Teagan Pressley


GQman2121 said:
She just had a tit job last month.....:dunno:

got any pics?
Originally posted by GQman2121
She just had a tit job last month.....

Not that I dont believe you man, but I need some proof of this before I buy it.
anyone got any more?

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Do a seacrh for previous threads, im pretty sure theres a big one on her. And if she has had a tit job then its a shame, she had a perfect lil bod.
you can always find info at her Yahoo club site....see info down below!

The Satyr Icon
I'll be curious to see those new set of tits in action. She's a wild one. I wonder how much she makes?
Now she has the right size in her tits, not to big and not to small. Are their any vids of her on wtf? wtf? wtf? wtf? wtf? ?