I'm looking to sell my rather expansive collection of various videos (and other things of higher value) and was wondering - I make slightly less than the personal allowance amount in the UK, and if I sold all these for what I want them to go for it would push my income over the personal allowance limit. I've heard from other people that sales should be taxed as normally, but can't find anything online or from tax calculators like this one. Anyone here been in a similar situation and have some advice for me?
I'm looking to sell my rather expansive collection of various videos (and other things of higher value) and was wondering - I make slightly less than the personal allowance amount in the UK, and if I sold all these for what I want them to go for it would push my income over the personal allowance limit. I've heard from other people that sales should be taxed as normally, but can't find anything online or from tax calculators like this one. Anyone here been in a similar situation and have some advice for me?