Tea Party Nation Urges Businesses To Stop Hiring In Order To Hurt Obama


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Corporations want slave labor, that's why they outsource to China. American capitalism is the greatest thing that ever happened to communist china.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You most all responded just like good trained humanoids.

The point here is this, what she's saying is , " Ok, so your against Capitalism? Wanna be socialist? Wanna Government who has so many laws, restrictions, taxes and other bullshit that business will either fail, leave the country or just never exist? Ok good, no more hiring then. Lets see how that works out" .

We know what she's saying. What we're saying is that what she's saying is stupid and anti-American.

What's kind of ironic though is in reality there is very little hiring going on anyway thanks to THE GOV.
So what she is doing by saying that is the equivalent of waking somebody up just to tell them to go back to sleep.

Businesses hire (full time) to address increases in demand that cannot be addressed with increased overtime or the use of temps. I'm not going to bore people with a long, drawn out diatribe on OEE or productivity. But that is why businesses hire. People who believe that if you cut taxes, a business owner will rush out and hire people, just because his taxes are lower, don't understand basic economics or fundamental business practices.

Outside of banking, what "laws, restrictions, taxes, laws and bullshit" have been put into place by the Federal govt. since 2009 that have actually discouraged businesses from hiring????????? Please, give me some examples. The truth is, there are more incentives now than there have been in a couple of decades. But because of the lack of demand and the continuing lack of fiscal direction (caused by both parties in Washington), businesses generally are hesitating in pulling the trigger on hiring in many sectors. In the sector and at one of the companies where I'm working now (automotive related manufacturing), we are hiring and we are buying equipment. One facility in particular is taking business from its competitors by taking advantage of tax breaks which encourage businesses to invest in plant and equipment. Maybe if Melissa wasn't so stupid she'd know that and she'd be expanding her cow & chicken home schooling business (or whatever make believe "small business" she claims to be in).

What kills me about many of these TEA party people is their amazing lack of common sense and knowledge of the financial system and business. First they say that the U.S. should default on its debts ("yup, that thar won't hurt nutin' at all!") and now one of the main groups has this talking chimp who says that because she thinks Obama is a socialist, businesses shouldn't hire people. Fucking geniuses!!! No wonder when you can actually find personal details about some of these people, you find that they've been bankrupt, don't pay their property taxes and are behind on child support, etc. Failures giving business advice to others. Graduates of The Michele Bachmann School of Economics using big words that they don't know the meaning of. :facepalm:


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
“war against business and my country.”... Sounds like the teabaggers want to hurt the American worker more by denying them the chance to be employed. Dipshits...


Re: Tea Party Nation Urges Businesses To Stop Hiring In Order To Hurt Obama

Why not, øbama, the polarizer in chief is spending some six million, that's ''$6,000,000'', a minute of borrowed chinese revenue in order to embed and impose his socialist ideology throughout America, how else would you expect the opposition to respond? :rolleyes:

In fact, Obama isn't the least bit interested in getting the unemployed back to work, why? Because he wants as many Americans as possible to get hooked on government subsidies, that way he can raise we the working peoples' taxes (redistribute the wealth) all the more... remember? the longer someone is out of work, the least likely they are to find another job?
...and because they can't find a job they'll more than likely end up in the ranks of the 21st century American proletariats, i.e. Obama's footsoldiers or ''øbamakids''... take your pick. :1orglaugh
Re: Tea Party Nation Urges Businesses To Stop Hiring In Order To Hurt Obama

Why not, øbama, the polarizer in chief is spending some six million, that's ''$6,000,000'', a minute of borrowed chinese revenue in order to embed and impose his socialist ideology throughout America, how else would you expect the opposition to respond? :rolleyes:

In fact, Obama isn't the least bit interested in getting the unemployed back to work, why? Because he wants as many Americans as possible to get hooked on government subsidies, that way he can raise we the working peoples' taxes (redistribute the wealth) all the more... remember? the longer someone is out of work, the least likely they are to find another job?
...and because they can't find a job they'll more than likely end up in the ranks of the 21st century American proletariats, i.e. Obama's footsoldiers or ''øbamakids''... take your pick. :1orglaugh

Has anone ever told you lately that you're a stupid cunt?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I love it when people haven't got a clue what they're talking about, and boy if there was ever a group that didn't know what the fuck they were talking about it's the teabaggers.

