the Confession

I would Like to Confess that I'm a Bisexual. I like to stuck stuff in my ass and my dick in that stuff.

Please Say something about it.

Will E Worm



Two sponges
A toilet
The seat to be exact
Set the sponge on the basin
Drop the other on your dick with the toilet lid
Some motion in the ocean baby

**Important for hygiene reasons do not try this at home**
Willem is that you???


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
You should visit the cupcake, bring a Joey Silvera movie and some tequila.

Please make a tape of that :)
I would Like to Confess that I'm a Bisexual. I like to stuck stuff in my ass and my dick in that stuff.

Please Say something about it.

Good for you.....its great to know who you r
Fine, but this time we use MY blood as lube.

Yeah, sure, whatever, I'm game. I do have a rather large boil at the base of my penis that is about ready to spew its deliciousness in every conceivable direction. I'm sure you won't mind if that adds to the slickness, as well. Being as though such things aren't within the realm of my control.

Some day they hopefully will be. I doubt it. But you never know, I got my first invite to the Bohemian Grove the other week. They'll help me out.
Yeah, sure, whatever, I'm game. I do have a rather large boil at the base of my penis that is about ready to spew its deliciousness in every conceivable direction. I'm sure you won't mind if that adds to the slickness, as well. Being as though such things aren't within the realm of my control.

Some day they hopefully will be. I doubt it. But you never know, I got my first invite to the Bohemian Grove the other week. They'll help me out.

You know I'ma suck that boil first. That's the way to start off the night.
