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The SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing

The senate democrats and their protestors are squealing like stuck pigs.

If I may quote Clarence Thomas during his hearing, "This is a circus. This is a national disgrace."

The left are fucking deranged.

If I may paraphase Lindsey Graham, "Democrats lost the election. You don't get to pick judges. If you want to seat judges that you like, win an election."

And if I may quote myself, "The left can suck my dick down to the balls. Fuck them."


Staff member
The left was always a disgrace even more so with Obama and Clinton muppets such as Comey, Brennan, Mueller, Pelosi, Schumer, Booker, Harris, Farrakhan, Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
Watch: Democrats Stall Kavanaugh Hearing in Wild Opening Seconds, Push for Delay

Democrats Interrupt Kavanaugh Hearing Over 44 Times in First Hour

Judge Kavanaugh Hearings Instantly Descend Into Chaos


Dems Interrupt Kavanaugh Hearings, Turns Out It Was All Staged

After that how do you want people to vote for such shitty democrat candidates with zero economical skills and zero forward thinking capacity and over the long run vision? I am glad that I am a conservative.
Don't forget that Democrats are the kings of obstructionnism, lies and subplots.
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Staff member
Dems So Scared of Kavanaugh They’ve Just Used the Dumbest Attacks Ever

Graham to Whiny Libs: ‘If You Want To Pick Judges, Win an Election’

Dems’ Kavanaugh Theatrics an ‘Embarrassment,’ Sanders Says



Totally despicable and retarded atttitude coming from the democraps with their constant whiny bitching, salacious grandstanding as well as their devious and constant obstructionism shouldn't be astonishing. They have always been using the lowest and shittiest tactics to against republicans, but it went worse during Obama Notrauma's presidency. Voting the Dems out in the midterms in 2018 is a mandatory. To remember to the liberals :"If you want to pick judges, win an election"
The Supreme Court's days as a super-legislature are over, and Democrats aren't happy about it

by Washington Examiner
| September 06, 2018 12:13 AM

On Day Two of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings, a number of Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee appeared to be sizing themselves up for black judicial robes.

If they weren’t doing that, they were lamenting the fact that someone of their own great wisdom couldn’t sit on the Supreme Court — the highest legislature in the land, they seem to think — and rule the country from their lifetime position.

Democrats placed themselves one after another into Kavanaugh’s seat on the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals to second-guess rulings, which is only natural for those who think the courts are there to make policy decisions. Ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., complained that Kavanaugh had, in an opinion on D.C. gun control laws, deemed that semi-automatic rifles are in “common use” and thus not, under Supreme Court definition, something the D.C. government could ban. Feinstein was weirdly outraged about this characterization, given that private citizens in the U.S. own something on the order of 50 or 60 million such rifles, and possibly more.

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., complained that Kavanaugh had dissented from an emergency ruling that ended up rushing a minor migrant girl in the care of the U.S. government off to get an abortion without parental consent. Durbin also complained about Kavanaugh’s interpretation of a complicated Supreme Court case that had deemed illegal immigrant workers unable to vote in workplace unionization elections.

For Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., the problem was that Kavanaugh had written an opinion favoring two mergers in the grocery and health insurance industries.

All these opinions about Kavanaugh’s rulings have one thing in common: They come from politicians who seem to think judging is a lot like what they do for a living. But judges don’t make policy, and the Supreme Court is not a super-legislature. That’s why a good judge who decides cases based on law and precedent will not like all the outcomes of the cases he hears.

Federal judges don’t run for their seats or make promises on how they will vote. And they are not supposed to make rulings that set the policies that affect millions of Americans. Policy is supposed to be a function of the democratic process, not something created by a lifetime-appointed nine-person oligarchy.

Democrats are upset about where the Supreme Court has been heading not because it isn’t doing its job, and not because it is overly partisan, but because they don’t like the fact that cases going there are increasingly being decided based on the Constitution and the law and not on motivated reasoning in search of liberals’ pet causes.

Democrats look back wistfully to the era before 2006, when they could at least often count on the courts to stymie conservative reform using such motivated reasoning. That hasn’t been the case as often lately, and they’re not happy.

They can’t just come out and say that after years of treating Supreme Court rulings as a form of Holy Writ — and also with two-thirds of Americans approving of the Supreme Court as an institution. So they mislead people. For example, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., said in Wednesday's hearing that the problem with the Supreme Court is that it has taken a hash, partisan turn under Chief Justice John Roberts and now consists of one narrow 5-4 decision after another. But this is fake news. In Roberts' 13 years, the court has produced 172 5-4 or 4-4 decisions, according to the Supreme Court database. In the 13-year period between 1970 and 1982, there were more than 330 such narrow split decisions. And the results are similar for any 13-year period between 1970 and 1990. You'll get similar results. Are we in an especially partisan era on the court? Not at all.

