The Bang Bus

Does anybody have the november 24th (thanksgiving) or november 17th, 2004 BangBus episodes I could download, or at least do you know the names of the girls in 'em?
Do you guys think the Bang Bus is real...come on the girls would have to be kinda dumb to get into a strangers van have sex and not worry about STD's....


Member, you member...
All "reality" sites are not real - they are played out scenes that they do. I dislike the Bang Bus scenes because of the idiot guys' talking, especially the one behind the camera.
Yeah Mr.Ugly or what ever he is its like he has an annoying voice...So like We live togther, Bang Bus, Milf Hunter all fake....any real ones...I doubt it though because it seems like breaking the law for like videos yeah I'm going to watch some guy cum all over my gf or fiances face....


Member, you member...
All fake, yes.
The fakest one IMO is Big Snausage Pizza - yup, I put my dick through that pepperoni pizza and Devon Michaels sucked me off. lol
Good entertainment? Well IMO it isn't, but it could be....

I subscribed once but there is this guy with the most irratating, dick shriveling laugh its impossible to watch, and he is in every scene in every sister site thay have , I had to cancel immediately. I mean some of the girls are hot and worth watching but the dickheads that are filming, laughing, and telling jokes in the background are totally annoying and absolutely ruin what could be a great site. Sad thing is I consider myself an aficionado of ass and it pains me not to be able to watch scenes from ass parade due to the fact that I can not stomach that jerk offs voice.
AssMan said:
Good entertainment? Well IMO it isn't, but it could be....

I subscribed once but there is this guy with the most irratating, dick shriveling laugh its impossible to watch.

So true and how about the wierd-o guy driving and the ugly guy with that weird NASTY pimple...bubble wtf is that on his dick?.... :throwup: grosses me out...
I had almost forgot about that.... thanks for reminding me.... :cussing:

but yeah man borderline extreme video with that guy, my first thought was it had to be a fake but it wasnt. Not sure what they are trying to do with that. :confused:
brianelka said:
I love the bangbus concept! To bad it realy can't be done for real!!

Yeah me too...wouldnt it be awesome to have a van drive around get girls screw them and kick them a perfect world on day my friend.. :bowdown: ....

another thing...i noticed the girls rarely ask what the hell is up with a camera when a van full of strange guys pick them up...

Still Bang Bus is good entertainment
Civickiller80 said:
So true and how about the wierd-o guy driving and the ugly guy with that weird NASTY pimple...bubble wtf is that on his dick?.... :throwup: grosses me out...

The "bubble" is a pearl implant, to increase the stimulation of the clitoris during sex.