Ten Commandments

You follow any...?

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Well, I haven't made myself any idols....
you should not talk bad in the name of God, but that's just my opinion :).


I breeched them all, thank you very much! :bowdown::hatsoff:

the only diffy between me and you atheists is that I have been 4 given, therefore I guess that
I won't be seeing you
, seein' ya on the inverse side. :angels: :D :tongue:
I’m going to remove the first four for obvious reasons.

Personally I can see a situation when there would come a time in which it would be morally permissible for you to perform any and all of those actions and be left completely content with your decision afterwards.

For example; if a guy has really nice shoes, is it really so wrong of me to stab him a whole bunch of times in order for me to become the sole owner of them? Really? No of course it isn’t, that's insanity.

Of course I’ll then go on to take his underwear and most of his cash too and position his corpse in a humorous way for my own amusement - but that's another story which when you think about it really combines two of the commandments. But, like I say there are times in which those laws from “up on high” can be broken and the situation I’ve just described is a perfect example of this.

All I can say about the others is I'm on a porn board. Do I really need to add anymore. I will of course; cheese, cock, mud, breast and crumpet...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
The Lord, the Lord Jehovah has given unto you these fifteen...
[drops one of the tablets] Oy! Ten! Ten commandments for all to obey!
I voted for murder and false idol.

But I'm only gonna refuse to worship a false idol because all idols are false, including the one that the first 4 commandments are about.

Just because my parents fucked doesn't mean I'm going to honor them, especially if their fucking was a violation of the other commandments. doesn't make much sense.

Stealing is wrong, Ok.... but what if you are stealing back something that was stolen from you in the first place, would that be alright?

coveting, adultery and bearing false witness: all the same thing.

If my neighbor has a hot wife :hit: and tell him it wasn't me. That's his problem. Maybe if he didn't spend so much time at church following commandments 1-4 and pleasing his wife instead , she wouldn't be out adulterating :2 cents:


Well i have not cheated on my wife so that's about all I follow out of 10.

Seeing that I don't go to church, I lied on my neighbor, his wife is fucking HOTTTTTTT, I have stolen,
Yeah diffently MURDER people, I hate my parents, GOD damnit, I am a fucking God, The lord is not my god. there one outta 10 ain't bad.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
If I have a fluffy Cthulhu in my bedroom...does that fall under false idols? And does eating souls constitute murder? Hmmm...
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Laws of my country is my Commandments.I am not baptized.:nanner: