Here is the compilation of the publicly available data from the CC database in easily readable ascii files. There are three files, each contains the same data but sorted differently: by girl's name, by episode number and by girl's ID. Each file contains: name, episode and identification number, age, date of publishing and the tags as they are listed on the website. In my copy of the files I've updated some of the tags to help myself finding some girls in the list. It is of great help not only for the identification purposes, but for simply finding a girl.
Once the data is available in this format it's easy to find some interesting stats:
1 - average age is 23.7 years (median age 23.00)
2 - the most frequent names are Lucie (110), Veronika (101), Tereza (93), Michaela (65), Jana (62), Petra (60), ...
3 - number of episodes per year 91 (2011), 362 (2012), 365 (2013), 364 (2014), 351 (2015), 200 (2016), 122 (2017), 104 (2018), 30 so far (2019)
4 - 12 episodes have been deleted over the years
5 - up to around E1150, the identification numbers appear in series, after that they are completely random
6 - only one id number is repeated twice (7686, episodes 177 and 240)