To directly address the post above me re: Obama spending six million dollars a minute, how about we put things into perspective and see which administrations own what part of the national debt. Of the combined $14 trillion the United States currently owes, presidents Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II own a combined $12 trillion. Let's give credit where credit's due instead of trying to blame the black guy.


Will E Worm

I love it when people haven't got a clue what they're talking about, and boy if there was ever a group that didn't know what the fuck they were talking about it's the fleabaggers.

Fleabaggers. :clap:


My Penis Is Dancing!
Re: Tea Party Nation Urges Businesses To Stop Hiring In Order To Hurt Obama

Why not, øbama, the polarizer in chief is spending some six million, that's ''$6,000,000'', a minute of borrowed chinese revenue in order to embed and impose his socialist ideology throughout America, how else would you expect the opposition to respond? :rolleyes:

In fact, Obama isn't the least bit interested in getting the unemployed back to work, why? Because he wants as many Americans as possible to get hooked on government subsidies, that way he can raise we the working peoples' taxes (redistribute the wealth) all the more... remember? the longer someone is out of work, the least likely they are to find another job?
...and because they can't find a job they'll more than likely end up in the ranks of the 21st century American proletariats, i.e. Obama's footsoldiers or ''øbamakids''... take your pick. :1orglaugh

So you are basically implying that Obama is trying to increase taxes on the work force by decreasing the U.S. work force.
No wonder we are always in such a mess after you guys leave office...Republican math is pretty fucked up.
The republicans would love nothing more than to see unemployment rise and the economy get worse. The more terrible things are, the better their chances are of getting elected in 2012.

It wouldn't matter if Obama came up with the smartest, best plan that could possibly be created in order to fix the economy. The republicans would shit all over it and keep it from getting passed.

I say fuck them all. I'm not dumb enough to think that one party or the other is working for my best interests. Doesn't matter to me who is in the white house. I'll get by. I'll just keep working and plugging away until the day I die. And if I get fired and can't find another job, I'll just put on a ski mask and rob people at gun point if I have to. Whatever it takes to make ends meet.:violent:

cindy CD/TV

More stupidity from the Tea Party? Not shocked.

“war against business and my country.”... Sounds like the teabaggers want to hurt the American worker more by denying them the chance to be employed. Dipshits...

I love it when people haven't got a clue what they're talking about, and boy if there was ever a group that didn't know what the fuck they were talking about it's the teabaggers.

To directly address the post above me re: Obama spending six million dollars a minute, how about we put things into perspective and see which administrations own what part of the national debt. Of the combined $14 trillion the United States currently owes, presidents Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II own a combined $12 trillion. Let's give credit where credit's due instead of trying to blame the black guy. FUCK. YOU. It's always the Left that brings up race. ALWAYS.

http://zfacts.com/p/1170.html This might as well be called zfantasy.com. :brick:

Beware of painting a broad brush over an entire group about which you know nothing -- or only know through biased news reporting. :nono: Tea Party Nation does NOT speak for the tea party movement as a whole. Get it? This Melissa Brookstone moron does NOT speak for the tea party movement as a whole. Get it? And it's called the TEA PARTY, get it? I swear, if I see the word "teabagger" one more time I'm gonna start calling the lefties something equally nasty, like the Cleveland Steamers. Or Jelly Donuts. Yes, you three amigos are jelly donuts (check the Urban Dictionary if you're really that clueless :facepalm:).

