The front shouldn't fall off. . .

that conversation was beyond this world, and hella funny, i think that the front fell of while he was talking about it


fucking funny as hell. What's out there/ nothing but sea,birds, fish and 20 tons of crude oil a fire and the front that fell off.

Looked like a Monty Python audition


My Penis Is Dancing!
"What's out there?"
"Well, nothing's out there. That's why it's outside the environment."
"Nothing, but some sea. And birds, and fish. And 18 million tons of crude oil. And the part of the ship that didn't fall off."
"And that's it?"
"That's it. And fire."

I paraphrase...but that is some great stuff. Who in the hell are those guys and where can I find some more of their stuff?
John Clarke is the balled guy! FUNNY AS FUCK New zealander! but thats from the stuff he did on Australia on ummmm some news show CANT bloody remember LOL
I really like british humor and a New Zealander in Australia as well so it seems...
Very convincing argument from the expert. Very persistent questioning from the interviewer! I lost the the will to live about 30 seconds in!

...blah blah blah.
..but why?
..blah blah blah?
...but what...?
...blah blah blah?