::laughs my fucking ass off:: facetious.. sense.. say it isn't so.. I thought they were sworn enemies. I see the alien has found ways to blend into society. ::does the secret alien handshake with face:: Welcome to earth! They accept you in superficial, pornographic and sugary ways now! YAYZ!
Ahem, so... fuck, what topic am I even on? Ah. Pop.. soda.. anyway, someone asked what we call other drinks here. Ya know what we call them by? Their names. Mountain dew is 'dew'. 7 up is never ordered. Sprite is woman drink. They want less of everything in their drinks, here. Calories.. carbs.. etc. Funny tho.. that the caffeine would actually help with their weight loss. Fat lards. Everything else isnt actually ordered by.. um.. how should I word this.. 'white people'. We dont drink 'orange drank'. Nor the grape drink that actually has no fruit juice. I'm sorry, but.. white people just dont do it. I shouldnt have to apologize but it might sound racist to say. (to some). It's sugarwater to the max. Worse than kool aid.