The Gun Control debate thread

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
"In predictable fashion, President Obama and his acolytes immediately responded to the recent tragedy in Orlando by blaming guns. In turn, gun and ammo sales skyrocket, as they have in every instance prior; making Obama's rhetoric once again largely responsible for record numbers of guns and ammo flying off shelves across this nation. Mere hours before hundreds were killed by ISIS in the gun-free zone of Paris, Obama is on record declaring ISIS as being “contained.” Recall, not long ago he referred to them as the JV Team. More aggression would follow, demonstrating he hasn't a clue and that ISIS is not “on defense” as he also stated publically; they are very much “on offense.” Every law abiding citizen in this country has and should have the right to protect themselves, their business, and their family. The first responder is rarely a law enforcement officer…the first responder is typically the victim. Those who think terrorists or anyone else that is mentally insane or criminally inclined will comply with new gun laws are sadly mistaken. Televised beheadings involved knives, Oklahoma City involved fertilizer, 9/11 involved airplanes, and the Boston Marathon involved pipes. Need we more examples of the resolve to do damage with or without guns? If you look like food, you will be eaten and increasingly so over the last (8) years, examples of our vulnerability abound under a Shepherd and some sheep who seem unable or unwilling to realize that the wolf is not a gun. My team and I operate a fantastic, indoor shooting facility in addition to other great shooting facilities in SW Florida that are privately operated. I encourage firearms familiarization and training for the law abiding citizens that are so inclined, and concealed carry applications are available at my offices around the county. Additionally, we are happy to visit businesses, places of worship, or community groups with personal safety and situational awareness presentations that I know you would find interesting and helpful." -Sheriff Mike Scott of Lee County, Florida

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
1. According to FBI statistics, 80% of homicides are from gang-related activities.

2. Firearm homicide rates have decreased while gun ownership has increased. Over the past 20 years, gun sales have absolutely exploded, but homicides with firearms are down 39 percent during that time and “other crimes with firearms” are down 69 percent.

3. Generally, there is an inverse correlation between gun ownership and crime. A study published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy discovered that nations that have more guns tend to have less crime.

4. Mass shootings mostly occur in areas with strict gun control laws. Almost every mass shooting that has occurred in the United States since 1950 has taken place in a state with strict gun control laws. Despite strict gun regulations, Europe has had three of the worst six school shootings.

5. There isn’t a strong correlation between gun ownership and homicides. The United States is #1 in the world in gun ownership, and yet it is only 28th in the world in gun murders per 100,000 people. Australia, after banning guns, has indeed had a decrease in homicides, but so has the USA without banning guns.

6. Despite rising gun ownership, the violent crime rate is actually falling. The violent crime rate in the United States fell from 757.7 per 100,000 in 1992 to 386.3 per 100,000 in 2011. During that same time period, the murder rate fell from 9.3 per 100,000 to 4.7 per 100,000.

7. Despite what the media shows, guns do save people. Approximately 200,000 women in the United States use guns to protect themselves against sexual crime every single year. Compare that to the 32,000 deaths by firearms. People also frequently stop robberies because of gun ownership. You just don’t hear about it because mass and social media don’t report it for some reason.

8. Many people want to ban guns while frequently misidentifying them. It puzzles me when people say to ban assault rifles, when semiautomatic pistols are the firearms utilized in most mass shootings.

9. Usage of guns to protect outweighs usage of guns for crime. Guns are used 2.5 million times annually or 6,860 times a day. This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than they are to take lives.

10. You are more likely to die from playing high school football than a gun.
Sheriff Mike Scott of Lee County, Florida

Sheriff Mike:
Every law abiding citizen in this country has and should have the right to protect themselves, their business, and their family.

I agree. So do tens of millions of other democrats, including a good sized percentage who (like myself) own a gun(s). But again, nobody with any stature or clout is proposing we NOT have that right, and if they did they would be overwhelmingly opposed. The level of paranoia, fed incessantly by the right wing media, is off the charts on this issue, which more than anything explains the "record numbers of guns and ammo flying off shelves across this nation".

Mere hours before hundreds were killed by ISIS in the gun-free zone of Paris, Obama is on record declaring ISIS as being “contained.”

Stop peddling the AM radio sound bites, Sheriff Mike. He was talking specifically about IRAQ...and only Iraq...where indeed at the time their territorial expansion had been (and continues to be) contained.
"In predictable fashion, President Obama and his acolytes immediately responded to the recent tragedy in Orlando by blaming guns. In turn, gun and ammo sales skyrocket, as they have in every instance prior; making Obama's rhetoric once again largely responsible for record numbers of guns and ammo flying off shelves across this nation. Mere hours before hundreds were killed by ISIS in the gun-free zone of Paris, Obama is on record declaring ISIS as being “contained.” Recall, not long ago he referred to them as the JV Team. More aggression would follow, demonstrating he hasn't a clue and that ISIS is not “on defense” as he also stated publically; they are very much “on offense.” Every law abiding citizen in this country has and should have the right to protect themselves, their business, and their family. The first responder is rarely a law enforcement officer…the first responder is typically the victim. Those who think terrorists or anyone else that is mentally insane or criminally inclined will comply with new gun laws are sadly mistaken. Televised beheadings involved knives, Oklahoma City involved fertilizer, 9/11 involved airplanes, and the Boston Marathon involved pipes. Need we more examples of the resolve to do damage with or without guns? If you look like food, you will be eaten and increasingly so over the last (8) years, examples of our vulnerability abound under a Shepherd and some sheep who seem unable or unwilling to realize that the wolf is not a gun. My team and I operate a fantastic, indoor shooting facility in addition to other great shooting facilities in SW Florida that are privately operated. I encourage firearms familiarization and training for the law abiding citizens that are so inclined, and concealed carry applications are available at my offices around the county. Additionally, we are happy to visit businesses, places of worship, or community groups with personal safety and situational awareness presentations that I know you would find interesting and helpful." -Sheriff Mike Scott of Lee County, Florida

Straw man argument

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
How is that? Stompy Foot and others immediately politicized the event and Sheriff Mike responded.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

Armed Pacifist
A person (or group of persons) who believe in nonviolence, but having determined not to be victims, armed and trained themselves. Hoping to never use such knowledge or armament, but understanding in a less-than-perfect world, such preparedness has its place.
~ Pastor Decanus James
In the above post, Gandhi is taken out of context. His comments were made in reference to Indians fighting alongside British forces in WW1, the WHOLE quote from the Dalai Lama is, "But if someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, he said, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun. Not at the head, where a fatal wound might result. But at some other body part, such as a leg." And there are absolutely NO statistics to bear out the claim that rape cases dropped 90% in Orlando in 1967. ALWAYS take "quotes" along with the picture of a historical figure in a meme with a grain of salt. They're either outright fabrications, cases where the "quote" has been cherry picked to "prove" desired result, or the quote's been taken completely out of context. And NEVER trust someone who cites a 90% anything. As a social science methods professor of mine in college said, "The higher the number cited in any given statistic, the more likely someone played with the numbers to obtain a desired result."

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Do you mean like the 90 percent of American people want expanded background checks motards have been throwing around?


Hiliary 2020
1. According to FBI statistics, 80% of homicides are from gang-related activities.

2. Firearm homicide rates have decreased while gun ownership has increased. Over the past 20 years, gun sales have absolutely exploded, but homicides with firearms are down 39 percent during that time and “other crimes with firearms” are down 69 percent.

3. Generally, there is an inverse correlation between gun ownership and crime. A study published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy discovered that nations that have more guns tend to have less crime.

4. Mass shootings mostly occur in areas with strict gun control laws. Almost every mass shooting that has occurred in the United States since 1950 has taken place in a state with strict gun control laws. Despite strict gun regulations, Europe has had three of the worst six school shootings.

5. There isn’t a strong correlation between gun ownership and homicides. The United States is #1 in the world in gun ownership, and yet it is only 28th in the world in gun murders per 100,000 people. Australia, after banning guns, has indeed had a decrease in homicides, but so has the USA without banning guns.

6. Despite rising gun ownership, the violent crime rate is actually falling. The violent crime rate in the United States fell from 757.7 per 100,000 in 1992 to 386.3 per 100,000 in 2011. During that same time period, the murder rate fell from 9.3 per 100,000 to 4.7 per 100,000.

7. Despite what the media shows, guns do save people. Approximately 200,000 women in the United States use guns to protect themselves against sexual crime every single year. Compare that to the 32,000 deaths by firearms. People also frequently stop robberies because of gun ownership. You just don’t hear about it because mass and social media don’t report it for some reason.

8. Many people want to ban guns while frequently misidentifying them. It puzzles me when people say to ban assault rifles, when semiautomatic pistols are the firearms utilized in most mass shootings.

9. Usage of guns to protect outweighs usage of guns for crime. Guns are used 2.5 million times annually or 6,860 times a day. This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than they are to take lives.

10. You are more likely to die from playing high school football than a gun.

Assuming all that is true and I don't doubt it is, that sums up quite a lot.
Especially that legal gun sales are up while gun homicides and crimes are down.
That pretty much proves it.

Soapbox time-
The PREZ and other politicians have been saying recently that people can be on no fly zones, people can be on FBI watchlists, people can visit radical Muslim websites but he can't prevent them from legally getting guns. I can show you the videos, here is one. about 3 min in.

Then the Orlando event happens and you start hearing this from all over, the same thing Barry said.
About 12 minutes in

Then you have the HEAD of DHS going around saying that it's time that his agency starts deciding who gets guns and who can keep their guns. The very agency who can put any of us on a watch list or no fly zone for pretty much any reason they want icluding visiting this website. They don't adhere to the Bill of Rights. They go by The Patriot Act.
This is clearly an attempt to bypass the 2nd Amendment before you know who leaves office.

I find it beyond coincidence that immediately after the Orlando event all these traitors, Actors actually, start spewing the same exact thing.
These people are puppets. They are actors and I find it hard to comprehend why the majority of The People just don't get it at this point.
They are reading from a script that was written for them to act out way before Orlando happened. You know what those shows? Foreknowledge.
And the same thing happens after every one of these events.

Final thing: All the talk from these fakes now is about "Homegrown Terrorism". It's not about Muslim Terrorism.
That is just more proof to me that their agenda is to disarm law biding People and there is no threat or at least very little if any threat from radical Muslims, and they know it.
I want to be careful because I don't want to wind up on a list or put in jail indefinitely without charges, legal rep, or a trial for using words and expressing thoughts.
But if you really take the time to research and look at the Big Picture you will see clearly that The USA is ISIS. They were created armed and funded by The USA to be used to psychologically terrorize us and control us.
You can trick a man 100 times no problem, but convincing him that he's been tricked is nearly impossible.
Thank you


Torn & Frayed.





Torn & Frayed.
"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose"

That was an intentional smartass reply, just for the hell of it. It's an extreme oversimplification to just cherry-pick the last phrase to further a goal. (Sound familiar? )

Obviously, it isn't unlimited. I am of the opinion that the current issues can be resolved without tampering with the Second Amendment. As noted above, a good start would be enforcing the laws that are already on the books. Another would be dealing with the underlying mental health issues that we have in this country in regards to diagnosis and treatment options. Also, the narrative presented that casts all gun owners as "Ammo-sexuals" and everyone opposing them as wanting to BAN ALL GUNS is not helping. There's a middle ground, and it can be found, but too many people seem to be paying attention to the wrong "sources" of information. I'd be interested in hearing from gun owners who are of the opinion that the N.R.A is a batshit crazy fringe group. I'm sure they're out there, but since it's not a big story (ratings), they aren't being acknowledged.

In short, neither "side" wants to compromise on a "common sense" solution (quotes because common sense is relative).
Obviously, it isn't unlimited. I am of the opinion that the current issues can be resolved without tampering with the Second Amendment. As noted above, a good start would be enforcing the laws that are already on the books. Another would be dealing with the underlying mental health issues that we have in this country in regards to diagnosis and treatment options. Also, the narrative presented that casts all gun owners as "Ammo-sexuals" and everyone opposing them as wanting to BAN ALL GUNS is not helping. There's a middle ground, and it can be found, but too many people seem to be paying attention to the wrong "sources" of information. I'd be interested in hearing from gun owners who are of the opinion that the N.R.A is a batshit crazy fringe group. I'm sure they're out there, but since it's not a big story (ratings), they aren't being acknowledged.

In short, neither "side" wants to compromise on a "common sense" solution (quotes because common sense is relative).

I agree

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I hate to say this, but numbnuts is right. If a clown is on the "no fly list", he should be on a no buy list. If I have to answer a couple of more questions, and wait a day or 2 for my $3000 semi automatic rifle, so some idiot won't get one, I'll make that compromise....I usually can't come up with that kind of change, without a lotto win, so whats a few more days added to the monthes it took me to savesh for the gun.

I will NEVER accept the restriction of magazine capacity, or weapon type.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
A: Ace, are you still trying to make this discussion about heavy weaponry one about total annihilation of any firearms in private hands? Serious?

Back to the discussion at hand: Your senators have voted, and some have failed you.



That was an intentional smartass reply, just for the hell of it. It's an extreme oversimplification to just cherry-pick the last phrase to further a goal. (Sound familiar? )

Obviously, it isn't unlimited. I am of the opinion that the current issues can be resolved without tampering with the Second Amendment. As noted above, a good start would be enforcing the laws that are already on the books. Another would be dealing with the underlying mental health issues that we have in this country in regards to diagnosis and treatment options. Also, the narrative presented that casts all gun owners as "Ammo-sexuals" and everyone opposing them as wanting to BAN ALL GUNS is not helping. There's a middle ground, and it can be found, but too many people seem to be paying attention to the wrong "sources" of information. I'd be interested in hearing from gun owners who are of the opinion that the N.R.A is a batshit crazy fringe group. I'm sure they're out there, but since it's not a big story (ratings), they aren't being acknowledged.

In short, neither "side" wants to compromise on a "common sense" solution (quotes because common sense is relative).

There is such a group and I'm a member of it. I'm not going to post it here, but anyone I can trust (which is damn few of you) can PM me for the website.
I'd like to ask a question to any actual users of firearms, particularly those with military experience.
Although the Orlando shooting was a different gun, many news reports initially said it was an AR-15 showing how prevalent it is in the our minds when it comes to civilian firearms.

I know the AR-15 is the civilian variant of the M-16, with the primary difference being semi or fully automatic fire. My question is, exactly how much of a difference of this actually make? Obviously your finger might get tired after a while, but for short bursts is the difference that significant?
My point of asking this is because I have to question if such guns, for all intents and purposes are essentially military grade and shouldn't even be considered for civilian use.