There really isn't much difference between the 2 major parties. GHWB to vote for Pantsuit

Yeah, sure. A former US Republican President who say he's gonna vote for Trump, that's the best thing that could happen to him.
I mean, we already had former intelligence officers who said they think he is unfit to be president and dangerous, now Reagan's vice president and 41st President...
Sure the only thing better that could happen to Trump would be Reagan himself coming out from his grave and announcing, on Fox News, that he's gonna vote for Hillary

Oh, wait...
Nancy Reagan’s Last Words: ‘Do Not Vote For Donald Trump’

Former first lady Nancy Reagan, who died on March 6 at the age of 94, remained mentally alert “until the very end,” according to a private nurse, who told reporters Mrs. Reagan’s last words to her were, “Do not vote for Donald Trump.”

“She watched all the [GOP] debates,” said the nurse, identified as Althea Thoone. “She was very alert and kept up with all the news and current events, especially about the election. She said no true Republican would cast a vote for Donald Trump.”

“She was not happy at all because I don’t believe she thought Donald Trump was a real Republican. She took a turn for the worse after the [11th] debate when he started talking about his private parts, and all that other nonsense about Mitt Romney getting down on his knees.”

During the debate held on March 4, Trump responded to Romney’s public attack against him by saying, “He was begging for my endorsement. I could have said, ‘Mitt, drop to your knees.’ He would have dropped to his knees.”

Trump also alluded to the size of his penis during the debate, responding to a joke about the size of his hands told by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

The so-called 11th Commandment, Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican, once espoused by Ronald Reagan, now seems to be a relic from the past, when a kinder, gentler political sensibility existed in Washington, at least between members of the same party.

“He broke that commandment, and a few others too, as far as I’m concerned,” said Thoone, who became somewhat of a confidant to Mrs. Reagan in her last years. “She remembered that crack he made about her not being ‘very beautiful’ too.”

“I wouldn’t say Donald Trump caused her to pass, because that’s up to the Lord, but he certainly didn’t help any. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing and hearing up there. She would just look over to me and shake her head.”

Thoone reports that Mrs. Reagan hoped to attend at least one of the GOP debates, but the strain of travel and her advanced age prevented such a trip. She was happy to see George H.W. Bush and former first lady Barbara at the Feb. 25 debate, says Thoone.

Mrs. Reagan’s last public appearance was on July 6, 2015, at her 94th birthday celebration.

Former Reagan, Bush official endorses Hillary Clinton

A Republican who served in the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush endorsed Hillary Clinton on Friday, referring to Donald Trump as "unqualified and unfit to be president."

"I have never voted for a Democrat, but I will vote for Secretary Clinton," Robert H. Tuttle said in a statement.

Tuttle served as an assistant to Reagan and worked as his director of presidential personnel. He was appointed ambassador to Britain during George W. Bush's presidency.

Tuttle joins the growing list of Republicans who have endorsed Clinton, which includes outgoing members of Congress, business executives and relatives of past GOP presidential nominees.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Trump is the worst thing ever happened - yet? - to the Republican Party.

And, in a sad way, for its opponents.
Yep but they can blame only themselves, they've brought that to themselves
Nancy Reagan was a closet lib. Her comment on Trump is hearsay.

It's stupid libtards like you that continue to cite RINO opposition to Trump as some bellwether of doom for the GOP.

Trump is successful as a politician because the very ones that the base and moderate Democrats are fed up with are opposing Trump.

And Bush was never a favorite of mine. He was the one that coined "Voodoo Economics". Fuck him.
Yeah I have some doubts about the Nancy Reagan tale, mostly based on this statement: “I wouldn’t say Donald Trump caused her to pass, because that’s up to the Lord, but he certainly didn’t help any." That sounds like overly dramatized fiction to me, but then again I'm not a highly religious person, and I wasn't there, so.... :dunno:

As to Bush One, he has maintained solid popularity ratings among americans for a very long time, so I would expect this to hurt Trump at least a little bit, and who knows, if the race is close enough that little bit might be decisive.


