Yep, I suspect the same, he is being paid to do this
Oh yeah? What do you know?
Wait what? You are agreeing with me?
I wasn't prepared for that. Um, uh, just gives me some time to let this sink in.
And uh, Thanks? I guess. Wow.
Orrrr he was just born an asshole.
Maybe. Maybe he realy does feel the way he feels.
I could only take less than a minute of actually listening to him.
I just ask in general why all of a sudden all the WHITE RACISTS are springing up all over the MSM?
Judging by the way these people act, all goofy and stuff, I tend to believe they are just basically actors playing the part of the stereotypical Racist White.
Think of this. Early in the LBJ administration, after they killed Kennedy then silenced the patsy, there was a strong anti-war movement forming around the country and on college (University to some) campuses all over the country.
These were mostly Short Haired Conservative types. Smart kids. Regular people with good upbringings.
This type of person could really have an effect on other peoples awareness and feelings about a war in Vietnam. Even older folks.
But they were soon replaced by long haired hippy , or fake hippys mostly. On drugs, acting all weird.
But they were also against the war in Vietnam. They just looked and spoke different man.
And nobody takes them seriously. In fact the entire older generation naturally turned against them.
But if they were normal speaking, normal looking young adults they would have actually been taken seriously and had an effect on the war.
And the powers that be, the ones who profit from wars do not want that.
Same today. They don't want some White guys like me expressing concerns about my race in a calm collected manner just like they don't want any Black people doing the same about their race.
The poster child they want for Whitey is a guy just like the guy you posted, right out of a 1987 Morton Downey Jr Show episode.
And the Black poster child they promote is some BLM Thug type scumbag looking Negro acting all crazy and violent.
Note: Please understand the context in why I used the "racial slurs).