The Muslim terrorist tried to burn 51 children alive


Hiliary 2020
Wow serious stuff.
So he bound 51 Italian childrens hands on a bus, doused it in gasoline, lit it up, and at that point the Polizia smashed the windows of the bus allowing the children to escape?
In this video it appears that most or all of the Italian children escaped the bus before it was set on fire. None of them appear to be bound.

You would think if he really intended on killing these Italian children he would have just did it instead of driving crazy and getting the Italian police on to him.

So glad nobody was hurt.


Hiliary 2020
I wonder if Luigi is considered a White Nationalist?

You guys still sure your countrys fought on the right side in both World Wars?
100 years later and here's what you got.
100 more years? Forgetaboutit.
Wow serious stuff.
So he bound 51 Italian childrens hands on a bus, doused it in gasoline, lit it up, and at that point the Polizia smashed the windows of the bus allowing the children to escape?

One of the children had called her parents and they had alarmed the police.

Here's a good reason to say that people have to stay in their own fucked up countries.

You guys still sure your countrys fought on the right side in both World Wars?
100 years later and here's what you got.
100 more years? Forgetaboutit.[/QUOTE]

That is a clear example of what the elite want.

Billions of fake refugees come to the United States and Europe:



Hiliary 2020
1- A new Pearl Harbor type event" happens in 2001.
2- The US and its NATO buddies utlilize that the attack and destroy many Middle East and African countries including Libya which causes serious economic problems for all African people. The US then allows their sworn enemy Al_Quaeuada (The ones who supposedly did 9/11) to take over these places.
3- How Ironic. :eek:
4- The UN and European countries create mass immigration policies for people from these recently destroyed countries to relocate into mostly White Christian Europe and Scandanavia
5- How Thoughtful of them :lovecoupl
6- 2 very different groups are crammed together in one place. Problems arise between the two.:violent:
Now here is where it gets controversial.
The country who started the whole thing by means of mass deception and who own and control all the sources of money and all sources of information and all the politicians continues to deceive and sits back and waits while both their competition destroys themselves.
Of course their is still Russia and all of Asia to deal with but 1st things 1st.
1- A new Pearl Harbor type event" happens in 2001.
2- The US and its NATO buddies utlilize that the attack and destroy many Middle East and African countries including Libya which causes serious economic problems for all African people.

African and Middle-East countries collapse immediatly without Western aid and it is very important that the developing country is led by a harsh dictators like Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein ja Muammar Gaddadi.

It is ironic that men like them are able to secure peace and prevent refugee floods, but it is also a fact.


Hiliary 2020
I respectively disagree with most of that sentiment.
Libya was doing great for all of Africa. Many Africans went to Libya for work.
Then the US bombed it into rubble, killed their leader and Al_Qaeada took it over.
Gaddafi even said if you destroy Libya Europe will turn Black. Whether he meant Black as a metaphor or Black as in Millions of poor Africans flooding into it I'm not sure but he was right.

The US caused all this. US and their European allies.
But it goes even deeper than that, Its the banks which the USA is 20+trillion in debt to who makes the orders. The USA is just the muscle they use to enforce their will for their best interests.
And nothing is by accident. They knew damn well what would happen if they attacked these places but they did it anyway.
All part of a larger plan.
Muslims are not the enemy. They are a tool being used by the real enemy.
As far as this:
It is ironic that men like them are able to secure peace and prevent refugee floods, but it is also a fact.
I agree but I don't think those men where exactly the monsters we were told.
In Libya under Gaddafi the people had it pretty good. Not anymore
We killed and caused the deaths of damn near A million Libyans and there were only 6 million of them to begin with, and I still havent heard a reason why.
So when a country who does that calls another leader a monster I get a little suspicious.
When a country who's SOS cackles on live tv about their leader being brutally murdered by the same people who supposedly did 9/11 I can't help but not trust a word they say.


Hiliary 2020
Yeah. I don't expect anybody to agree with all I say so feel free to disagree with any of it.
Personally I just think its obvious that the whole mass immigration into Europe thing was planned exactly how it has been happening.
And don't wait or hold your breath for any politicians to change anything. They are all owned by the so called elite who created the situation.
There will never be a savior to save us, any of us.
Nope, it seems like the only inevitable outcome will be conflict.
Little by little more and more conflict until eventually (and surely encouraged and promoted by the media and the governments) there will be an all out massive chaotic situation.
At that point in time the individual governments will send out their massive armies of heavily armed to the teeth police and put us all down then make it a complete police state. And it will stay that way.
Because when they got us fighting each other we aint fighting them. Thats what I believe is a major reason for all the fake mass killings every day.
Sad because I believe that human beings can get along fine with each other if it weren't for the government and its media creating all the divisiveness. ok bed time for me.