The U.S. should abandon it's Korea peninsula policy

A nuclear-armed North Korea. What they want is a unified Korea under the Kim regime. Is that worth going to nuclear war over?

South Korea is so keen on this sunshine policy, we should let them have it. Why risk American servicemen and women and their families over it? It's a peninsula.
It means nothing in the grand scheme of things. We're dealing with China here.

We need to be cozying up to India - hence the Indo-Pacific Command.
A nuclear-armed North Korea. What they want is a unified Korea under the Kim regime. Is that worth going to nuclear war over?

South Korea is so keen on this sunshine policy, we should let them have it. Why risk American servicemen and women and their families over it? It's a peninsula.
It means nothing in the grand scheme of things. We're dealing with China here.

We need to be cozying up to India.

Like in between swigs you can form a cognizant thought on foreign policy.

Dat U.S.S Bonefish tho.
I should be giving you positive rep for giving a clinic on how conservatives are not an echo chamber among each other. :thumbsup:
what is more frightening? A North Korea with nukes to ensure it's regime's survival (see Libya) or Pakistan with it's islamic fundamentalists? (they're both nuclear powers)

If I were Kim Jong Un I'd be playing this game too.

This isn't about North Korea. This is about China.
A nuclear-armed North Korea. What they want is a unified Korea under the Kim regime. Is that worth going to nuclear war over?

My guess is that for the foreseeable future we're just going to end up with business as usual meaning the continuation of a divided Korea. Kim's nukes will not be used offensively, they'll be the sentinels that protect and preserve his oppressive kingdom.
If Kim even so much as lifts his boot a little off the necks of his people I think he knows he'll end up dead; his regime deposed.
Which made Trump's comment about how much he loves his people all the more mind boggling.

I'd like to believe that as with Iran the opportunity to re-enter the global financial market would similarly motivate Kim to make concessions, but it seems to me his very existence depends on maintaining the status quo. I hope I'm wrong but that's the way it looks to me.
Plus Iran had no actual nukes to give up. NK does, which makes for a much stickier wicket.
My guess is that for the foreseeable future we're just going to end up with business as usual meaning the continuation of a divided Korea. Kim's nukes will not be used offensively, they'll be the sentinels that protect and preserve his oppressive kingdom.
If Kim even so much as lifts his boot a little off the necks of his people I think he knows he'll end up dead; his regime deposed.
Which made Trump's comment about how much he loves his people all the more mind boggling.

I'd like to believe that as with Iran the opportunity to re-enter the global financial market would similarly motivate Kim to make concessions, but it seems to me his very existence depends on maintaining the status quo. I hope I'm wrong but that's the way it looks to me.
Plus Iran had no actual nukes to give up. NK does, which makes for a much stickier wicket.

call me a traitor (lol) but why can't conservatives on this board offer as sober analysis as that?

Strategically for the U.S. and our AirSea strategem, what does a unified Korea mean? We have Japan, we have Guam, we have Diego Garcia.
call me a traitor (lol) but why can't conservatives on this board offer as sober analysis as that?

Strategically for the U.S. and our AirSea strategem, what does a unified Korea mean? We have Japan, we have Guam, we have Diego Garcia.

“ sober” *lol*
why can't you, BC? you're eminently smarter and more educated than the rest of us. Why can't you just let them have it?

why is a high school drop-out having to counsel you in private over the shit you post?

free of charge btw.
Strategically for the U.S. and our AirSea strategem, what does a unified Korea mean? We have Japan, we have Guam, we have Diego Garcia.

It means the whole South Korean economy (World's 11th economy) at Kim's disposal.
It means you give big money to a man who likes nukes. it means you strengthen one of China's most loyal allies

And If the embargo on North Korea is extended to south Korea, it means a pretty high risk of a significant destabilisation of the economy
why can't you, BC? you're eminently smarter and more educated than the rest of us. Why can't you just let them have it?

why is a high school drop-out having to counsel you in private over the shit you post?

free of charge btw.

1- The McCain thing? People that were onboard the Forrestal feel the same way as I do.
2-The Transatlantic cable? Hahahaha

That’s two incidences that you “ reached out”.

I make plenty of arguments here but you have dumbed the place down to the point that it’s senseless to put the time and effort into it anymore like I used to.
Attaboys in the form of armpit farts from you not withstanding.
I'm actually starting to doubt you are what you say you are. I mean if some random perv on here can totally own your ass.

If so, I wouldn't want you representing me. Fuck it, I'd just skip to the inevitable and plead guilty.

As much as this matters to you of course.
I'm actually starting to doubt you are what you say you are. I mean if some random perv on here can totally own your ass.

If so, I wouldn't want you representing me. Fuck it, I'd just skip to the inevitable and plead guilty.

As much as this matters to you of course.

Join the club. And while we are sizing each other up, I am sure I wouldn’t want a drunk like you married to my daughter. I am sure your in laws feel the same. But here’s the deal, even if I am a complete fraud and never darkened the doors of a courtroom in my life, I could never be an absolute train wreck of the person that you put on display almost daily and that most people pity.
Drink up, Otis.
Join the club. And while we are sizing each other up, I am sure I wouldn’t want a drunk like you married to my daughter. I am sure your in laws feel the same. But here’s the deal, even if I am a complete fraud and never darkened the doors of a courtroom in my life, I could never be an absolute train wreck of the person that you put on display almost daily and that most people pity.
Drink up, Otis.

who said anything about marrying your daughter? I'd probably definitely fuck her in the ass though.

who said anything about marrying your daughter? I'd probably definitely fuck her in the ass though.

You Might want to find a job first. You spend way too much time here drunk to be gainfully employed. You should try dazzling us more with offerings like “ Hail”. And yes the whole time I have been mocking you.