Latest review, 2015-01-21 01:52:40
You can certainly get great value for money if you subscribe to Tegan as long as you know that the lady herself didn't stick around for very long! She is great and in the brief time you see her then you are going to be impressed. But you are going to be far more impressed by the splendid amount of great bonus sites you get here - that will be the clincher here.
Read the complete re-review or visit Tegan Summers directly
Older review, 2011-07-07 01:58:24
Join up for a month for network access and stick the hell around if all of these network sites continue to thrive and grow. There is some really nice content here that is designed to make viewers as hard or wet as possible and that is what happens. is going to go a long way in this game if she can be a a bit more cock-friendly. Give her a shot.
Read the complete review or visit Tegan Summers directly
You can certainly get great value for money if you subscribe to Tegan as long as you know that the lady herself didn't stick around for very long! She is great and in the brief time you see her then you are going to be impressed. But you are going to be far more impressed by the splendid amount of great bonus sites you get here - that will be the clincher here.
Read the complete re-review or visit Tegan Summers directly
Older review, 2011-07-07 01:58:24
Join up for a month for network access and stick the hell around if all of these network sites continue to thrive and grow. There is some really nice content here that is designed to make viewers as hard or wet as possible and that is what happens. is going to go a long way in this game if she can be a a bit more cock-friendly. Give her a shot.
Read the complete review or visit Tegan Summers directly