The most effective way to tackle climate change?


Plant 1 trillion trees!!!

Trees and almost every other plant cleans the air and produce oxygen so we can breathe.
Even ignoring climate change planting more trees is a good idea and has many benefits.
The cost of planting a trillion trees would be a few tens of billions of dollars, but the long term benefit would be huge and incalculable.
It's a win-win solution, lefties would be happy with all the extra trees they can hug, and righties will have more trees to cut down and kill so they can sell the wood and make a profit.
All life on earth would benefit...instead of building a wall, Trump should plant a forest on the border and populate it with trained attack squirrels.


A border forest with trained attack squirrels is the best solution.
It slows climate change, scares illegal Mexican terrorists from entering America, lots of trees for lonely democrats to hug, and plenty of wood for republicans to sell. :cool:

A border forest with trained attack squirrels is the best solution.
It slows climate change, scares illegal Mexican terrorists from entering America, lots of trees for lonely democrats to hug, and plenty of wood for republicans to sell. :cool:


and eco-friendly patrols.






What's wrong with planting 1 trillion trees???

The trees will get rid of the CO2 pollution and produce clean O2 for us to breathe.
Democrats like me will have lots of trees to hug, and republicans will have lots of wood to sell.
Don't you get a republican schadenboner at the thought of killing trees for profit???


Industrial hemp is a lot more efficient than timber.
I did not know that! :cool:

"Industrial hemp has been scientifically proven to absorb more CO2 per hectare than any forest or commercial crop and is therefore the ideal carbon sink. In addition, the CO2 is permanently bonded within the fiber that is used for anything from textiles, to paper and as a building material."

Hemp vs. Trees: Why We Should Switch to Hemp

Hemp VS Trees: One Billion Reasons To Use Hemp Instead

I read somewhere that the paper/tree killing industry was part of the greedy corrupt corporate cartel that bribed politicians to make marijuana and hemp illegal in 1937.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I don't smoke weed, I'm not really a mary-juh-wanna activist, but I'm all for legal hemp for a lot of the reasons you outlined above, and more.