listen to friends and family lecture me about me earning that money and giving it away, or that server wasn't any good. "Why are you tipping them so much??" Shut up mom! It's my money. That girl makes $9 an hour for fuck sakes.
I sleep in. Everyday. You wanna wake up at 7am and get your day started? Awesome. I don't, so fuck you.