Well that means I'm screwed. A family is just probably one of those things that our society and reality has denied me. By the time I could ever afford to properly raise any children and give it them what they need and properly teach them to deal with the world I will be too old, and that is if I am ever able to do it. The later seems probably and even more likely as time goes on. It makes me wonder, if it keeps on getting more expensive to properly bring children up in the world, does that mean eventually the scale of how much money you will need to do it will rise and less people will be able to do it other than in a half-assed way? Will all the masses of the poor be looked down upon when they do it? Considering that a lot of you consider a family and children an incredibly important part of life I wonder what that says. It sort of makes me feel sorry for the people that have a child or two and can't take care of it, and know they will never be able to give it any advantages or a good education. They will also have to keep hearing how other people think they were stupid to have them in the first place...keeping in mind a lot of those people still think a family is an important part of actually living.
I guess in a way it's not that bad. The world doesn't need my tainted genes being passed on. The more I look at the world and the people around me the more I realize I'm a dying breed. It seems everybody else gets more stupid and apathetic as time goes on while the people like me disappear. It's like I came from a different planet. I don't even think I would want my decedents to live in this type of world. I have to fight a uphill battle every day of my life against, my stupid neighbors, my community, our state, our country, and our world, that logically my brain tells me I'm going to lose unless I get lucky, even if my heart wants to tell me something different; I don't even want to think what they would have to go through. All the few good things of humanity's past are gone. At least then there was the actual advancement of humanity and a sliver of hope for the future. Hope is the last thing to die, but now the thread holding it up is starting to really get stretched. In the past people had a dream, whether that is the “American dream” or some other type of dream. Today more people don’t believe that. Even when stupid and apathetic they aren’t as gullible as they used to be. The dream died a while ago and for too many people is just a tool used by others used to create false hope for them to keep them as complacent as possible. Now we live in a more hollow world with more advanced toys that distract us from realizing just how hollow it is while we destroy ourselves. I don't know. Maybe when the last iota of life escapes from the grasp I have over it, I will just be doing no more than leaving a world, no matter how sad it makes me feel, that is getting what it deserves.