Seems like everyone treats us tea party members like we're evil, racist, destructive Bible-thumpers (and there's a world of difference between social/Christian Right conservatives and fiscal conservatives). But it's the government that has led us to economic ruin through its policies. For example, easing mortgage lending restrictions led to a massive housing boom and started a feeding frenzy among big corporations eager to cash in. Blame corporations for their role in the disaster, yes, but the Left fought and clawed to ease those lending restrictions in order to pander to its key constituency -- the poor. Well, they all got what they wanted, didn't they? People without so much as a pot to piss in were thus able to sign mortgage deals they couldn't even begin to afford. People with bad credit were allowed to refinance with fixed starter rates that adjusted explosively once the first term ended. I don't see how any of that is the tea party's fault.

This country is now $14T+ in debt -- it's gone up $5T (one-third) since 2008 alone! The tea party did NOT put us into debt. The tea party is NOT responsible for the fact that the United States borrows 42 cents on every dollar it spends -- or that China owns a large chunk of that debt. The tea party is NOT responsible for the housing crash or the recession that followed. The tea party did NOT get us involved in 100 different military conflicts (I'm exaggerating that number for effect, folks :rolleyes:). So if the tea party is NOT responsible, then who is? You know who.

All the tea party has done is try to hold Congress -- Repubs and Dems both -- accountable (the operative word being "try"), to make it think twice before writing out blank checks that spend the nation into oblivion. Health care overhaul, anyone? What is so wrong with trying to live WITHIN a budget like we (should) do at the household level? You want something to cut from the federal budget that will really save some serious money? How about cutting that huge financial albatross that some choose to call the "health care overhaul." The Dems charged this on the national credit card and now complain how there's no money for their pet social programs. And now they're demanding that the rich pay their "fair share" to help pay for all this shit. The really truly funny thing is: taxing the rich won't even come close to balancing the scales!! :1orglaugh :facepalm: So go ahead and tax away ... and then what? Tax the middle class next? If we're serious about increasing revenue by way of taxation then EVERYONE (rich, middle class, poor) will need to pay more. Period. Another government no-no: the first stimulus. All told, about $1T was spent expanding the PUBLIC sector, doing nothing to help the private sector grow and speed along economic recovery. Obama and his bullet-proof majority in Congress spent the bulk of the first two years of his presidency (NOT focused on jobs, or solving the housing crisis, or trying to balance the budget) trying to pass health care and giving billions in "stimulus" payoffs to companies and organizations that backed his 2008 campaign. How about Solyndra and that entire so-called green energy industry bullshit? What a resounding success. So many jobs created yet unemployment is "only" 9%. :rolleyes: The tea party had nothing to do with that. How about Obama's best pal Jeffrey Immelt and GE getting a tax holiday on $14B in profits -- nevermind the fact that GE is doing a shitload of business from China -- can't blame the tea party for any of that.

Yet WE, the tea party, are the "stupid" "dipshits" who don't "have a clue." Really? What about those Occupy protesters? At least the tea party generally agrees on a fundamental fiscal goal. The Occupiers can't even agree on whether to use leafs or their hands to wipe their asses. If you guys love generalizing so much, let's try this out for fun: All the liberal loons in the Occupy movement are neo-hippies who blame the Jewish guys. There. So what's that taste like? I know! Jelly donuts... :stir:
Yet WE, the tea party, are the "stupid" "dipshits" who don't "have a clue." Really? What about those Occupy protesters? At least the tea party generally agrees on a fundamental fiscal goal.

What y'all absolutely MUST do is disassociate yourselves from the Palins, Bachmanns and assorted other fundy whack jobs who've been allowed to become your representatives in the mass media. Until that happens you're going to be looked at with suspicion and disdain, no matter how solid your platform sounds in principle.

cindy CD/TV

What y'all absolutely MUST do is disassociate yourselves from the Palins, Bachmanns and assorted other fundy whack jobs who've been allowed to become your representatives in the mass media. Until that happens you're going to be looked at with suspicion and disdain, no matter how solid your platform sounds in principle.

I agree, totally. :yesyes: But here's the thing: They annointed themselves as "queens" of the tea party movement. Too bad those muppets never bothered to ask us average footsoldiers first. :mad: The wealthy tea party people love those bitches. But the rest us, not so much.

But if the tea party must disavow the Palins, Bachmanns and Ron Pauls in order to be taken seriously, then wouldn't it also hold that the Left needs to cut ties with wackadoodles like Michael Moore, Bill Maher, Jesse Jackson, Susan Sarandon, Janeane Garofalo, Danny Glover, Sean Penn and Al Sharpton? :dunno:
Beware of painting a broad brush over an entire group about which you know nothing -- or only know through biased news reporting. :nono: Tea Party Nation does NOT speak for the tea party movement as a whole. Get it? This Melissa Brookstone moron does NOT speak for the tea party movement as a whole. Get it? And it's called the TEA PARTY, get it? I swear, if I see the word "teabagger" one more time I'm gonna start calling the lefties something equally nasty, like the Cleveland Steamers. Or Jelly Donuts. Yes, you three amigos are jelly donuts (check the Urban Dictionary if you're really that clueless :facepalm:).

Seems like everyone treats us tea party members like we're evil, racist, destructive Bible-thumpers (and there's a world of difference between social/Christian Right conservatives and fiscal conservatives). But it's the government that has led us to economic ruin through its policies. For example, easing mortgage lending restrictions led to a massive housing boom and started a feeding frenzy among big corporations eager to cash in. Blame corporations for their role in the disaster, yes, but the Left fought and clawed to ease those lending restrictions in order to pander to its key constituency -- the poor. Well, they all got what they wanted, didn't they? People without so much as a pot to piss in were thus able to sign mortgage deals they couldn't even begin to afford. People with bad credit were allowed to refinance with fixed starter rates that adjusted explosively once the first term ended. I don't see how any of that is the tea party's fault.

This country is now $14T+ in debt -- it's gone up $5T (one-third) since 2008 alone! The tea party did NOT put us into debt. The tea party is NOT responsible for the fact that the United States borrows 42 cents on every dollar it spends -- or that China owns a large chunk of that debt. The tea party is NOT responsible for the housing crash or the recession that followed. The tea party did NOT get us involved in 100 different military conflicts (I'm exaggerating that number for effect, folks :rolleyes:). So if the tea party is NOT responsible, then who is? You know who.

All the tea party has done is try to hold Congress -- Repubs and Dems both -- accountable (the operative word being "try"), to make it think twice before writing out blank checks that spend the nation into oblivion. Health care overhaul, anyone? What is so wrong with trying to live WITHIN a budget like we (should) do at the household level? You want something to cut from the federal budget that will really save some serious money? How about cutting that huge financial albatross that some choose to call the "health care overhaul." The Dems charged this on the national credit card and now complain how there's no money for their pet social programs. And now they're demanding that the rich pay their "fair share" to help pay for all this shit. The really truly funny thing is: taxing the rich won't even come close to balancing the scales!! :1orglaugh :facepalm: So go ahead and tax away ... and then what? Tax the middle class next? If we're serious about increasing revenue by way of taxation then EVERYONE (rich, middle class, poor) will need to pay more. Period. Another government no-no: the first stimulus. All told, about $1T was spent expanding the PUBLIC sector, doing nothing to help the private sector grow and speed along economic recovery. Obama and his bullet-proof majority in Congress spent the bulk of the first two years of his presidency (NOT focused on jobs, or solving the housing crisis, or trying to balance the budget) trying to pass health care and giving billions in "stimulus" payoffs to companies and organizations that backed his 2008 campaign. How about Solyndra and that entire so-called green energy industry bullshit? What a resounding success. So many jobs created yet unemployment is "only" 9%. :rolleyes: The tea party had nothing to do with that. How about Obama's best pal Jeffrey Immelt and GE getting a tax holiday on $14B in profits -- nevermind the fact that GE is doing a shitload of business from China -- can't blame the tea party for any of that.