The good news is that the Supreme Court has been and likely will continue moving back in the direction of providing predictable, law-based and Constitution-based rulings, rather than moving forward the Left's agenda. That's why the Democrats are fuming.


fume away, you fuck libs.

right here, down to the balls.
I watched what I could, and because what I caught had nothing but grandstanding Democrats and unhinged snowflakes in the gallery, I turned it off. His legal knowledge is impressive. Even Mike Lee and Ted Cruz seem like lightweights compared to him.
I tried watching it but it was just too boring, including most of Kavanaugh's replies.

But that's the way it should be. The law should be boring and PREDICTABLE.

I did enjoy seeing the stupid lib protestors in the audience getting manhandled by the Capitol Police.

If McCain were there (RIP) he would be saying "Shut up, or I'll have you arrested, you low-life scum."



Staff member
Let's hope Kavannaugh gets confirmed. Praise the god that it happens.
I swear Booker is such a beta soy that if he won the nomination he could almost put California back in play again. He’s emotionally unstable by all indications.


Staff member
I swear Booker is such a beta soy that if he won the nomination he could almost put California back in play again. He’s emotionally unstable by all indications.

He is a loose cannon like Pelosi, Schumer, Harris and all the democraps
He is a loose cannon like Pelosi, Schumer, Harris and all the democraps

He’s not afraid to show his sensitive side. I guarantee he will cry in a debate.
Something along the lines of “ I abhor what this president is doing to this country!” He makes Obama look like Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Kamala Harris has to be ecstatic that one of her top challengers for the Democratic nomination Cory Booker, has shown himself to nothing but a clown. He has some serious emotional issues.
I really don't understand all the wasted breath about Harris or Booker becoming then next dem nominee. That isn't gonna happen.

Don't forget that Democrats are the kings of obstructionnism

:1orglaugh Mitch McConnell: "One of my proudest moments was when I told Obama 'You will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy'".

Yeah wtf, The Giant Hot Air Balloon has only generated over 4000 mistruths or misleading statements in a year and a half. https://www.washingtonpost.com/grap...ct=on&utm_term=.b6c6bd15b8da&tid=a_inl_manual
I really don't understand all the wasted breath about Harris or Booker becoming then next dem nominee. That isn't gonna happen.

:1orglaugh Mitch McConnell: "One of my proudest moments was when I told Obama 'You will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy'".

Yeah wtf, The Giant Hot Air Balloon has only generated over 4000 mistruths or misleading statements in a year and a half. https://www.washingtonpost.com/grap...ct=on&utm_term=.b6c6bd15b8da&tid=a_inl_manual

Harris And Booker are indeed the front runners and if you haven’t been paying attention, dumbass socialists are unseating establishment liberal Democrats.

You might want to check with the United States Constitution. Advise and Consent is not obstruction but rather mandated within the separation of powers. Obama was warned before he nominated that the senate would not review the nominee. It cannot be obstruction when the senate is a separate but equal branch.

I’m sorry but the Bezos Post doesn’t get to keep score or decide what are or what are not lies.
If this same criteria was used during Obama’s presidency, the number would be doubled. Nevertheless, Obama’s told the lies that affected the American people the most and cost them the most money. Something that will never be said about Donald Trump.


Staff member
I really don't understand all the wasted breath about Harris or Booker becoming then next dem nominee. That isn't gonna happen.

:1orglaugh Mitch McConnell: "One of my proudest moments was when I told Obama 'You will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy'".

Yeah wtf, The Giant Hot Air Balloon has only generated over 4000 mistruths or misleading statements in a year and a half. https://www.washingtonpost.com/grap...ct=on&utm_term=.b6c6bd15b8da&tid=a_inl_manual

I will reply you to show you what kind a liar was obama


Staff member
Fake. This video has been doctored with. Just a warning to everyone who watches this made up video. Very bad!

Typical response from you , nope it hasn't been doctored , we know how much you love Obama and that you will defend him beak and claws no matter what was his mediocre and most divisive presidency. But more about the Kanaughearing.
Kavanaugh Attacked for Following the Schumer-Endorsed Ginsburg Rule

Kavanaugh Protesters Fill Grassley’s Office, Pound Doors and Windows

Kavanaugh Tackles Social Media’s Growing Impact on Judiciary

Blumenthal Tries, Fails to Bait Kavanaugh Into Trump Attack

Querulous Dems Demand Kavanaugh Docs, Then Won’t Make Their Own Public

A great example from the democrap obstrucionnism and willingness to be nuisances.
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And who the hell compares themselves to Spartacus? That's something you leave to others to do. It's like comparing yourself to a lion lol.
