Sybil Danning vs. Linnea Quigley

Who was hotter during the 80's?

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Which B-movie actress was hotter during the 80's? Sybil Danning or Linnea Quigley?


Linnea Quigley.I’ll never forget the scene in Return of the Living Dead where she dances naked in the graveyard.


Postal Paranoiac
@sarone4 Only one of those pics is Quigley. The others are various actresses from the film Savage Streets.

Two different looks. Danning was/is the "beat your ass then fuck you" type. Guigley was/is more my type...petite and soft. Both women were very showy and sexual. But I'd go with Quigley as a personal preference. Looks-wise they're in the same league I think.
