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The Kalergi Plan


Official Checked Star Member
Translation of an Italian article about the Kalergi plan:

Mass immigration is a phenomenon, the causes of which are still cleverly concealed by the system, and the multicultural propaganda is trying to falsely portray it as inevitable. With this article we intend to prove once and for all, that this is not a spontaneous phenomenon. What they want to present as an inevitable outcome of modern life, is actually a plan conceived around a table and prepared for decades, to completely destroy the face of the continent.

The Pan-Europe
Few people know that one of the main initiators of the process of European integration, was also the man who designed the genocide plan of the Peoples of Europe. It is a dark person, whose existence is unknown to the masses, but the elite considers him as the founder of the European Union. His name is Richard Coudenhove Kalergi. His father was an Austrian diplomat named Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi (with connections to the Byzantine family of the Kallergis) and his mother the Japanese Mitsu Aoyama. Kalergi, thanks to his close contacts with all European aristocrats and politicians, due to the relationships of his nobleman-diplomat father, and by moving behind the scenes, away from the glare of publicity, he managed to attract the most important heads of state to his plan , making them supporters and collaborators for the "project of European integration".

In 1922 he founded the "Pan-European" movement in Vienna, which aimed to create a New World Order, based on a federation of nations led by the United States. European integration would be the first step in creating a world government. Among the first supporters, including Czech politicians Tomáš Masaryk and Edvard Beneš and the banker Max Warburg, who invested the first 60,000 marks. The Austrian Chancellor Ignaz Seipel and the next president of Austria, Karl Renner, took the responsibility for leading the "Pan-European" movement. Later, French politicians, such as Léon Bloum, Aristide Briand, Alcide De Gasperi, etc will offer their help.

With the rise of Fascism in Europe, the project was abandoned and the "Pan-European" movement was forced to dissolve, but after the Second World War, Kalergi, thanks to frantic and tireless activity and the support of Winston Churchill, the Jewish Masonic Lodge B'nai B'rith and major newspapers like the New York Times, the plan manages to be accepted by the United States Government. The CIA later undertakes the completion of the project.

The essence of the Kalergi plan

In his book «Praktischer Idealismus», Kalergi indicates that the residents of the future "United States of Europe" will not be the People of the Old Continent, but a kind of sub-humans, products of miscegenation. He clearly states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and colored races, thus creating a multinational flock with no quality and easily controlled by the ruling elite.

Kalergi proclaims the abolition of the right of self-determination and then the elimination of nations with the use of ethnic separatist movements and mass migration. In order for Europe to be controlled by an elite, he wants to turn people into one homogeneous mixed breed of Blacks, Whites and Asians. Who is is this elite however? Kalergi is particularly illuminating on this:

The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It's not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews [due to the actions taken by the French Revolution]

Although no textbook mentions Kalergi, his ideas are the guiding principles of the European Union. The belief that the peoples of Europe should be mixed with Africans and Asians, to destroy our identity and create a single mestizo race, is the basis of all community policies that aim to protect minorities. Not for humanitarian reasons, but because of the directives issued by the ruthless Regime that machinates the greatest genocide in history. The Coudenhove-Kalergi European Prize is awarded every two years to Europeans who have excelled in promoting this criminal plan. Among those awarded with such a prize are Angela Merkel and Herman Van Rompuy.

The incitement to genocide, is also the basis of the constant appeals of the United Nations, that demands we accept millions of immigrants to help with the low birth rates of the EU. According to a report published on January 2000 in «Population division» Review of the United Nations in New York, under the title "Immigration replacement: A solution to declining and aging population," Europe will need by 2025 159,000,000 migrants.

One could wonder how there can be such accuracy on the estimates of immigration, although it was not a premeditated plan. It is certain that the low birth rate could easily be reversed with appropriate measures to support families. It is just as clear that it is the contribution of foreign genes do not protect our genetic heritage, but that it enables their disappearance. The sole purpose of these measures is to completely distort our people, to turn them into a group of people without national, historical and cultural cohesion. In short, the policies of the Kalergi plan was and still is, the basis of official government policies aimed at genocide of the Peoples of Europe, through mass immigration. G. Brock Chisholm, former director of the World Health Organization (OMS), proves that he has learned the lesson of Kalergi well when he says: "What people in all places have to do is to limit of birthrates and promote mixed marriages (between different races), this aims to create a single race in a world which will be directed by a central authority. "


If we look around us, the Kalergi plan seems to be fully realized. We face Europe's fusion with the Third World. The plague of interracial marriage produces each year thousands of young people of mixed race: "The children of Kalergi». Under the dual pressures of misinformation and humanitarian stupefaction, promoted by the MSM, the Europeans are being taught to renounce their origin, to renounce their national identity.

