Things That Are Laxatives To You That Are Not Sold As, Marketed, Or Considered Laxatives

Basically what kinda stuff plays tricks on your stomach making you frantically run to the can?

My List:
Tabasco Sauce
Apple Juice
KFC Original Recipe
Korean Food
Indian Food


Closed Account
Any grape soda. After 30 minutes, it's newspaper time.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
White Castle. They don't call them sliders for nothing.
White Castle. They don't call them sliders for nothing.

Get some of those DeliMex Taquitos in you and see what happens. I think they sell them in boxes of 140 now. I like the beef flavored deals.

KFC Original Recipe

I opened the thread purely to say this.

Over here there is a running gag among the whole country that a hot curry will either have you galloping up Diarrhoea Drive or leave you with Ring of Fire, but it's never affected me in that manner. Well, apart from the tindaloo I had on Boxing Day 2005, that was difficult going in, unpleasant going through and sheer agony coming out.

But yeah, KFC always rips through me. Which is a price I'm willing to pay.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
The Super Sonic breakfast burrito. Flour tortilla for bulk. Eggs that easily pass. Greasy sausage for lube. Cheese that binds it all together. Jalapeño to make you remember where it came from. The only thing missing is a corn salsa to do the scraping (now adding to shopping list on refrigerator door).
Get some of those DeliMex Taquitos in you and see what happens. I think they sell them in boxes of 140 now. I like the beef flavored deals.


I burned myself out on those taquitos with cholula hot sauce. It's all I ate during my college years. But, yeah, that combination would have my shits running red.

I burned myself out on those taquitos with cholula hot sauce. It's all I ate during my college years. But, yeah, that combination would have my shits running red.

I like Cholula too. Good smoky hot pepper sauce. Definitely better than Tapatio which isn't too bad either.

The Black Beans, Rice, and Plantains with the Orange-Garlic Sauce from Versailles will make me shit with a fury. Sprays all over the place too.



Woke up just now, one sock too many
Way way way too much Vodka. My body tries to shit itself sober the next day. Oh wait, that's most days for me.


Lord Dipstick
Eggs, sunny side up w/ toast and a cup of coffee and 10 minutes later, I'm taking a dump that is sticking out the top of the toilet bowl water. :facepalm:
Eggs, sunny side up w/ toast and a cup of coffee and 10 minutes later, I'm taking a dump that is sticking out the top of the toilet bowl water. :facepalm:

I'm a real menace after walking outta the International House Of Pancakes. Don't really have to shit but I'll fart all over the city. Wet dairy & egg farts.


"Brutality at its most brutal, chico!"