I'm wide awake and it's going on 4:30 in the morning. I'm uncomfortable, I'm restless (
literally), I'm antsy and I'm bored. So, I figured I would share a little bit of writing, for those who care to read it. I wrote this a while ago, I don't remember when. Anyway, enjoy. Or, hate it, I don't care...
Submissed by the Gods, I am the Titan who will one day prevail
Aided by Gaia, I seek my revenge
I vow to consume all of Olympus, unleashing my brothers and sisters from the captivity of Tartarus
Together, we will avenge
The world is a weapon; I shall wield it's might
Mother Earth has suffered through no fault of her own
Birthing the world, rape bloomed all
Life was conceived by an act of unforgivable, animalistic brutality
God of the sky, your kingdom will fall
The world is a child; I shall cradle it's innocence
Existing within a bounding darkness, hope for light fuels my desire to resurface with hate
Justice my spirit, freedom my guide
Vacating this black void will be a journey that the Fates have long awaited
Nurturing giver, I have your side
The world is a prisoner; I shall be it's release
Elemental forces bless me with confidence while Chaos lends it's fury to accompany my rage
Damaging union, marriage of horror
My strength is heightened as I long to take back what's mine and right the wrongs of Uranus
The light will be no more
The world is a battlefield; I shall be it's victor
Olympus trembles at my name
Long story short; most are familiar with the basics of Greek mythology, Mount Olympus and the Gods, such as Zeus, Athena and Aphrodite. What most probably don't know is that the Gods were not the original rulers of the earth. That role belonged to the Titans, who are also Gods themselves. The Gods, lead by Zeus, wanted to take control of the earth and waged war upon the Titans. The Titans were not killed, but they were defeated and forced back into the earth from whence they came, doomed to a black existence; Tartarus.
Tartarus is a "place", found in the middle of the earth, where time, space and thought do not exist. In a sense, it is a prison. Losing the war, the Titans were held captive in the middle of the earth for eons, waiting for the day that they could manage their escape.
Obviously, the detail and amount of storytelling involved with Greek mythology is much more than this. This is just a mere grain of sand lying on a story full of beaches. Personally, I find the whole story of Greek mythology to be absolutely fascinating. Oddly enough, I also find it to be the most descriptive and believable of all of the religions. The amount of description, explanation and reasoning as to "why" things are the way that they are is nearly perfect, leaving little to no questions unanswered.
A big part of me avoids religion, as I don't feel it to be necessary to worship someone or something that has never provided anything for me. My whole life has been full of absolute betrayal from my creator, if there even is a creator. I've grown fed up with the Gods and their lack of assistance. They always take from me and never offer a helping hand or even words of wisdom. It's as if they don't want me to walk this earth. As time has gone by and I have grown older and wiser, I have realized that deep inside, I am a Titan at heart; at war with the Gods. One day, I will have my revenge for what they have done to others who are just like me.