Hiliary 2020
This will help Trump (in a real election) because the GOV/US News Media have trained the people well to dislike Bush II even though with Obama and H Clinton they got the same thing.
But the GOV/News Media trained the people to like those two.
But now the majority has awakened and realized that they are all criminals so it's a Win/Win for Trump.
The people who are awake expected this. The people who are still blind, unaware, willfully ignorant or just plain stupid will also see it as a negative for Clinton because they don't like Bush. It might even wake a few of them up.

Bushes have been in a power role since at least the late 1930's when Prescott Bush was laundering money to the Nazi Party.
Clintons have been in a power role since the early/mid 80's during the time of Iran Contra. That's when the Bushes, The Clintons, and an assortment of other criminal traitors I were using Arkansas as the main hub for big Coke importation which began the big Crack epidemic.
They all got very very richer from that (Even though Escobar was "Muscling in on their territory").
So they've been partners in crime for a long time.
So of course the Bush family and the Clintons don't want Trump in the White House.
Not because they care about you, me, or the USA but because he might cost them money. Interfere with their criminal activities.
Can't get enough of that sweet sweet money.
He might even force them to take drastic action.....wouldn't be the first time.
Nancy Reagan was a closet lib. Her comment on Trump is hearsay.

It's stupid libtards like you that continue to cite RINO opposition to Trump as some bellwether of doom for the GOP.

Trump is successful as a politician because the very ones that the base and moderate Democrats are fed up with are opposing Trump.

And Bush was never a favorite of mine. He was the one that coined "Voodoo Economics". Fuck him.

The wife of the most beloved post-war republican president was a RINO. Yeah, makes total sense.
It's incredible to see Republican accusing accusing of being RINOs every other republican who aren't happy with how their party has evolved and what the party has become, compared to what it was 30 years ago. The truth is these "historic" republican who are pissed about what their party has become are the real Republicans. They are the ones defending what their party really stands for.

I'm sure the nurse would not lie. :facepalm:

We're not talking about some random nurse who happened to work in a hospital when Mrs Reegan went to that hospital. We're talking about a private nurse, someone's who's been choosen by Mrs Reagan and her relatives, someone who spent monthes if not years looking after Mrs reagan, someone she trusted. Given that circumstances, only a real bad person would betray Mrs Reagan's trust. That would be like spitting on her grave and that's not the kind of things good epole would do to people they spent monthes (maybe even years) to look after until they died.
The wife of the most beloved post-war republican president was a RINO. Yeah, makes total sense.

Yes it does. Unlike among muslims, American wives/women are allowed to have and voice their own opinion. And they can even drive (to the detriment of all others on the road).
It's incredible to see Republican accusing of being RINOs every other republican who aren't happy with how their party has evolved and what the party has become, compared to what it was 30 years ago.

Touche'. I've even seen tons of posters on Trump supporting internet sites claiming Cruz is a RINO lol

We're not talking about some random nurse who happened to work in a hospital when Mrs Reegan went to that hospital. We're talking about a private nurse, someone's who's been choosen by Mrs Reagan and her relatives, someone who spent monthes if not years looking after Mrs reagan, someone she trusted. Given that circumstances, only a real bad person would betray Mrs Reagan's trust. That would be like spitting on her grave and that's not the kind of things good epole would do to people they spent months (maybe even years) to look after until they died.

A reasonable point.
The wife of the most beloved post-war republican president was a RINO. Yeah, makes total sense.
It's incredible to see Republican accusing accusing of being RINOs every other republican who aren't happy with how their party has evolved and what the party has become, compared to what it was 30 years ago. The truth is these "historic" republican who are pissed about what their party has become are the real Republicans. They are the ones defending what their party really stands for.

We're not talking about some random nurse who happened to work in a hospital when Mrs Reegan went to that hospital. We're talking about a private nurse, someone's who's been choosen by Mrs Reagan and her relatives, someone who spent monthes if not years looking after Mrs reagan, someone she trusted. Given that circumstances, only a real bad person would betray Mrs Reagan's trust. That would be like spitting on her grave and that's not the kind of things good epole would do to people they spent monthes (maybe even years) to look after until they died.

The RINOs are the Bush/McCain/Romney wing of the party who completely dismantled Reagan's policies. They destroyed the party.