The servants of globalization are trying to convince us that to deny our identity, is a progressive and humanitarian act, that "racism" is wrong, because they want us all to be blind consumers. It is necessary, now more than ever, to counter the lies of the System, to awaken the revolutionary spirit of the Europeans. Every one must see this truth, that European Integration amounts to genocide. We have no other option, the alternative is national suicide.

Some people start voicing their concerns, though, all over Europe. Here is a small excerpt of what's going on throughout Europe in the last couple of months:









The die-hard political correctness fan boys might argue that it's just racism, but an in-depth analysis of what's going on will reveal that there is a big problem which start to be perceived by people as such and that the immigration policies for the last couple of decades have been foolish and suspicious to say the least.
Barbaric developing countries like Syria are filled with people, do they all fit in Europe?

Answer: hella no and hardly anyone else than politicians want them her and if the problem is moved from one place to another then there is a two places with the same problem.



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
....sub-humans, products of miscegenation. He clearly states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and colored races, thus creating a multinational flock with no quality and easily controlled by the ruling elite.

The fallacious assumption here is that, by mixing the races, the result is a population that is inferior in intellect (and in every other way I suppose) and will therefore be more easily controlled by those in power. Is this what this is all about (frankly, had never heard of this before....thanks for bringing this up, Sabrina)? Correct me if I am misinterpreting this concept.

The insinuation that an ethnically "pure" race is somehow inherently superior to those of mixed racial backgrounds is preposterous. With the amazing influx of refugees fleeing the carnage and slaughter in places like Syria and Libya into central Europe is bound to have a profound effect on the ethnic and racial makeup of generations to come. I don't see this as a bad thing at all except for the manner in which it is being manifested. Those who worry about changing the racial and ethnic face of Europe have to face the reality of what is occurring....just as we in the USA have seen an incredible uptick in the influence and presence of the Hispanic community in the past few decades. It's the dynamics of history at work my friends. I'm sure the Neanderthals were none to thrilled to see the Cro-Magnons show up when they did either.


Official Checked Star Member
The fallacious assumption here is that, by mixing the races, the result is a population that is inferior in intellect (and in every other way I suppose) and will therefore be more easily controlled by those in power. Is this what this is all about (frankly, had never heard of this before....thanks for bringing this up, Sabrina)? Correct me if I am misinterpreting this concept.

The insinuation that an ethnically "pure" race is somehow inherently superior to those of mixed racial backgrounds is preposterous. With the amazing influx of refugees fleeing the carnage and slaughter in places like Syria and Libya into central Europe is bound to have a profound effect on the ethnic and racial makeup of generations to come. I don't see this as a bad thing at all except for the manner in which it is being manifested. Those who worry about changing the racial and ethnic face of Europe have to face the reality of what is occurring....just as we in the USA have seen an incredible uptick in the influence and presence of the Hispanic community in the past few decades. It's the dynamics of history at work my friends. I'm sure the Neanderthals were none to thrilled to see the Cro-Magnons show up when they did either.

My understanding (and it's just my understanding) is that the mixing races attempt would flatten if not erase cultural heritage "creating" a ground zero society more easily manipulable. It's undeniable that people are losing their roots here in Europe and that the new generations know little or nothing about their cultural heritage. When you erase your past you are more subjected to swallow whatever future you are being offered.
My understanding (and it's just my understanding) is that the mixing races attempt would flatten if not erase cultural heritage "creating" a ground zero society more easily manipulable. It's undeniable that people are losing their roots here in Europe and that the new generations know little or nothing about their cultural heritage. When you erase your past you are more subjected to swallow whatever future you are being offered.

Totally agree with the diluted cultural heritage and history, but we should also consider keeping "Race" out of the equation. Scientific we are all home sapiens, all human. There is no "race". This is a device term used to segregate those of a difference colour, religion, and/or shared history. What we really need is to be HUMAN and accept that others have different histories and cultures. We are all 70% water, have calcium in our bones, carbon based life forms that all bleed red. The only "race" distinction that is made is by those who fear what they don't understand. In otherwords, show respect and get on with others different from us.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
My understanding (and it's just my understanding) is that the mixing races attempt would flatten if not erase cultural heritage "creating" a ground zero society more easily manipulable. It's undeniable that people are losing their roots here in Europe and that the new generations know little or nothing about their cultural heritage. When you erase your past you are more subjected to swallow whatever future you are being offered.

The past is not erased when this happens. However, it does become less relevant as it applies to the present. We are undergoing exactly the same societal and cultural metamorphosis in the USA right now. History is not represented solely by the present....au contraire, its course is dynamic to say the least and change is an inevitable part of the evolution of civilization whether some of us like it or not. It's out of our control. All we can do is deal with it.