Yet WE, the tea party, are the "stupid" "dipshits" who don't "have a clue." Really? What about those Occupy protesters? At least the tea party generally agrees on a fundamental fiscal goal. The Occupiers can't even agree on whether to use leafs or their hands to wipe their asses. If you guys love generalizing so much, let's try this out for fun: All the liberal loons in the Occupy movement are neo-hippies who blame the Jewish guys. There. So what's that taste like? I know! Jelly donuts... :stir:

Teabagger. Teabagger. Teabagger. Teabagger. Teabagger. Teabagger.:rofl2::wave2:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
What y'all absolutely MUST do is disassociate yourselves from the Palins, Bachmanns and assorted other fundy whack jobs who've been allowed to become your representatives in the mass media. Until that happens you're going to be looked at with suspicion and disdain, no matter how solid your platform sounds in principle.

We've got the wacko faction, the not as wacko as the wacko faction, and the fairly normal people faction who are just tired of the bullshit our own government is pulling.

But you're absolutely right. The Palins and Bachmanns will be in the front and center because the normal people are relatively boring and don't get the ratings that the wackos do. Sad...

I agree, totally. :yesyes: But here's the thing: They annointed themselves as "queens" of the tea party movement. Too bad those muppets never bothered to ask us average footsoldiers first. :mad: The wealthy tea party people love those bitches. But the rest us, not so much.

But if the tea party must disavow the Palins, Bachmanns and Ron Pauls in order to be taken seriously, then wouldn't it also hold that the Left needs to cut ties with wackadoodles like Michael Moore, Bill Maher, Jesse Jackson, Susan Sarandon, Janeane Garofalo, Danny Glover, Sean Penn and Al Sharpton? :dunno:

Honestly, I think the normal people need to completely disassociate themselves from the wacko group and figure out a way to stand on their own because all the world is seeing is the Palins, Bachmanns, and Ron Pauls.

They're the ones everyone saw in the debt ceiling talk playing economic terrorist, they're the ones that the whole world thinks needs to be put in loony bins...they overshadow the real people.

This may be a gamble, but I think the normal people need to get their asses to the biggest faction of OWS and organize it. Then they've disassociated themselves, the wacko faction won't want to have anything to do with them, and we can get on with it.

But, that's just what I think as an American living on the outside looking back in.


Why not, øbama, the polarizer in chief is spending some six million, that's ''$6,000,000'', a minute of borrowed chinese revenue in order to embed and impose his socialist ideology throughout America, how else would you expect the opposition to respond? :rolleyes:

You're supposed to write socialist in capital letters.

makes it sound more VALID and SCARIER and more URGENT.

cindy CD/TV

We've got the wacko faction, the not as wacko as the wacko faction, and the fairly normal people faction who are just tired of the bullshit our own government is pulling.

But you're absolutely right. The Palins and Bachmanns will be in the front and center because the normal people are relatively boring and don't get the ratings that the wackos do. Sad...

Honestly, I think the normal people need to completely disassociate themselves from the wacko group and figure out a way to stand on their own because all the world is seeing is the Palins, Bachmanns, and Ron Pauls.

They're the ones everyone saw in the debt ceiling talk playing economic terrorist, they're the ones that the whole world thinks needs to be put in loony bins...they overshadow the real people.

This may be a gamble, but I think the normal people need to get their asses to the biggest faction of OWS and organize it. Then they've disassociated themselves, the wacko faction won't want to have anything to do with them, and we can get on with it.

But, that's just what I think as an American living on the outside looking back in.

