The Rights Claims of Attacks on Christianity

Every time I see Hannity or O'Reilly or any of the other idiots ranting about the democrats wanting to outlaw christmas and make religion illegal I laugh my ass off and say to myself, "wow they must be so desperate that they have to tell their mindless moron following that the bad people are going to make it illegal for them to say their prayers. So last night when I saw this I just sat smiling to myself and although I know that in the same way the scientologists are forbidden to watch anything negative about them in the media, the right wingnuts here on the board will NEVER have the balls to watch this clip. But for those of you who actually have a mind of your own, you will get a tickle out of this.

and furthermore, Mike Huckabee suggested that the supposed threat to religious freedom posed by the gay rights movement is part of a broader attack on the rights of Christians, including anti-Christian violence. When a pastor on the call, which was organized by the Family Research Council, asked Huckabee if the U.S. is facing a two-pronged threat of ISIS terrorist attacks and the “equally intense assault on marriage as defined by God,” Huckabee replied that the caller was “exactly right.” “We’re seeing, certainly at the national level, internally this battle on marriage, but globally what we’re seeing is that there is an assault on the Christian faith in general,” Huckabee said, before warning that ISIS will soon “physically assault” Christians in America.

In fact, religious conservatives have been pushing laws that discriminate against the LGBT community and anyone else they don’t like, all while claiming their beliefs are under attack. The hypocrisy of this is completely ignored by politicians like Mike Huckabee or Bobby Jindal who use this false narrative to further their book sales and/or political careers. Freedom of religion is alive and well in the United States, and the fact that churches aren’t being taxed despite their involvement in politics, or that Christians aren’t being persecuted or killed like they are in some Muslim countries, is proof of that.

Will E Worm

Christianity is under attack. Christians need to have the same reactions as Muslism do.

Like the huge protests they have. Not the shootings.

If Jesus were a politician he could be a left wing.

No. :nono:


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Bronze Member
Jesus just came back from his morning jogging, and he says he only gets chased by babes when he wears those tight trainers, and by gay guys when he wears his rainbow t-shirt

Seriously: Christianity is not under attack in any way mentionable.
Irony abounds that she starts a thread on the premise that Christians are being paranoid while mocking Christians and does nothing but insult and attack them herself.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Everybody thinks they're under attack. The Christians think everyone is against them, when it comes to Christmas. The Muslims think they're under attack because they take crap about the stereotyping them all as terrorists. The Jews think they're under attack because of something. The Scientoligists...blah, blah, blah. They all think the same thing, and they're all right to some extent, and they all over react, and they all need to get over themselves. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go pray at the alter of hot, strong, coffee, because I rode up to bike week yesterday, and I'm still a little buzzed, and have a headache.
I would bet that not one of you republican'ts watched that video.

When politicians and pundits who have the feeble-minded public hanging on their every word and say shit like this it's dangerous. The same as when Palin and Hannity and Rush get on the air and scream that Obama is coming for everyone's guns....Obama signed more pro-gun legislation in his first 4 years than Bush did in all 8. But gun sales go up and the NRA gets flush with new donations and the fervor is intensified. The right has used fear (just like their big book of fairy tales!) to keep their following in line. Remember after 9/11 the daily threat level reports? The "left is coming for your guns" the claim of death panels in Obama care and so on. Its all used to get the hill billies into a frenzy because that's pretty much all they have left for the general population. Nothing else they do helps anyone other than the wealthy.
When politicians and pundits who have the feeble-minded public hanging on their every word and say shit like this it's dangerous. The same as when Palin and Hannity and Rush get on the air and scream that Obama is coming for everyone's guns

I agree, it actually IS dangerous. Frankly I'm surprised some right wing "hero" hasn't taken the president out by now.
Still a year and half to go though, and now that he's actively trying to give nukes to his america-hating muslim brethren in Iran :rolleyes: the target on his back has gotten bigger.
Never in my life have I seen such a tidal wave of lies, misinformation and hate directed at any other president. It's staggering.
But what can you do, those politicians and pundits have the right to say whatever idiotic, ignorant, fear or hate mongering thing they desire, and I would never take that right away from them.
I just wish the choir they were singing to would show a bit of investigative initiative, rather then swallowing the tune whole then incessantly parroting it back.
It has been good to see the rise of "fact checking" as a means to somewhat counterbalance the avalanche of bullshit.
I agree, it actually IS dangerous. Frankly I'm surprised some right wing "hero" hasn't taken the president out by now.

Still a year and half to go though, and now that he's actively trying to give nukes to his america-hating muslim brethren in Iran :rolleyes: the target on his back has gotten bigger.
Never in my life have I seen such a tidal wave of lies, misinformation and hate directed at any other president. It's staggering.
But what can you do, those politicians and pundits have the right to say whatever idiotic, ignorant, fear or hate mongering thing they desire, and I would never take that right away from them.
I just wish the choir they were singing to would show a bit of investigative initiative, rather then swallowing the tune whole then incessantly parroting it back.
It has been good to see the rise of "fact checking" as a means to somewhat counterbalance the avalanche of bullshit.

Every attempt on a president's life since and including JFK have been by Left wing radicals or just plain insane. Squeaky Fromme and Lee Harvey Oswald were unapologetic communists.

The lies told by this administration are easily fact checked and the assertions hold water. I have been over them so many times I am tired of repeating myself.

As for your comment about assassination, the last I heard, Islamic terrorists were the ones making those threats not Tea Party enthusiasts. What an irresponsible comment.
The formation of militias is in response to 2nd amendment rights. It does not necessarily constitute a threat to the president. That is not to say that the government would not meet resistance if the militia member felt that their rights were being intruded on or trampled upon.
:1orglaugh at "irresponsible comment"

The right wing blogosphere is absolutely bursting with self proclaimed American heroes wanting Obama dead - by any means - most often, from my observations, by lynching.
What an intriguing association that is.
In the political realm I've never witnessed a more disturbing melange of fear, loathing, hatred and stupidity - an extremely combustible combination.
And it's your right wing media whores who stir this pot of overwhelming bile and ignorance 24/7 365 - and have now for over 7 years - with their appallingly irresponsible rants about him being a muslim, a non citizen, a communist, a terrorist sympathizer, nothing more than a community organizer, wanting Iran to have nukes, killing Breitbart, hating success, hating Israel, hating America, hating white people.....holy fuck the list just goes on and on and on....

But hey, the bottom line is: hate sells. And all of these low life bastards - Limbaugh, Savage, Levin etc get that - and have found their disgraceful niche peddling it.

The formation of militias is in response to 2nd amendment rights.

Complete bullshit. The 2nd amendment is not and has not been at peril from this administration at any time, nor will it be.
The formation of militias is just another paranoid kneejerk response to the 24 hour a day hysteria filled "news" cycle.
That plus - for some - a generations old terror of having a black man in a position of great power.
I listen to both Levin and Limbaugh neither of them have accused Obama of killing Breitbart, being a non citizen, etc.

When a president orders the release of 5 Gitmo detainees in exchange for a deserter who is a Muslim sympathizer and whose father is a Muslim sympathizer and when those two facts are indisputable and still they claim that the deserter served with honor and distinction then someone is intentionally misleading the American people. When a president demeans the entrepreneurial efforts of successful ventures with ," you didn't build that " there is no conclusion to draw except that success doesn't float his boat.

When a president intentionally snubs the leader of Israel, promises Palestinians that he will help them secure East Jerusalem and the end result is the worst relationship between a U.S. president and an Israeli prime minister since 1948 you have to question his motives. When a president goes on an apology tour and a year later the very country he gives the speech in blows up into an Arab Spring one tends to think either he is not up to the job or he sought to undermine a sitting president and replace it with a failed experimental regime.

When a president seeks to allow a country to have 6000 centrifuges for no damn good reason other than he thinks appeasement works and when that country has time and time again called for the annihilation of Israel a reasonable person has to question what motivates him and there are only two options. Naivete or a calculated effort to arm a country that sponsors terrorism.

Where are the reports of all these nut jobs threatening the president being rounded up by the U.S. Secret Service? They had a little chat with Ted Nugent but poster "frommycolddeadhands777" from Montana skates.

It seems that most of your information comes from the blogosphere both left and right although what you think happens on the right wing blogosphere is being disseminated by left wing blogs.

Wanna talk about the downright lunacy that was being said about GWB during his presidency? Hitler, 911 was an inside job, Barbara Bush and the Bush family were Illuminati and had ties to Anton LeVay.

Levin spends most of his time talking about the constitution and bashing RHINO's so you obviously are clueless and have never spent any time listening to him and regurgitate what is being said about him on your beloved blogs. Yes your comment was irresponsible because if there were evidence of credible threats against the president the ones doing it would be rounded up faster than 20 dollar bills in a money booth.

And the media would be reporting on it around the clock.
I like how you used a couple of exactly the sort of sound bites I'm referring to to make your points :)

"Apology tour" (which never happened), "you didn't build that" (taken out of context - one of the right's most common and reliable propaganda tools), "he thinks appeasement works" (said about a guy who is responsible for overseeing the extermination of thousands upon thousands of radical muslims - and their leaders - who counter to John McCain promised to go into Pakistan to get Bin Laden with or without Pakistani approval and ended up doing just that - who campaigned on prosecuting the war in Afghanistan with far greater focus, commitment, men and material than his predecessor and did exactly that).

Then there's the current popular hit song about his animus towards Israel - spoken as if no other U.S. president has ever taken an Israeli PM to task, when in fact Reagan in particular, as well as Ford and Bush 1 played some serious hardball with Israeli PMs.

A few months into his presidency, [Reagan] announced that the United States would sell AWACS surveillance planes to Riyadh, advanced aircraft that would make it harder for Israel to launch a pre-emptive military strike against Saudi Arabia (as it had done against Egypt in 1967). When Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin expressed "profound regret and unreserved opposition," Reagan shot back that it was "not the business of other nations to make American foreign policy."

In 1981, when Israel did strike Iraq, bombing its Osirak nuclear reactor, Reagan backed a U.N. resolution condemning the move. And in 1982, when Israel attacked West Beirut in an effort to destroy Yasir Arafat’s PLO, Reagan told Begin that Israel’s behavior constituted a "holocaust."

Spoken as well as if no other U.S. president has taken issue with Israel building settlements in occupied territory, when if fact they ALL have.

I listen to both Levin and Limbaugh neither of them have accused Obama of killing Breitbart, being a non citizen, etc

Yeah, those two tend to stick more to shrieking screeds about him being a Marxist (Levin), or having the communist Chinese fund his operations (Limbaugh). Just your basic "he's not one of us, he's a dangerous 'other'" stuff. Completely harmless. One can't possibly imagine such lightweight banter provoking an unstable listener to pick up a rifle and become a hero :rolleyes:

It seems that most of your information comes from the blogosphere both left and right although what you think happens on the right wing blogosphere is being disseminated by left wing blogs.

Not at all. I almost never read left wing blogs. I do however spend a fair amount of time reading right wing blogs.
Stormfront, Vanguard News Network. Hell even on facebook this shit goes on 24/7.

911 was an inside job, Barbara Bush and the Bush family were Illuminati and had ties to Anton LeVay

The majority of those fringe loons were/are apolitical. No reasonable person took them seriously.
Not so with this dynamic. On a very broad scale it has managed to obliterate reason.

Yes your comment was irresponsible

Still laughing at this. The incessant dissemination of hysterical vitriol, hate mongering and misinformation has every possibility of producing an assassin. To contend otherwise is completely unrealistic.
But hey, the bottom line is: hate sells. And all of these low life bastards - Limbaugh, Savage, Levin etc get that - and have found their disgraceful niche peddling it.

While Bill Maher is no favorite of mine he captures the essence of this dynamic extremely well starting just before the 1 minute mark of this clip...
