My thought on the contribution thing was as follows, although I'm sure it has flaws, I think it's a decent foundation.
Any, and all political candidates, no matter how high, or low on the food chain, shall receive NO outside contributions from ANY organization, or lobby group. They may also only use a certain amount of their own money (a figure to be decided, and based upon their level in politics). However, as part of the television and radios requirement for existence is that they get a license on a regular basis. As part of their "dues" for that, they must give equal time to EVERY candidate, and likewise with the newspapers. So a local tv or radio station would have to give time to mayors, and counsel men, bigger channels would cover Governors and presidents, etc. The newspapers would have to provide equal page space, etc. and cable and pay services would also need to do something too. I realize this would cause us to be exposed to more of their nonsensical commercials, but if it kept them from having their pockets stuffed from the private sector. I also think, they should be required to roll any stocks, if elected, out of anything that would concern the public oil, etc., and put that money into some other investment option, that would not cause them to loose any money...but won't also cost the American public any money. They should also not be allowed to follow their political carrer at places like the FDA, or other similar situations, that lead to favoritism...nor should they be coming from those places.
Like I said, I realize it's probably cluttered with flaws....but I think there are some valid points, for a decent foundation in there somewhere.