He'll be the front runner until the second candidate announces.
He'll be the front runner until the second candidate announces.
There was never any mainstream birther hoopla. Either become informed or stop making it out to be more than what it was. Speculation by a small minority.
Run Teddy Run!!!!!!!
Fox repeatedly had birthers on their shows.There was never any mainstream birther hoopla. Either become informed or stop making it out to be more than what it was. Speculation by a small minority.
This became an issue when Obama started to be a viable candidate. So it will be a nonissue for Cruz.There was never any mainstream birther hoopla. Either become informed or stop making it out to be more than what it was. Speculation by a small minority.
Run Teddy Run!!!!!!!
Mariah you are as left wing as they come. There is not one scintilla of moderate thinking that comes from you. If you hate him there has to be some redeeming qualities about the man. You're scared of him and that is a good thing from my POV. The things about destroying the party are the same things that were said about Reagan when he ran. It may not be Cruz but we are nominating a conservative this time around. Since you want to start comparing physical appearance and old tv shows, your girl Warren looks like Buffy's doll from Family Affair Mrs. Beasley. Your best options on the dem side are two old women and Hillary looks like a hag. And Cruz is brighter and a far better lawyer than either of them could ever hope to be. Run Teddy RunThis guy proves that the conservative party is on its last leg. If anyone thinks this guy has a chance at being president let alone the nominee you are an idiot. If you think he could beat Hillary you're retarded. NEVER happen. He will do nothing but smear the shit outta the other republican candidates and then be that guy who refuses to drop out even though he gets clobbered in every primary.
Not to mention he looks way too much like Frank Burns from M*A*S*H
and look who he agrees with politically on about 90% of the issues. YIKES!!!!!!
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So which is it? They are mainstream media? Or just a bunch of people that varnish feces and store urine in jars?Fox repeatedly had birthers on their shows.
Did you see the story about Donald Trump suing Bill Maher for $5 million dollars? This is hilarious.
"Donald Trump made some noise earlier this year by filing a $5 million lawsuit against comedian Bill Maher for claiming during a "Tonight Show" appearance that he believed Trump was the spawn of an orangutan. Monday afternoon, Trump dropped the lawsuit, TMZ reports.
Trump is an ego maniac who looks like a clown. He's become a punch line yet he refuses to believe it.
Um Obama's policies were on the ballot and they were so great that his supporters didn't show up at the polls.This last mid-term is a perfect example of the fading of relevance of the republican party. One of the worst turnouts of democrat voters in history yet the republicans still barely squeaked a victory out in most of the elections. Imagine if there had been a turnout for the left. Just 10% more and the house would look far different than it does today. Once the left figures out how to get people out to vote you guys are fucking toast.