Reagan would not have approved of the establishment GOP of today. Yes his wife was a lib but at least she didn't undermine her husband's initiatives. She at least deserved credit for that.
The RINOs are the Bush/McCain/Romney wing of the party who completely dismantled Reagan's policies. They destroyed the party.

Reagan would not have approved of the establishment GOP of today. Yes his wife was a lib but at least she didn't undermine her husband's initiatives. She at least deserved credit for that.

The RINOs are the Bush/McCain/Romney wing of the party who completely dismantled Reagan's policies. They destroyed the party.

Reagan would not have approved of the establishment GOP of today. Yes his wife was a lib but at least she didn't undermine her husband's initiatives. She at least deserved credit for that.

Reagan was a shit president and his policies are still fucking your country. Most corrupt administration ever, ignored AIDS for years, record deficits, illegally supplying weapons to America's enemies, destruction of workers unions, weakest commander in chief (failed to retaliate after an Iraqi jet fired on a US warship and killed 37 men - just out of curiosity, what would you say if Obama did something like that?), destruction of savings and loan, record unemployment, income taxes raised 11 times on the working class (I guess repubs wouldn't care about that one, taxing the working class to pay for 1%er tax cuts is their favorite thing ever), mental health reforms that made homelessness and crime far worse, the list could go on.

Reagan was the worst president ever. The fact that you idiots hold him up as an example of presidential perfection is proof of how good you've gotten at ignoring facts and living in your imaginary land.
Reagan was a shit president and his policies are still fucking your country. Most corrupt administration ever, ignored AIDS for years, record deficits, illegally supplying weapons to America's enemies, destruction of workers unions, weakest commander in chief (failed to retaliate after an Iraqi jet fired on a US warship and killed 37 men - just out of curiosity, what would you say if Obama did something like that?), destruction of savings and loan, record unemployment, income taxes raised 11 times on the working class (I guess repubs wouldn't care about that one, taxing the working class to pay for 1%er tax cuts is their favorite thing ever), mental health reforms that made homelessness and crime far worse, the list could go on.

Reagan was the worst president ever. The fact that you idiots hold him up as an example of presidential perfection is proof of how good you've gotten at ignoring facts and living in your imaginary land.
That shit president enacted policies that allowed both GHWB and Bill Clinton to stake claim to great economies during their tenure. Even the recession of 91 and 92 was short lived and started when GHWB ventured away from Reaganomics and broke his no new taxes pledge.

The first known case of AIDS in the U.S. was in 1980. Reagan left office in January 1989. How many advances against Zika and Ebola has the Obama administration made in the past 2 years? Australia was experiencing AIDS cases at the time, they were welcome to contribute to fighting it. Destroying of worker's unions? You mean like air traffic controllers that refused to show up for work as government employees?

Do you have any proof that Reagan himself directed weapons to be supplied illegally to anyone?

If you could please provide the link of a Democrat controlled congress conducting impeachment hearings. Providing weapons illegally was surely a high crime or misdemeanor.

Reagan did NOT raise income taxes 11 times. Learn the difference between effective tax rates and actual tax brackets. There were taxes raised by other means that were part of deals with a Democrat congress but not personal income.

The first line of your post was entered into Google and it brought results to several progressive websites almost verbatim of your post.

The record unemployment you speak of was during the previous administration. Not Reagan's. Every few weeks you go on one of these revisionist rants about Reagan and every time you get your head handed to you with facts. Just like the U.S.S. Stark incident that you referenced. We were not at war with Iraq. Our beef was with Iran. We accepted Iraq's apology and had no way to prove it was intentional.

You'd think we hammered out a idiotic nuke deal with them and sent them cash for hostages or something. Of course, Obama would never do that. Geez!
weakest commander in chief (failed to retaliate after an Iraqi jet fired on a US warship and killed 37 men - just out of curiosity, what would you say if Obama did something like that?

The Stark issue, as BC points out, wasn't so controversial in that respect, although you're probably right that the Obama haters would have had a shit fit anyway if it had happened with him in office.
More to your point, Reagan failed to retaliate to the bombing of our embassy in Kuwait, or the bombing of both our marine barracks and embassies in Lebanon. Instead we packed up and split. Can you imagine if Obama had done the same under THOSE circumstance? omfg! :eek: