The most hardcore fantasy you have

hey dudes,

just wondering what every1's most hardcore fantasy is. Mines is very very hardcore and it mite seem a bit wiered, but here is it. 1at of all there is 1 girl and a lot of guys, like 7 or 8. Each guys fuks her 1 by 1, and they each cum in her pussy. Then, I cum in her pussy. After this, they do the same wither her ass. Then, they all give her a facial. While her face is full of cum, I fuk her again and cum on her.

What do u guys have?


dear cumsplatter,

1. go to
2. type the keyword you wanna search
3. hit the "Search" button
4. visually check the results looking for a similar thread that you wanna create

in this case, it would be:
Whats your fantasy?

What Sexual Fantasy Do you Prefer?

My dirtiest little sexual fantasy is...?

and, like they say, please nobody answer this thread: go to any of the previous ones.
@ **********

You can't scare me that easily.


what about you sputty, ill tell u mine if u tell me yours. <3333

I'm boring. There's nothing too scandalous that I haven't already accomplished with someone else. I got the vast majority out of my system in college. ;)

And **********, there's always the pm system.


knows petras secret: she farted.
I'm boring. There's nothing too scandalous that I haven't already accomplished with someone else. I got the vast majority out of my system in college. ;)

And **********, there's always the pm system.

boring? bah! you just raised my curiosity level.


^You're no fun tonight. Tonight I met a guy from Oxford...he was taking pics of the flooding. He made me think of you...obviously we don't get a lot of people from Oxford around here.

A lot of us must not have a life on Saturday night, myself included. I'm watching c-span right now LOL. Damn, I'm hardcore.
My fantasies are weird and nasty. I'd probably wait for a couple of other peopel to reply first.


what the fuck you lookin at?
shoulda known fox would be all over this thread. I'm surprised he didn't start it!
I've done pretty much everything I would like to do with a woman. At this point the fantasy is not so much what I would do, but who I would do it with.
It involves two chicks pissing ALL over each other and doing ALL sorts of things with each others' asses.
Getting a blowjob on the durface of the sun. And I cum as we slowly melt (if we hadnt already, which we probably would have)

There's nothing better than getting head on a hot durface.
I'm still stuck with wanting there to be an actual "SEX CLUB" someplace. My idea is that you have to have a monthly membership to join, you have to take and submit STD tests every 6 months to retain membership, condoms are not an option, and basically you show to have sex with chicks. It's exactly like belonging to Gold's Gym...except the workout is sex. You don't have to "work up courage to approach a chick" everyone's there for the same thing...

Daydreaming about getting this kind of club up off the ground is my current fantasy...