There's merit in your idea, and maybe we should even take it a step further and dispense with the tea party moniker altogether, since that's become such a four-letter word. *glancing in exasperation over at Icecold*

Teabagger. Teabagger. Teabagger. Teabagger. Teabagger. Teabagger.:rofl2::wave2:

Cheeky, Ice. Very cheeky. Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck. :1orglaugh I opened the door on that one, didn't I. :brick:
All the tea party has done is try to hold Congress -- Repubs and Dems both -- accountable (the operative word being "try"), to make it think twice before writing out blank checks that spend the nation into oblivion. Health care overhaul, anyone? What is so wrong with trying to live WITHIN a budget like we (should) do at the household level? You want something to cut from the federal budget that will really save some serious money? How about cutting that huge financial albatross that some choose to call the "health care overhaul." The Dems charged this on the national credit card and now complain how there's no money for their pet social programs. And now they're demanding that the rich pay their "fair share" to help pay for all this shit. The really truly funny thing is: taxing the rich won't even come close to balancing the scales!! :1orglaugh :facepalm: So go ahead and tax away ... and then what? Tax the middle class next? If we're serious about increasing revenue by way of taxation then EVERYONE (rich, middle class, poor) will need to pay more. Period. Another government no-no: the first stimulus. All told, about $1T was spent expanding the PUBLIC sector, doing nothing to help the private sector grow and speed along economic recovery. Obama and his bullet-proof majority in Congress spent the bulk of the first two years of his presidency (NOT focused on jobs, or solving the housing crisis, or trying to balance the budget) trying to pass health care and giving billions in "stimulus" payoffs to companies and organizations that backed his 2008 campaign. How about Solyndra and that entire so-called green energy industry bullshit? What a resounding success. So many jobs created yet unemployment is "only" 9%. :rolleyes: The tea party had nothing to do with that. How about Obama's best pal Jeffrey Immelt and GE getting a tax holiday on $14B in profits -- nevermind the fact that GE is doing a shitload of business from China -- can't blame the tea party for any of that.
So is the tea party willing to cut the over sized military budget, SS, and the prescription benefits they use?
The only people who are suggesting raising taxes on the bottom half are the Republicans.
If GE getting a tax holiday is so bad then why do the Republicans want to lower their taxes?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: Tea Party Nation Urges Businesses To Stop Hiring In Order To Hurt Obama

Why not, øbama, the polarizer in chief is spending some six million, that's ''$6,000,000'', a minute of borrowed chinese revenue in order to embed and impose his socialist ideology throughout America, how else would you expect the opposition to respond? :rolleyes:

In fact, Obama isn't the least bit interested in getting the unemployed back to work, why? Because he wants as many Americans as possible to get hooked on government subsidies, that way he can raise we the working peoples' taxes (redistribute the wealth) all the more... remember? the longer someone is out of work, the least likely they are to find another job?
...and because they can't find a job they'll more than likely end up in the ranks of the 21st century American proletariats, i.e. Obama's footsoldiers or ''øbamakids''... take your pick. :1orglaugh

I'm going to assume that you're trying to live up to your screen name, Facetious. Otherwise, you'd be suggesting that if the unemployment rate soared to 18%, Obama's chances of being re-elected would double. :facepalm:

I'm not an economic historian, political scientist or anything, but I'm fairly certain that it doesn't quite work like that. Not positive... but pretty dang sure.

As for how I'd expect the "opposition" to respond, I guess that depends on whether or not their allegiance is to the republic... or to a political movement. But Melissa has already done a pretty good job of answering that question for me. ;)
The republicans would love nothing more than to see unemployment rise and the economy get worse. The more terrible things are, the better their chances are of getting elected in 2012.

It wouldn't matter if Obama came up with the smartest, best plan that could possibly be created in order to fix the economy. The republicans would shit all over it and keep it from getting passed.

I say fuck them all. I'm not dumb enough to think that one party or the other is working for my best interests. Doesn't matter to me who is in the white house. I'll get by. I'll just keep working and plugging away until the day I die. And if I get fired and can't find another job, I'll just put on a ski mask and rob people at gun point if I have to. Whatever it takes to make ends meet.:violent:

I agree! :nanner: