The "When You Can't Sleep" Thread...

OMFG :eek: I would die! I CAN'T sleep in the heat! :(

I try to lay still and concentrate on lowering my heartbeat to keep my body from creating as much body heat as possible until I fall asleep. If I think of something exciting I will just get hotter. It does work with limited success, but it's still hot. At least it gives me something to focus on and when my mind tends to wander despite myself I know I'm only a short ways away from dozing off if I don't get up after that. At least I don't sweat as much as I used to years ago and my body deals with the heat a lot better.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
It is now 3:20AM and I'm still not tired. I've been watching QVC for the past 2 hours and even that isn't helping. Right now they're selling some weird, potentially dangerous toy set called "Wacky Wigglers"...creepy...fucking creepy. Looking at it is going to give me a fucking seizure. Hey...maybe that will make me fall asleep!
November/December my sleep cycle goes to hell, followed by a week without sleep.

I game all night with my earphones on.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I'm totally bringing this thread back and waking a sleeping zombie. Pun is totally fucking intended.

It is now almost 3:30 in the morning and I'm so tired that my body hurts. Yet, I can't fall asleep. I burned my hand REALLY bad at work the other day and it keeps hurting and annoying the piss out of me.

I'm "this close" to grabbing the nearest cinder block and bashing my face against it until the pain makes me pass out. Maybe then I can get some damned sleep.


“I never sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death”. - Nas.

Im also one of the swarm of freeones members who suffer from insomnia. Nothing helps when it thrusts itself upon you and I can go 2-3 days without getting any proper sleep, 30 minutes here or there but nothing major.
Huh. Must be something in the air. I haven't been able to sleep that great all week, so I finally bought some sleep aid........Advil PM. Two of those next time you can't grab the shut eye, and it should do the trick. Knocked my ass out cold.

Also, next time you have people outside your apartment yelling at all hours of the night, I find a BB/pellet gun and firecrackers work really well in dispersing with annoying, loud mouth fucks.



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't know why it happens, but everytime that I can't sleep, my mind starts going crazy. When I'm the most tired, when my brain is supposed to be "shutting down", it does the complete opposite and starts working overtime, making me think about all this weird ass shit. I don't get it. I really, really don't get it what-so-ever. :dunno:

Nyquil usually helps, but not tonight. I'm kind of hoping that my ceiling collapses on top of me, crushing me underneath all of it's weight.

:dreamy sigh:

That would be soooooo niiiiiiice. :wiggle:
Nothing works, and I know how you feel. You think you're tired, you lay down and your mind starts going crazy with random thoughts. Reading doesn't help, because you want to keep reading more. If the book is boring you put it down and listen to relaxing music. Relaxing music just makes me want to listen to it and enjoy the sounds. So you get out of bed and start surfing the web. Then you stumble onto freeones constantly hitting the newposts button to see if anything catches your eye. Hopefully masturbating to something will settle your mind to finally catch some shut eye.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Nothing works, and I know how you feel. You think you're tired, you lay down and your mind starts going crazy with random thoughts. Reading doesn't help, because you want to keep reading more. If the book is boring you put it down and listen to relaxing music. Relaxing music just makes me want to listen to it and enjoy the sounds. So you get out of bed and start surfing the web. Then you stumble onto freeones constantly hitting the newposts button to see if anything catches your eye. Hopefully masturbating to something will settle your mind to finally catch some shut eye.

Not tonight. I already tried that.

Right now, I think my only hope is if someone breaks into my apartment and shoots me. But, I'm not that lucky.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
What's your address? :D

666 Suckstobeme Blvd
Chicago, IL 12345

I'll just go ahead and leave the front door open. There's some leftover pizza in the fridge if you want to take some food home with you.

PS - If you feel up to it, flash me some boobage before you pull the trigger. That way I can die happy. Make a little Cheffy poo happy. :)
Taking sleeping pills all the time makes you inmune for them after awhile, my only advice for you ... go out, enjoy the nightlife (even in the daytime, there are people suffering the same as you), get lots of laid (until you can't anymore) and sleep happily. Sex makes you sleepier everytime, so go out and enjoy . Just Do It. Sometimes adds help you more then they think.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I'm wide awake and it's going on 4:30 in the morning. I'm uncomfortable, I'm restless (literally), I'm antsy and I'm bored. So, I figured I would share a little bit of writing, for those who care to read it. I wrote this a while ago, I don't remember when. Anyway, enjoy. Or, hate it, I don't care...


Submissed by the Gods, I am the Titan who will one day prevail
Aided by Gaia, I seek my revenge
I vow to consume all of Olympus, unleashing my brothers and sisters from the captivity of Tartarus
Together, we will avenge

The world is a weapon; I shall wield it's might

Mother Earth has suffered through no fault of her own
Birthing the world, rape bloomed all
Life was conceived by an act of unforgivable, animalistic brutality
God of the sky, your kingdom will fall

The world is a child; I shall cradle it's innocence

Existing within a bounding darkness, hope for light fuels my desire to resurface with hate
Justice my spirit, freedom my guide
Vacating this black void will be a journey that the Fates have long awaited
Nurturing giver, I have your side

The world is a prisoner; I shall be it's release

Elemental forces bless me with confidence while Chaos lends it's fury to accompany my rage
Damaging union, marriage of horror
My strength is heightened as I long to take back what's mine and right the wrongs of Uranus
The light will be no more

The world is a battlefield; I shall be it's victor

Olympus trembles at my name

Long story short; most are familiar with the basics of Greek mythology, Mount Olympus and the Gods, such as Zeus, Athena and Aphrodite. What most probably don't know is that the Gods were not the original rulers of the earth. That role belonged to the Titans, who are also Gods themselves. The Gods, lead by Zeus, wanted to take control of the earth and waged war upon the Titans. The Titans were not killed, but they were defeated and forced back into the earth from whence they came, doomed to a black existence; Tartarus.

Tartarus is a "place", found in the middle of the earth, where time, space and thought do not exist. In a sense, it is a prison. Losing the war, the Titans were held captive in the middle of the earth for eons, waiting for the day that they could manage their escape.

Obviously, the detail and amount of storytelling involved with Greek mythology is much more than this. This is just a mere grain of sand lying on a story full of beaches. Personally, I find the whole story of Greek mythology to be absolutely fascinating. Oddly enough, I also find it to be the most descriptive and believable of all of the religions. The amount of description, explanation and reasoning as to "why" things are the way that they are is nearly perfect, leaving little to no questions unanswered.

A big part of me avoids religion, as I don't feel it to be necessary to worship someone or something that has never provided anything for me. My whole life has been full of absolute betrayal from my creator, if there even is a creator. I've grown fed up with the Gods and their lack of assistance. They always take from me and never offer a helping hand or even words of wisdom. It's as if they don't want me to walk this earth. As time has gone by and I have grown older and wiser, I have realized that deep inside, I am a Titan at heart; at war with the Gods. One day, I will have my revenge for what they have done to others who are just like me.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Dude, so this is going to make me sound like a huge pussy, but I don't care...

I've been going through this really weird phase of "not sleeping" for quite a few weeks and it's finally catching up to me. I'm sitting here with fucking tears in my eyes because I'm so frustrated with it. My body is literally in physical pain because I can't sleep. My head is pounding, my chest is thumping and every muscle in my body feels like fire. I want to fall asleep, I really do...I just can't.

Almost every night, for the past 3 or 4 weeks, I've sat here and watched the clock roll past 4, 5 or 6 in the morning before I end up falling asleep. I get sort of tired, but I can't manage to fall into slumber. I'm sick and tired of watching the sun rise every morning. Maybe I'm turning into a vampire...??? That would rule. Maybe chicks would dig me then. Nah, probably not. But, I'd be a vampire so I could just kill them and drink their blood. <-- See, this is where my mind wanders when I don't get sleep.

Anyway, I want to knock myself unconsious by smashing a cinder block through my skull. That way, I could finally get some rest.
Maybe try writing in a journal? I started that after a while, and when I did it regularily I found I was able to get to sleep quicker and rest better.

Don't worry, you're not alone. Lately ever since I lost my job I've been on a gradual decline into social recluse and my sleep schedule is totally fucked up. I sleep normal hours, but instead of sleeping at night, I get to bed between 4-7 am and sleep til 12-2 pm. It's mainly a cause of laziness mixed with depression and this damn internetz. But like I said before, social recluse. I look to the net for my social connection since I suddenly can't afford to do fuck all in the real world.

It's rather sad and pathetic actually. I wish I would break out of this vicious loop, but I seem to be content with it. I'd much rather be out havin fun with friends on weekends and workin 8-6 every Monday to Friday. At least that way I feel like a resposible adult. But ever since I got fired, I just went into this slump.

But for some odd reason, instead of wanting to off myself or anything I just feel absolutely numb to any emotion. I certainly feel pleasure and pain and happiness and sadness. But it all changes so often in the time that I am awake that it's almost like im just stationary in emotion.

Anyway I've gone off into a tangent about my own quarrels with myself. But honestly, a good way to fall asleep is to put onto paper what you are thinking and feeling. Or onto a computer screen whatever you desire. Already I'm feeling ready to hit the sack, and I'm going to do just that.

But try it out and see how you do. Just write down whatever pops into your head. Almost as if you are just puttin thing in your filecabinet and leaving them for later. Totally eases your mind and you can sleep. You can read the stuff later on and learn from it.

Anyway, Ima bounce up outa dis bitch. and I think i'm going to skip on my personal spell check since Im so fuckin wakked right now. Night night everyone! er morning.

P.S. Well look at that, no spellin mistakes anyway.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
It's currently approaching 5AM and I haven't gone to bed yet. One of two things is about to happen...

1) I'm about to go find a loose brick on the outside of my apartment building, pull it out of the wall, start wailing it up against my skull until I either bleed so much that I pass out from blood loss or I pass out from the severe amount of pain.


2) I'm going to go lay down, stare vacantly off into the distance, wait until one single tear drop makes it way down my cheek and then strangle myself with an extension cord.

(Or, none of the above, as I am just really, really tired and I might be talking out of my ass. Who knows?!?!?! :dunno: NOT ME!!! Hehh heh ehh eH h eheh EHehehe HEHEHee!!!)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Wow, this thread has been "sleeping" for a while and it makes me jealous. Nobody has had trouble sleeping and felt like posting about it since Thanksgiving? Shiet...

It's currently 7:03AM CST and I am still wide awake. I have been throwing up for a while, so I figured that I should be tired. Well, I'm not. I'm wide awake. I'm wide awake, but I keep yawning and it hurts. weird?

Anyway, I'm getting tired of not being tired. Ironic, huh? So, if I'm not asleep by 8AM, I'm going to take a rope, tie one end of it to the tip of my penis and the other end to a Gatorade bottle filled with pennies. Then, I'm going to throw said Gatorade bottle out of my third story apartment window and pray to God that gravity rips my cock straight off of my body. Then, I'll go downstairs (obviously bleeding a lot and obviously in pain) to retrieve my torn off penis. I'll take my torn off penis and put it in my mouth, like a pacifier. Why, oh why would I do such a thing?

Because, not being able to sleep sucks dick, so I figured I should be doing the same. What? I don't make any sense. Don't listen to me. Wait...yeah, listen to me, but don't.


Postal Paranoiac
For the last four or five days I have had trouble sleeping. I even took some leftover Vicodin but it didn't do any good...even with booze. Does anybody know if Ambien goes good with scotch?